Chapter 24 - Terrors

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Happy birthday to me :)

"What do we do with her?" You heard Dabi's voice say. But... that couldn't be right. You were safe at UA with Deku, weren't you?

You tried to move your arms, but to no avail. They seemed to be tied up in a thick, itchy rope. You had to make sure you were safe... with Deku...

"Daddy?" You called, hoping no one would answer, hoping Deku would wrap you in his arms, telling you everything was okay. But Deku didn't comfort you.

"You betrayed me, Y/n." Your father's voice sent shivers down your spine. Your body was turned to face The League of Villains.

"You betrayed me. I don't like traitors." Your father almost looked rabid, his eyes burned with insanity. "B-but I thought you loved me, Daddy!"

"I do... but you betrayed me," he said, almost in slow motion, "and traitors get punished." He edged closer.

"No, Daddy, no! Let me go, or- or- or Deku'll save me! And he-he'll beat you up, r-real bad! Don't Daddy!" You cried for help, the tears threatening to spill out of your eyes.

He continued to edge closer, at your feet by now. "You betrayed me, I hate traitors. You should know that better than anyone. You were supposed to be my daughter, Y/n. Your mom wouldn't be happy, Y/n." You couldn't speak. Words were clouded by sobs and tears.

"You betrayed me, Y/n. I hate traitors, Y/n." He slowly, or at least it seemed slowly, put his hand on your face, your heart dropping. All you could do was scream. You cried the only thing you could think, as you crumbled.

"DEKU!!!" you cried. You opened your eyes. You were still in recovery girl's hospital. You looked out of the window, not noticing the tears rolling down your face or the pool of sweat you were swimming in.

You remembered what you'd just experienced. Was it a dream? It felt so real.

Tears clouded your eyes again. Before, you were sure your father would never hurt you, but your dream was making you question that. Was he coming? Did he want revenge?

Once again, you were terrified of outside the window. The bushes looked like Dabi's hair, the distant ones looked like Toga's and the moss on trees looked like your dad's. A cold shiver of fear ran down your spine.

You couldn't think of anything else to do, except scream. Only after a second of screaming, you started crying, sitting up.

Recovery Girl stormed from the Teacher's dorms to the student's dorms. She went into the 1-A dorms, searching the doors until she found 'Izuku Midoriya' on the sign.

When she did find the dormitory, she knocked on the door with rage in her fists. After a short minute, Izuku opened the door, black circles under his eyes.

"Recovery Girl? What are you doing here?" "Your little friend's been crying all night, Midoriya! When I agreed to take care of the poor girl, I didn't know that meant all day and all night! For my sake, she's been screaming your name for the past 10 minutes, please, calm her!"

Deku blinked, trying to comprehend everything Recovery Girl was telling him. What was wrong with you? Were you okay? Why were you screaming for him and crying? Deku walked down the hall, a few heads peaking out of their dorms, and a few people following from afar.

Recovery Girl led him to the infirmary. When he got there, you were sitting up on your bed, and, through sobs, crying for Deku, a blanket wrapped around you. He engulfed you in his arms, rocking you back in forth. "It's okay! I'm here, I'm here, Y/n. Tell me what's wrong."

"I- I- I s-saw my dadd-y-y! They're ou- tside, they're ou-tside! I saw the- them! Don- t let them g-get me, De- Deku! Don't let the-m get me- e!" Deku looked out the window. "I think you had a nightmare, Y/n. No one's there-" "No! It felt real! It was really real! Daddy's gonna kill me!" "He'll never touch you ever again, Y/n. If he does, I'll defeat 'em all." "You don't know that! He'll-"

"Watch me."

Okay, so it's not technically my birthday but when I started writing this it was so... 

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