T W E N T Y | T W O | 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞

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Currently in Cali 🥶came in for grandpas funeral may he rest in peace✝️

That night you came home to see Kevin laying down on the coach, very tired and even seemed to look sick. His cheeks were rose red and the tip of his nose was pink and cold. He was sleeping peacefully and soundly as he laid there wrapped up in a soft brown blanket.

The second you closed the door, he woke up. That fucking loud ass creaking door you swear...

He seemed alarmed but maybe he was too tired to react because he still laid there, but his eyes were now open and staring at you while his head sat up a bit. You smiled hesitantly at him, waving a shaky hand because the question you were about to ask might make him feel either really good or the complete opposite.

You put your purse down in the counter and took out your phone charger and a pack of gum. "You got the medicine I left you?" You looked to the side to the note and the medicine gone.

Answered my own question.

Just to make sure though, Kevin hummed a deep groan towards you.

You smiled and walked over to him in the living room. You sat down on a chair next to the coach he was on and stared down at him for a bit. Contemplating on if you should ask him or not, he didn't look or sound too good and you didn't want to put pressure and or stress on him.

Kevin stared back at you, looking lazily at your eyes before looking down at your lips. He lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes softly. He looked amazing even if he wasn't in the best state.

You know what? Fuck it. You cleared your throat, "Kevin. Can I ask you something?"

Kevin's eyes immediately fluttered open again and he found your eyes, like there was hope in them and almost a pleading like stare.

You sighed. You couldn't ask him, even if you weren't the one going out with Kevin it felt like as if you were asking the same question. Why did asking him out for another girl feel so strange? It's not like it's your first time...

But you couldn't leave him hanging. "Where did the note go?" You sighed out.

Kevin could till- somehow- that you wanted to ask something else. Nevertheless, he answered.

"It's in my front pocket." He grumbled out. His voice had rasp in it and it was deeper than usual.

You shook your head before you could have any perverted thoughts in it. "Why?"

Kevin blushed and tilted his head away, shifting his body away from yours and tucking his head in the pillow. "I re-read it a few times." Now it was your turn to blush. "I just liked the thought of having someone to care for me."

He tucked himself in the blanket even more. "And I guess I just like the thought of it being you."

Well shit. You didn't know rather to be heartbroken or heart-warmed. Kevin's way to pure for you, and he just confirmed it right now. Maybe bringing this date up is for the best.

"Aw Kevin. That's...so sweet."

It was silent for a bit more. Just enjoying each others company. Despite the big argument from yesterday and the name calling and whatnot, it just seemed that both of you moved past it surprisingly quick. And you weren't complaining, just anticipating the moment where the both of you will have to adres it to each other and talk about it.

Or maybe you guys can just chill like this and never mention the biggest day between you two. That sounds much better and beneficial between you two.

You cleared your throat, staring down at him to see him already staring at you. You guys locked eyes, deep in each others soul. And you didn't deny feeling that fuzziness in your soft chest.

"Just hear me out, Kevin, because this question might be a hard one." You started off. He closed his eyes tight before reopening them again and taking a few revisioning blinks. To your knowledge, maybe that was a way for him to prepare?

You sighed, "So I have this teammate and she seems to find an interest in you." You based out.

Kevin blinked a few times at you before scratching the tip of his nose and letting out a breathless sigh. "Okay?"

Now it was your turn to blink at him in confusion, "And she likes you and she's pretty. She likes you...she wants to date you."

Kevin yawned and closed his eyes again. He nuzzled against his brown blanket like he was preparing for another nap. "I don't want to date her; if she's pretty or not."

A harsh hiss slipped thru your sharp teeth in disbelief. "Well I agreed to her that I would put her and you on a date!" Kevin shot his eyes open and looked straight towards you.

"Why would you tell her that!?" He exclaimed, though his voice sounded scratchy due to his previous sobbing from the night before. He sat up all the way and parted his lips, waiting for you to respond.

You shrugged. "I dunno...I thought maybe you would like her because you and her have a lot in common." You felt guilty as Kevin bit his lower lip.

It was silent for a bit.

"It's okay to give people chances, Kevin, maybe you should give her a chance."

Kevin huffed and turned away from you. "If that's so, why don't you give me a chance?"

You let outa loud sigh. "It's different between you and me and I don't want to be in a relationship right now."

Kevin stayed still and quiet, but you could practically feel the anger steaming out of Kevin's body. He closed his eyes shut tight and took some deep breaths.

You didn't really know what to do, you hadn't seen Kevin act so...different. So you just sat there, conflicted and confused about this whole conversation.

Finally, Kevin spoke up, "I'll go on the date with her."

You frowned. Oh gosh why did you frown? Why were you hoping for him to decline the offer you persisted on?

"N-nice! I'll uhm give you her uh number I guess."

Kevin looked up at you and studied your face, looking at your eyes and your twitching lips that dared to move down. Your nose flared a lot to which Kevin took a glance at.

"I'm not going on the date because I find attraction towards her, only because you said so and I want to do what you say."

Your heart practically leaped out of your chest when you heard that. You smiled warmly at him and blushed a bit, to which Kevin took notice of.

Kevin smiled back at you and raised an eyebrow, "Why are you blush-"

His sentence got cut off by a warm and gentle kiss on the lips.

The tingles arose beneath the both of you as you kissed his nice and wet pink lips. Feeling the intimacy of his warm and soft lips on yours, it felt tingly in a good way.

As you let go, you looked at Kevin and smiled. "I'll send you home soon."


(Guys I'm so obsessed over this one guy at school bc he reminds me of Kevin Alvarez 😭...)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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