Chapter 8 - Grade A Psychopaths

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"Where are we even going?" Spinner drove the truck the league was using to go... somewhere? "It's like a learning experience. Think of it like a surprise mission if you must. Trust me, you'll learn something. Who knows, it might actually be fun for you." Your dad said. "If it's fun for her, it's safe to classify her as a grade A psychopath." Dabi said.

Your dad grinned. "What can I say? Runs in the family." You spotted the police cars behind your open semi-truck. "In shogi the point is to take out the king, right?" "It's not exactly that simple." Dabi said. Compress was on the phone, "Indeed! They're here, just as you said. This was the fastest route from the yakuza headquarters to the nearest villain hospital. The stage is now set! Thanks for letting us know. You're so efficient, Toga. You deserve a round of applause." "Y/n. Put your mask and hood on. If they see your face any future plans could be messed up." Your dad reminded you. You put your hood up and a mask on, ready to do whatever it was you were doing.

There was a little bit of dialogue and you finally realized what you were doing. "Let's go." Dabi said raising his hand and blue fire errupted out of it as he pointed it towards the cop car. There was something deflecting it, though. "What's this?" He stopped the flames to reveal the cop car sheilded by sand. "Ugghhh, of course they sent a hero with them... What a plain. Spinner, slow down!" Spinner slowed down and once he was close enough he jumped. Snatch wrapped his body in sand. Compress let out a marble and it went under the police car. The boulder that had come out of it threw the police car up. "Watch carefully as the police car flies through the air!" Snatch lost his grip on your dad and he slipped out. "No trickery or wires involved."

Dabi extended his arm for you. "Grab tight kid, because if you let go and fall I swear to God I'm not going back for you." You grabbed onto Dabi's arm and he and Compress jumped. Your dad caused the police's ambulance to crash and it went on it's side. Snatch tried to save the drivers, "So predictable. Heroes always prioritize innocent lives." "We've been finding burnt corpses all over the city. That's your doing, isn't it?" "So the boss isn't the only one people talk about. That's nice to hear." "Have you ever thought about the families of those you've murderered in cold blood?" Snatch sent a wave of sand at Dabi, but it was quickly engulfed by blue flames. "I'll save your time. He doesn't." You said before Compress locked Snatch in a marble. "That got pretty intense, but sand doesn't burn, does it?" "I'm pretty sure he could only turn his top half into sand so he's probably dead. You ran over to your father for the "lesson" he would be teaching you. He kicked Overhauls hospital bed.

"Tell me again who the next leader is gonna be." All he said in a weak voice was "Did you come to kill me?" "No. I thought of something you'll hate even more than that." Dabi and Compress joined the two of you. "I hate you. Truly. You're too full of yourself. Compress dropped one marble on Overhaul's arm. "For the arm." He said. The marble seemed to imprison the arm it fell on, then you realized the devilish plan your father had come up with. Compress did the disappearing trick with the marble and you dad played along. "Two little boxes. Which one has the finished product? I'll just take both." "That's mine." Overhaul said. "Hm. You know what I think, Overhaul? Someone so obsessed with erasing quirks shouldn't have one of their own. Don't you agree?" Your dad touched Overhauls arm with all five finger and his arm started to decay. "If we don't cut that off, your whole body will turn to dust." Your father raised a sharp knife and swung it down on Overhaul's shoulder.

There was blood splattered everywhere and Overhaul was missing both arms. You looked down at him and you felt a wave of pride and power. It felt good. Really good. "And just like that, you're helpless. A weak, quirkless loser. And all the fruits of your labors belong to me!" Your father's voice got more harsh and psychotic the more he spoke. "You don't even have a thumb to suck on! You're doomed to watch from the sidelines as your dream falls apart. Let's do our best!" Spinner honked the horn. "Back-up's calling, we gotta go!" Your followed your father, but he quickly let you walk in front, to the truck. Compress and Dabi joined you after Compress took a bow.

"Next, it's our turn."

You heard Overhaul's shreiks of pain and horrow in the distance.

"We're next to rule."


"Gotta say... I think that was more of a bonding session than a learning experience. And it was a good one too."

"Grade A psychopath."

Choosing Sides {The daughter of Tomura Shigaraki}Where stories live. Discover now