Chapter 6 - The Shie Hassaikai

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Decided to post chapters 6 & 7 early

You knocked on the door and it opened slightly. "Just open up Giran, it's just me." Giran opened his door. "Hey kid. Shigiraki told me you'd be coming to me for the way back to the new temporary hideout, but I didn't think you'd be coming so soon." Giran greeted. "Alright alright, let's just go..." Giran put out his cigarette. "Hold on kid, let me get a new one." He put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it. "Dabi's fire is better than this, but this will do." "Cool. Now let's go." You tried to pull him, but he didn't budge. "Giran... Let's goooo!" "Alright Alright! I'm coming."


You approached the big warehouse. Giran opened the door, "Special delivery." Your face lit up when you saw everyone there.Giran closed the door and left as you ran to your dad and hugged him first and he ruffled your hair with four fingers. "How was the mission?" "It went smooth. I got the info just like you wanted!" You ran to each member of the League, smothering them with your love.

"Where's Jin?" "Jin's looking for some more playmates for us... He'll be back very soon." The door opened. "Hey guys, I'm back. And I brought that guy. He said he wanted to talk to you, so, here we are. He's quiet but pretty cool. He seems like a real creep." "Jin!" You were about to run to hug Jin, but your dad held you back. He stood. "Well now, you brought us a pretty big catch, huh Twice?"

Your father eyes the man that stepped forward. "You think so? Strange, coming from you. The League of Villains." Magne asked the question you were wondering. "What gives? Is this guy famous or something?" "My master showed me a picture of him. He's what you call 'yakuza'. The young head of the Shie Hassaikai. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The Shie Hassaikai. You'd only heard the stories about them that your father used to tell. "He's the number two... of the whole gang?" Magne seemed interested "Oooo! I've never met anyone like him before! He smells so dangerous. How exciting!" Toga was the opposite, "What's the big deal? We're all criminals here, so how is this guy different?" Mr. Compress told the story of the upringing of the Shie Hassaikai. He called them an "endangered species". "Yeah, what's a yakuza thug from the slums doing here? Lemme guess, you're excited about All Might's retirement, too?" "It's good that he's gone, sure, but I'm more interested in All for Ones absense.

This caught your fathers attention. "The dark lord of the shadows. The old-timer's always feared him. Even after the rumors of his death. Honestly, though, people my age just thought he was an urban legend. You can imagine the shock when he showed up in the flesh. But in the end, the big bad was thrown into Tartarus and the symbol of peace retired. That means those of us in the shadows and those in the light are both leaderless. So... who will step up to take their places?" You could feel his cold glare, it sent shivers down your spine and you gripped your dads long jacket harder.

You walked with him as he walked towards the man. "You know who my master is, but you've still got the nerve to ask that? Sounds like a challange." Your grip tightened. "I'm the next leader. Even now, I'm gathering my troops. Our numbers continue to increase. With our combined power, I'll turn the hero society to dust." "You have an actual plan?" "Watch your tongue and your tone. I thought you came here to join up with us." "A goal without a plan is just a wish. If that's what you're offering, why should I join you? What happens after you increase your forces? Do you have any idea how to even organize your league? You had the hero killer Stain at your side. Muscular. Moonfish. All first-class game pieces. And you lost 'em. Maybe you just... didn't know how to play the game. You can't even manage a few crazy people, but you wanna build an army? What happens when that power spirals out of control? You need direction to achieve your goals. And I have a plan. I didn't come here today because I wanted to join you." You gripped your father's jacket tighter.

"You brought this idiot here without knowing his intentions, Twice." Your dad was visibly getting more and more angry. "In order to execute my design, I need money. Unfortunately, there aren't many people looking to invest in some obsolete small-time yakuza. Now, your group on the other hand has widespread name recognition. You put yourself under me, make me your new leader, and I'll show you exactly how to use the right tools."

Your father was about to bust in rage. You could see his fist clench. "Leave." was all he said. Magne came running at the man, "Sorry about ya, small fry, but we didnt band together to serve under somebody's boot!" Magne attracted the man to her magnet, "The other day I met with an old friend. She's a gentle soul, but she supports me even knowing about my past. You know what she said? 'Those bound by the chains of society laugh at those who aren't. Yo Kennie, you're not bound by those chains but I don't have the courage to break away from them like you do.' I'm here because I don't want to be bound by anything! We're free to decide for ourselves exactly where we belong!" Magne bashed her magnet into the man's head. He ripped his glove off and touch Magne's elbow. Magne's veins grew large. Too large for her body. The veins overgrew her skin and her entire body exploded, killing her.

You watched as Magne died, the thought settling in after it happened. All that was left of her was her lower torso. Everyones eyes widened in horror. You screamed, "No! Big Sis Mag!" You backed away from the man. "Just remember you made the first move. Ugh, I'm filthy now. That's why I hate the aftermath." Mr. Compress sprung forward. "No, Compress!" You and your dad yelled. "No! I have to seal this guy away!"
Compress touched the man's elbow, but his quirk didn't work. He was questioning it too. "Don't touch me!" And Compress' arm burst off. He yelled in pain. "Y/n, Toga, get Compress somewhere you can treat his wound!" Your father yelled and ran towards the man.

"Daddy! No!" "Y/n, come on!" Toga grabbed your hand and dragged you away. You helped her pick up Compress as tears of fear and mourning ran down your face. You and Toga dragged Compress to the corner and the wall burst down. Standing above the debris were a few guys wearing masks similar to the man's. You couldn't hear the most of conversation, just ringing and panting in your ears. The man said "Killing each other isn't productive. A death on both sides, let's take a breather. We'll cool our heads and try again later. I owe your side an arm." Toga stood up and walked to the side of your dad. "Bastard! I'll eviscerate you!" Twice said. Toga joined in, "Tomura, let me cut him. Real quick."


"It's my responsibility!" Twice said. "No." Your father said again. One of the mask guys said "Smart decision, Face Palm guy." "I don't wanna rush you, but the sooner we talk, the better." The man flung a business card over toward your side. "Think things over carefully. Consider how your organization should be run. Then when you've calmed down, call me."

"They gotta pay for this! Why can't I go after him?" Now Toga backed your dad up, "Think, Jin. We need to get Atsuhiro to a doc." Coming from Toga, he agreed (of course). "My power... wouldn't work. Damn, that hurts." "Maybe we do have time to make them bleed." Toga went back. "No." Your dad said once again. She pouted, "Come on Tomura..." "Another time..." He walked forward, thinking. "Shie Hassaikai... You'll pay for what you've done today.

Choosing Sides {The daughter of Tomura Shigaraki}Where stories live. Discover now