F I V E | 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝

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Laying down on the hard, cold floor, Kevin thought about what you gave him.

That note, the adres. Tonight was the night he was supposed to go, but he didn't. He didn't really think you were being serious about that, because why would you invite Kevin? Kevin isn't special, he isn't smart, funny, handsome. He was actually the complete opposite of that.

But you, you were beyond beautiful. In Kevin's eyes you were legit perfect. Perfect length hair, perfect height, perfect body shape, perfect voice, perfect eyes, mouth, nose, jaw, lips, eyebrows, eyelashes. Everything about you were absolutely beautiful.

So to Kevin, it didn't make sense to why you would want to talk to him. You could talk to a million other people, but you choose to talk to him. There's so many people, way to many people out there for you to be talking to him. For some reason, he didn't trust it. But his brain was happy to think that someone would actually want to talk to him, especially a pretty girl like you.

Kevin smiled to himself- oh yeah. SMILED. Kevin can't remember the last time he smiled since he meet you, actually he doesn't think he's ever smiled In his whole life. He's only had fake smiles, not real ones. But recently he's been smiling more often, which is something that he found strange, nonetheless enjoyable.

Suddenly, a loud creak was heard echoing throughout the house. Kevin shifted up to see his mom come home from wherever she was. The light was dim enough so she couldn't see Kevin staring at her, but Kevin could see her perfectly fine.

Kevin laid down flat on the floor, covering his mouth so he wouldn't make any noise. He shut his eyes and listened as she picked up a phone call.

"Hello?" She spoke, walking around in the kitchen with her phone near his mouth.

"Are you kicking Kevin out yet?" A young lady asked thru the phone.

Kevin felt himself go into shock, stiffening up and shooting his eyes open. panic began to rise within him after the shock left, kick him out? What did she mean by that? Was Kevin going to get kicked out go his house? And if so, why? Where would Kevin go after that?

He tried to compose himself, breathing in and out and clawing his nails at his skin as in attempt to keep his screams in.

A rough laugh was heard that woke Kevin's senses up. "No not yet, very soon though. I just need time to get things organized for him."

"Why? You should just kick Kevin out and move your boyfriend in right now!" The voice suggested.


Kevin didn't know much about relationships, but one thing he did know was common sense. Having a boyfriend should not kick Kevin out! So it was either his mom replacing him or her boyfriend pressuring.

His mom groaned. "I can't! I don't even wanna look at his disgusting face. And his icky body, it's better I tell him when he gets punished again."

Icky? Was Kevin really that disgusting? To the point where his own mother can't stand to look into his eyes, nonetheless his body?

"Okay then, you should come over right now! David is here right now and he wants a threesome..." the women snickered thru the phone.

His mom gasped. "David? Oh hell yeah, I'm coming quick."

Kevin heard loud feet stomp on the ground as the door swung open and she left the house, leaving Kevin alone in the dark with his thoughts.

Was he really getting kicked out? Why? For what? Kevin tried to be the best he could. He tried to be well behaved, constantly offering for help with things and cleaning up the house all the time for a little bit of credit. Why was that not enough? Why did he have to get kicked out? Kevin couldn't live on his own, he's never been taught about that. He's never asked about that, he's never needed to know about that.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now