Chapter 1 - The Vangaurd Action Squad Succeeds

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"Y/n, I want you to go to your room and not come out. Can you do that?" Your dad said, putting "father" back on. "Why? Is Dabi's team in trouble? What's going on?" "No, no. Nothing's wrong. Kurogiri's getting them right now, but they're bringing a friend back and I don't think their friend is ready to see you. Can you go wait in your room a little? I can see if I can play tomorrow." You smiled and nodded.

You ended up falling asleep for only 10 minutes before you heard crashing and yelling downstairs. A few seconds later Toga came into your room. "Hey girly! Don't worry about the yelling, that's just Bakugo." She giggled. "Guess what?" she said, sitting on your bed. You sat up quickly, "What?" "I found a cute boy I like!" She giggled again. "He has curly green hair and freckles, he's the cutest!" She laid down and you two talked until you fell asleep, side by side.

When you woke up the next morning, Toga was replaced with a plate of eggs and bacon. You knew you weren't allowed to go downstairs yet, so you ate and laid your head down. How was life so boring for the daughter of a villain boss? You'd never committed a crime, and never gone on a mission.

You were very young, but knew what you wanted. You wanted to help your dad and be the person he wanted you to be. From a younge age, you'd admired him and devoted your time and resources to him. You wanted to be exactly like him. You already had his quirk decay, but you also had a mutation of his and your mothers quirk. Hers was called Opposite, making everything she touches have opposite characteristics, which meant you had decay, to weaken, and ameliorate, to strengthen. However, decay took a lot less amount of energy to use. Unlike your father, you could control decay. Ameliorate was a lot tougher to use, so you were having trouble taming it.

Decay and ameliorate had different effects on you. You had your father's eyes, but when you used decay they turned like your mom's. Ameliorate had a glow around whatever you were strengthening and turned your eyes white (with a slight golden tint). You had never tested it, but you assumed that ameliorate upgraded physical stats, like strength and health... You thought of it as if it were a video game. Meanwhile, decay was meant to destroy those stats. You'd also discovered that neither your or your dad's decay could harm you.

So how did you have a dangerous villain dad, a gang, two powerful quirks and still have what had to be one of the most boring lives ever. The only thrill you really had was sneaking a hero magazine. You knew you weren't allowed to own anything hero based, but something about heroes fascinated you. It had to be the courage and integrity. There were some you didn't like, but a lot more that you did like. You pulled out your hero magazine and flipped to page 27, which was basically your go-to page. You smiled and stared at the woman's beautiful face. Mirko. She had to be your favorite hero of them all. She had brute strength and had proven over and over that she just didn't know when to quit. You loved that in her. To you, she was everything a hero should be. Someone that prioritizes not only the safety of anyone and everyone, but also winning with a smile. Many would say All Might represented that, but not to you. You had always thought Mirko was the best hero out there.

You read the paragraphs about Mirko. It told about her winning the UA sports festival in her second year and how she became the number 5 hero. Your reading was interrupted by footsteps heading your way. You hid the magazine underneath your mattress and your dad walked in your room. "Morning. You barely touched your breakfast." "G'morning. Oh, yeah. Guess I just wasn't that hungry. When can I come downstairs?" "Soon. We just have to wait a little bit, but we're patient people, right?" "Right..." you said in an uncertain voice. You could be patient, but your dad wasn't as patient as you. He sat behind you and started to fix your hair. "Daddy?" He hummed in response. "When we will live better? Like you used to tell me we would when I was younger." He thought for a few seconds. "I have a feeling our luck will get really good soon. Very soon."

Choosing Sides {The daughter of Tomura Shigaraki}Where stories live. Discover now