Chapter 17 - But, I'll Tell You All About It When I See You Again...

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spoilersssssssssss 😏👆

Okay, but on a serious note I had no idea what to do after the 5th paragraph. I put it off for so long that it's not even funny 😭 This chapter and the next will be entirly improv

Sorry I missed Monday... I forgot and am really out of it rn...

You had gotten into 7 arguments with All For One since he had taken control of your dad's body. You were tired of it. He thought he was the boss of you just because he was more powerful and in your dad's body. He degraded you and made you train until you puked all 3 meals out. Even if your dad came back, he was still power-obsessed, and you didn't know if that was much better. You were sick of it. He was exhausting and you couldn't take it anymore.

You could run away... But if you did you might not be able to come back. Plus, there was no chance you would be able to go to UA. No explanation could make what you did reasonable or acceptable. If you were to run away, you would be bound to the streets. Your name and face haven't gone public yet, luckily, but most heroes probably knew about you. But then again, most heroes quit after they saw the real effects of Jaku.

You had so little stuff that everything you had could probably fit in your bag, with a few exceptions like your blanket, but a pillowcase would work too. You didn't know if you were ready to run away, though. True, All for One was an asshole, but Dabi and Spinner were still here (Toga was still at large) and you couldn't exactly just up and leave them. Or at least not without saying goodbye, they helped raise you after all. You got some drawing paper from a desk and wrote letters in your best handwritting. One to Dabi, one to Spinner, one to Toga, one to All For One, and one for your dad. You folded the papers up with names on the upside and stood there for a second.

You really didn't think this far ahead...

How the hell were you supposed to escape? You could go out the door, but someone would definately notice. You could jump out the window, but Dabi was still outside smoking, the tip of his cigarette was blue as the paper turned to ash. He would see you if you tried to jump out and run for it. And was Skeptic watching? Maybe you should do this another night?

Or you could go out the back? Yeah, assuming Skeptic wasn't watching, that would work just fine. The mansion was surrounded by woods, you shouldn't have any problem getting away without Dabi seeing you. It was the fall you were worried about... The mansion was two stories high and you weren't willing to go down the creaky stairs. Not with everyone's bedroom on this floor.

The room straight across from yours was unoccupied and had a window leading to the back of the house. You could use your pillow case and backpack to cushion your fall, darting for the woods as soon as your recovered.

Desprate and out of ideas, you picked up your bag and pillow case, stuffing a blanket in with the pillow. You layed the letters out on your bed, in a plainly obvious spot. You tip-toed your way over to the empty room, careful that the doors and floorboards wouldn't squeak. You opened the door as quick as you could so it also wouldn't make a sound. The window appeared to be closed, but not locked. You didn't bother closing the door, not like anyone could yell at you in the morning.

You opened the window slowly, so slow that it took 10 minutes to get all the way up. You took deep breaths, contemplating if you should really do this or not. But like a message from God, you fumbled your pillow and dropped it. You sighed and dropped your bag directly on top of it, making as little sound as possible.

Now for the scary part, throwing yourself out. You peered over the edge, seeing the drop was pretty far. It had to be at least 5 times your height. You sighed again and closed your eyes. Your foot rose and landed on the window sill, you pushed your body up and put the other foot with it, then your legs hung off the edge and your head went under the rest of the glass. The only thing holding you to the house was your lower half sitting on the window. 

With one last sigh, you threw your body off the window, hoping you would land on the pillow and not break anything. 

You landed, half of your body on the pillow, with a small thud. You could only pray Dabi didn’t notice. You picked yourself up, examining your body. The most you had was a bruise or two and a twisted ankle, but you could still walk on it. 

You picked up your bags and pillow case with a determined look on your face. You started walking (limping a little too) away from the mansion, hoping you would never have to see it again. And so your journey began. 

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