Chapter 11 - The Meta Liberation Army

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"He wants us in Aichi within the hour? And he's tracking our every move from space? If that's all true it feels like checkmate." Mr. Compress said. "Uh, do we even have to discuss this? No way! That guy described Giran to a T! This Re-Destro guy's got him for sure! Giran saved me- gave me somewhere to belong, so we have to go save him! Like, right now!" Twice said. Twice and you practically shared thoughts. "Yeah! We have to go save Giran! Or at least try!" You said.

"Giran might already be dead though. Everything that guy said could be a lie. All that we have is his word." Toga said, making an X with her fingers. "But if there's even a slim chance Giran's alive, we have to help him!" Mr. Compress added himself to the arguement. "You want us to barrel in there without a plan? Calm yourself! You've gotten way too attached to people lately, it's become a bad habit!" "That's because I'm an outcast!"

Your father snatched Twice's mask off. "I think I've got an idea. Doctor, did you catch all that?" "Yes, I've been tuned into 'Villain Radio', and I'm shocked that the Meta Liberation Army's back. The waves you've been making in the underworld have dredged up some real darkness!" "How long do we have until the big baby wakes up?" "If left undisturbed, he should wake up in 2 hours and 35 minutes, give or take. Perfect. Where's Dabi?" "At the moment, just outside the border between Mie and Shiga." "That's a great place to be. We'll need a transport, let's go." He said with a grin on his face.

"You're taking the bait? What if they really have 100,000 people? We'll be dead!" "The giant's not invinvible. After a months and a half of fighting him, it's clear to me. But he does have an excess of HP. And no matter where I am, he'll sniff me out and hunt me down." The league gasped when they realized your dad's plan. You grinned with pride. He put his fist in his palm with an even wider grin. "We're gonna send Gigantomachia right into the tray and let him face all those fighters. Battling all those revolutionaries will wear that meathead down!"

"How sneaky!" The doctor said, you had forgotten he was here. "And what'll you do if it turns out that Re-Destro is bluffing?" "Then he'll die, simple as that." "We're really doing this?" Your father placed Jin's mask back on his head. "That's what I said." "Ooo, covered. Now I'll recover." "And they won't even know what hit 'em."


"Are we almost there? My feet say they're tired." "Soon, Y/n. I think I see it right now actually." The league got to the end to the hill. "Welcome to the suburbs. Completely unremarkable." "I like the atmosphere. This place sucks!" "There's a force of 110,000 strong below? Once Machia wakes up in an hour and 40 minutes, he'll chase Shigaraki to this stage. When he makes his enterance he'll run into the so-called Liberation Army. Hopefully we last until the curtain call." Mr. Compress said. "How did I get tricked into going along with such a stupid plan?" "Hey! I like the plan..." You said. "That's how I know it's stupid." Twice changed the subject, "Giran introduced you to the League, too?" "What's that matter?" "You bastard!"

Toga spotted someone in the distance. "Someone's coming!" The League got into fighting stances, "A friend approaches! I've beem commanded to act as your guide today, so if you wanna speak with our esteemed leader, you can follow my lead!" "A hero?" Spinner said. "Though, not a well-known one."

Slidin Go led you through the empty streets of Dieka city. "There's nobody here." Mr. Compress said. Wrong. There were people all around you, just spying in spots that made them less-visible. "I get it. It's the whole city." "Right you are!"

Slidin Go put an L made with his fingers on his forehead. "This is a liberated district. 90% of Deika City's population is hidden Liberation warriors. We appreciate you traveling so far to meet us face-to-face. We celebrate your arrival. You are the guests on honor!" A man in a black suit and a black jacket over it, with black, styled hair said. Behind him was a lady with long purple hair and blue skin.

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