Chapter 18 - Ekamaru

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Life sucks

But anyways, thank you all for 1k views

You don't know what went through your mind when you had realized where you were going, but you had ended right back in Musutafu. The city hadn't received as much damage as the others you'd seen, but it wasn't in good condition either.

Just like how it was for your dad, no one payed you any attention, not even villains looking to get a few cheap bucks. How ironic.

You'd found an alley that was clean (compared to everywhere else) and made yourself comfortable there. It had been 4 days since you left the mansion and a day in Musutafu. Every so often, you saw green flashes of lightning that sent shivers down your spine.

It didn't take much for you to find out Izuku had become a vigilante, since no one else was playing hero. Sometimes when he was close, you watched his battles, careful not to be seen.

You laid on your bed, tired of all the walking you had to do just for food. You had some cash, from your dad when he was just a thug and not the most dangerous villain in Japan, and used it to buy food and water. So far, it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.

The best part was that you hadn't encountered any UA students, since Izuku was the only one playing vigilante. Everything was great, right now.

At least, it was.

"Don't open your eyesss. It'll make thisss fassster and easssier for both of usss."

You opened your eyes to see the stuff that might haunt your nightmares. A man with silky, yet matted, oil-black hair stood above you. His eyes were yellow, with cat-like pupils, yet the white part was red, like he hadn't slept for a week. His skin was paper-white, it looked like he had never been outside. You didn't have anytime to take in how dangerous he seemed, or even speak, before he opened his mouth and a pale-green snake lept out of his thoat. Your reflexes kicked in and before it could bite you or reach your face, you slapped it. The snake hissed and the man stepped back, his body cringing in pain.

"Ek-a-rar-oo!" It sounded like, he said "Ekamaru", but couldn't speak clearly because of the snake in his throat. The snake's side slowly started to turn to dust. You panicked and stopped the decay, leaving an incomplete hole in it's side. By now, you were already on your feet, and backing away from the man. Now they were both mad. The man's boney hands became snakes, that had slight differences to the one in his throat.

"Massster, forgive me. I failed to kill the girl the firssst time, but I won't fail again. I ssswear!" The man prayed (or at least it seemed like it). He wasn't talking to "master", he didn't have an ear piece or anything. Was All For One his "master"?

You didn't have time to think about that now, though. The snakes lundged towards you, and you turn and ran like your life depended on it, which it did.

You twisted and turned down alleys, but it seemed like no matter where you went, he found you. You even took the high ground a few times, but he still followed you. This was sick. Not the fact that you were being attacked by a villain. That happened every day, even before the war. It was the fact that no one helped. No one gave you a second glance. No "hero" came to your rescue. Instead, those "heroes" decided that helping a seven year old girl survive a villain targeting her was too hard so they hung up their capes.

Or... most of them. You ran, your head turned to see the man and Ekamaru's every move. You didn't notice when you ran into a large figure. Your body tumbled to the ground and you noticed the snake man stop. You looked up to see worn out boots and green pants. A raggedy jacket with a yellow cape torn to almost shreds and a mask that made the man look much more menacing. Deku never left.

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