Chapter 10 - Re-Destro

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Omg I just realzed something... I had 4 chapters scheduled to post and NONE OF THEM DID! Well... looks like you guys get a few chapters all at once :)

It had been two months since you met Gigantomachia and every day since then, the league had failed to get Machia to submit to your father. You were constantly worrying about your father and the other members. Your dad had refused to let you help defeat Gigantomachia, he feared you would get hurt or worse. But what was happening to him wasn't much better, he was exhausted from the lack of sleep and starving. He had undergone several experiments to make himself stronger, but he still couldn't defeat Gigantomachia.

You had to hang out in the back with Toga and Spinner. There was an eruption of dust in the distance where they were fighting. "Looks like the 'future king' is in trouble." Toga said. "Yeah, well, that's nothing new." "I wish he would just let me help out." "Nah, that'll never happen. If Gigantomachia kills you, I think Shigaraki'll just end up killing the giant." Toga said. "I can't believe you spent the money the doctor gave us on a new jacket." Spinner said. "It's cute and toasty! I don't move as quickly if I get too cold!" "Uh-huh..." "Plus, A-line cuts look super cute on me!" "You only joined the league because you were obsessed with Stain. His influence has all but disappeared at this point, though. So why are you still here?" "I love Mr. Stainy, and I love Izuku... and I love Ochako, too! It's so amazing that I can be all these wonderful people!" "You're a real free spirit."

You walked with Spinner and Toga down to where the league was resting. You ran to your dad, "Please, Daddy... Please just let me-" "No Y/n. Final answer." You pouted but still reached into your backpack and got a jumbo sized candy bar. You handed it to him, "Eat, please. You're starved." Compress spoke, "As massive as he is, you'd think he'd stop to eat more." Your dad took the jumbo candy bar from you. "The big dumb bastard's slowing down a lot. I'm way closer now than when this whole saga started. I'll bring that overgrown gorilla to his knees. Sooner or later." "I'm surprised you're still alive, Tomura." Toga said.

Twices phone rang. "It's Giran. Wonder where he's been." Mr. Compress spoke, "I've been calling Giran for weeks and've gotten nothing but radio silence. Ask him if we have damage insurance!" He raised his broken prosthetic arm. "That guy cares about me more than anyone ever has, he got me into the league, you know. A real mensch, that one." He answered the phone and raised it to his ear. His opposing side spoke, "Why haven't you been answering Mr. Compress' calls? You're the absolute worst, man!" A distorted voice came on the other end. "Oops, that would be our fault, sorry. Don't be mad at him!" Twice looked at the phone, as if he was making sure he had dialed the right number. "Don't tell me. You're Jin Bubaigawara, the villain known as Twice right?" "A voice changer?" Mr. Compress said. "Who're you? Where's Giran?" "Never mind that. Turn on the news- if you can." Mr Compress turned the news on on his phone. You looked under his arm to watch it. The news headlines read, "Breaking news: Another finger found since yesterday" "Our top story, following yesterdays events, another finger has been found." "Finger? Eww." Your face cringed.  "Earlier, a secered finger was found near the home of the Shie Hassaikai boss. Then at Hosu City Terminal, on the Metropolitan Expressway, and at Ground Zero in Kamino Ward, all within the last three days. And now, a pinky finger turns up in centeral Fukuoka at the site of Endeavor's recent battle."

"All places where we've been active lately. That's no accident." Twice spoke into his phone, "Who the hell are you, huh?" "I'm the grand commander of the Meta Liberation Army. The name's Re-Destro." Your dad spoke to the phone when he heard this. "First the Yakuza, and now the Liberation Army. All you has-beens trying to make a comeback. Hear you've been selling lots of books lately. You want to get in on the trend while the getting's good." "Think again. We're the ones who started the trend." "Congratulations! What do you want with Giran?" Twice said sarcasticly. "You better not hurt him anymore, or you're toast!" "Ah. I've got your broker right here, and he's still alive, of course. Our objective is to liberate all meta humans. To demolish the existing framework and rebuild a world where people can be themselves, where they can use their abilities to their fullest capacity." "Interesting." Mr. Compress said. "I don't see and reason why we should oppose that." "Is he trying to exploit our name, like the yakuza!?" You said. "Give us the broker and we'll get back to you soon. We're busy now. I'll hear about your little revolution club once our task here's complete." Your dad said. "While your taking a breather why not just hear me out? I'm not gonna release my hostage now, because you're not calling the shots. And your friend had told me what a tight-knit group you are. Your broker's an admirable man. Takes great pride in his work. I imagine he's determined to remain hidden in the shadows, ever careful to avoid the prying eyes of heroes and police. Sadly, he never thought someone might by lurking in those same shadows, waiting to pounce. Still, I commend him. He had the foresight to delete his client list before we struck. Not only thst, but he didn't so much as wince when we started taking his fingers, nor did he give you up. But as for that client list? We were able to recover it." Your face turned to one of horror. 'Taking his fingers?' "I must praise his resistance, futile though it was! We liberation warriors have worked hard. Preparing fro years to enact the coming events! We've endured for generations, biding our time, spreading our roots far and wide! 'Revolution club'? I don't like jokes made in poor taste. I have 116,516 hidden warriors. And we are lying in wait, ever ready to take action."

"This guy must be bluffing!" Spinner said. "Niigata, huh? How's the weather there, deep in those mountains?" Twice threw his phone, just as horrified as you. "Too late, I'm afraid. We're watching you right now thanks to our satellite. Go where you will. We're always watching the League of Villains. Endeavor, Hawks, Edge Shot, Mirko, and Crust. One quick call, and they'll drop everything and have you surrounded." Your face turned even more horrified. You couldn't bare your favorite hero finding out about you and your life/past. "I do appreciate the advance warning. Now, what do you want from us?" "I insist that the leader of this revolution bear the name Destro. Your organization has become too well-known. Therefore, we shall crush you. Thus, signaling the revival of the Liberation Army. The fingers prove our resolve. Let's not draw this little talk out with pointless bargaining. The war's begun, to liberate meta humans from all tyranny! Next you will make your way to Deika City, in Aichi, within the hour. That's your only hope of freeing your friend, Giran! Then, you must make your choice!" A smirk came onto your father's face.

"Will you stand against us and be destroyed or do nothing and be captured by the heroes? You must decide, Shigaraki!"

Choosing Sides {The daughter of Tomura Shigaraki}Where stories live. Discover now