Chapter 12 - The Show

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The tower all came down at once. You had to move for the debris to fall.

"The thing about humans. They're supposed to die whem they fall from up high." As the dust cleared you could see the boss's figure more clearly. "So, you must be the Liberation boss." "I didn't get an answer to my question. Such a pity."

Your dad stepped closer to him. He was massive. "So, how are you handling all of this? What was it again? 110,000 people? You assumed you could leave the dirty work to your army and watch from afar. Safe in your little tower while the masses took care of us. Never thought we'd make it this far, did ya? Now everything's falling apart just because you underestimated us." Re-Destro stayed silent. "Talk! I'm asking about how you feel!" Your father demanded as he prepared to kill Re-Destro. He decayed the ground around him, but Re-Destro jumped. "You really wanna know?" Re-Destro punched your dad and Debris flew everywhere. Your father went flying peacefully. "I'm furious of course. I'm the type of person who bottles up my anger. It's a disaster for my hairline, I'm afraid." The black on his face grew. "Killed a lot of my warriors to get to me. Is this the hand at fault? It will commit no more acts of evil." He picked your dad up by the hand. He tried to decay him, but Re-Destro caught the other hand. It's a common refrain these days not to judge a person by their quirk. The lesson isn't bad. It's the same thing I was taught growing up. The folly is, Meta abilities have a direct impact on personality. I'm sure you're aware given your ability allows you to destroy anything you touch with your 5 fingers."

He crushed your father's hand and suddenly it felt like you were paralyzed. "Shigaraki. What burden will you take on? What world will you create? Or perhaps... you're just a hollow man." Move. Move. Move. Move. Move. Move. MOVE! Need to help..! "One who indulges in destruction without creating anything to justify it?" Your father grunted in pain as his hand was crushed. "Aimless child. You'll find you're no match for me." Your face felt wet. That's when you realized you were crying. The fear and anxiety was too much for your mind to even comprehend.

"This helpless frustration. It's bringing back the memories I'd purged. They were born of the same emotion." His broken hand lifted upward and touched Re-Destro without all 5 fingers, but Decay still activated a small bit. Not enough to kill him. He threw your father as if he were a worthless piece of trash. Your father groaned from both the pain in his hand and the pain in his head. He itched all over his head. "My head is killing me."

Your father moved jumped to Re-Destro so fast the turning of your head couldn't keep up. Re-Destro made a big power ball of stress and threw it at him. It had to of hit him. You felt the ground shake in the distance. Then, you saw your father, alive and standing in front of Re-Destro. "What world will I build? Honestly, you were right. The only thing I want is... to destroy." "Then you must be ended... a shapeless world- has no future!" "I don't care about the future. I remember everything now. When I was a child, I killed Father because I wanted to. Watching Mother and the others crumble away made my heart lighter. It wasn't a tragedy. There was beauty in their destruction. I don't need a future. I just want the League to live however we want to. These are no longer necessary." He took the hand off of his face and it started crumbling. He crushed it's decayed form with a sick smile that spread to your face.

Re-Destro attacked but the punch had no effect. "If I destroy your power before you finish the punch, it's harmless. In the end, you're just big, that's all. I understand how fun it is to destroy something you hate, but that's not happening here." Re-Destro couldn't attack, but you could tell he wanted to. "Seems like something's holding you back, Re-Destro." Re-Destro was consumed by a robot and proceeded to attack, but your father simply destroyed a part of the robot. "You going all 'Plus Ultra' on me or what?" "We seek freedom from suppression. We believe that using meta abilities at will is a natural human right." Your father decayed the ground before him. Everything around him crumbled. He had a sick grin and let out a twisted laugh.

Choosing Sides {The daughter of Tomura Shigaraki}Where stories live. Discover now