Chapter 25 - Stars

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Deku carried you past his classmates, who had followed him to see what was going on, to his room. He played no attention to them.

"I feel a little guilty now..." Uraraka said to the group, "We've all been treating her like a ghost, even though we know whay she's been through and why she did whay she did." 

"There's no excuse for selling us out. She's using us again, I know it." Bakugo grumbled angrily.

"Bakugo!" "Come on, man..." "Was that not enough confirmation that she's terrified?" Todoroki glared at Bakugo. Bakugo was his friend but still a stubborn asshole. 

"It's an act, dumbasses." "She didn't even know we were here!" Kirishima said. "She has no reason to go out of her way like that to convince Deku, he already trusts her." Uraraka agreed.

"Go to bed! All of you!" Recovery Girl shooed them out of the nurse's office. They all begrudgingly walked back to Heights Alliance.

You woke up in a familiar room, though you'd spent such little time in it. "Good morning. I wasn't sure when you were gonna wake up." Deku smiled. "No more nightmares?" You shook your head. You didn't have a nightmare, nor a dream.

"I have an old shirt that's a bit too small for me, it should fit you, a little big, but comfortable." He played the shirt in front of you. "Your bag's in my chair. See if you have some shorts in there, maybe. I'll get you a plate of breakfast ready." 

He left the room and you began changing. The shirt hung down to your knees and you put on one of your few pairs of clean sweatpants on under it. You searched your bag, it was as you'd left it. A few hero magazines, candy, and Rumi.

Seeing Rumi again, for the first time in weeks, awoken something in you. You remembered the safety you'd felt your first time here. It made you feel warm and secure. 

You took her out of your bag, holding her in your crossed arms. 

You left the room. The living room was warm and cozy, most everyone was already awake. Deku sat you down on the couch, where most students were seated near. He must be trying to boost your confidence and friendliness.

"Morning, Sunshine!" Uraraka said, throwing you off a little. "Wearing Deku's shirt? We might have to go shopping soon, girls!" Mina giggled. "You just want an excuse go to the mall, Mina." Jirou rolled her eyes, playingly. Everyone was taking to you, trying to be friendly, but Bakugo caught your eye.

Bakugo was slouched  back in a chair, reading a hero magazine. An oddly familiar hero magazine. "Is... Is that Heroes Weekly, Summer Copy, Best Jeanist Edition?" Every pair of eyes in the room were on you, including Bakugo's intimidating vermilion eyes. 

"So what if it is? What's it to you?" He short back, it felt as if he'd shot you in the chest, destroying your confidence. You fidgited with Rumi's ears. 

"I- I used t-to read it a lot. Mainly just... my favorite page." Your voice got quieter the more you spoke. Your eyes were glued to the ground. 

"Which is?" "F-fifty-two" "Which is about?" "Mirko" "And why would you give two shits about Mirko?" "She- she's my favorite... Hero..." It was as if Bakugo was quizzing you, not believing you. 

He scoffed and flipped a few pages. "I- I named my bunny after her. Rumi. Rumi Usagiyama." Bakugo scoffed again, "Fine. You win this one." He smacked the magazine down onto where he was sitting, now on his feet, and stormed off towards his room. 

"Did I... say something bad?" "No, Bakugo's just a stubborn guy. He'll come around." Kirishima patted your shoulder, assuring you. 

After that you were more social with the Class 1-A members, discussing heroes, some things about you, and things about them, but never even touching the surface of discussing villains. 

Did they think the subject of your father would affect you? You weren't that pathetic. You'd be able to make it through a conversation.

Deku turned on the TV, the news instantly flashing big bold letters:


Deku tried to change the channel, but the fight was on all of the channels. When yoh realized he didn't want you to watch or thought you were incapable of doing so and was gonna turn it off, you spoke up for yourself.

"I wanna watch, Deku." He seemed to be taken a bit aback, but nodded, 'Okay... I guess if you really want to..." 

You weren't quite sure which side you were on. You wanted to be completely on Star and Stripe's side, but your instincts and habits forced yourself to tense up anxiously when he took a hit. You were doing the same, even saying "wow" under your breath when she impressed you, for Star and Stripe.

Star, in the end, managed to deal some lasting damage on your dad, but it cost her her life. You watched, wide-eyed as the news broadcasted her crumbling, as well as your father fighting the repercussions of a rule she'd put on her own quirk. 

You felt sick. Star and Stripe was dead, all because of your father. You bit your lip, trying to to cry or vomit. Deku seemed to notice, he put his arm around you reassuringly. 

You would admire him, but now that you felt the results of his murders from a different point of view, you felt nothing but hurt and angry. 

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