Chapter 14 - Jin Bubaigawara

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Jin's blood spilled out of him, the feather sword leaving a massive slice in his gut, and multiple punctured organs. "JIN. NO!" You screamed, as if it would change the fact that he'd be dead in a few seconds. He made a copy that grabbed Toga's handkerchief and ran off before it could die like the others. 

You defied all requests and orders and ran to Jin, while Hawk's was being burnt to death by Dabi. He coughed up blood. "Jin... You you can't die! We still need you, we still need Twice!" "Listen kid... I'm obviously dying. I dunno what you wanna do with your life or if you even wanna be a villain... but whenever you know what you wanna do... I know you'll do good at it. So just-" He coughed up more blood, his voice growing more hoarse by the second. "just remember I love ya, kay?" The light faded from his eyes and his hand fell to the floor.

Tears poured out of your eyes faster than you could wipe them away. 

Is he going to kill you next? 

There was a bigger question floating in your mind though. 

If they had to... would the kids of Class 1-A or just any hero kill you too? Just because of who your dad was? You couldn't control who your family was. You couldn't help that your dad had killed dozens of people. 

"You killed Twice... Like it was nothing. And yet you still have the audacity to call yourself a hero?" You moved behind the blanket and door as flames erupted from Dabi's hand. He yelled at Hawks, enraged. "You hypocrite! I can't believe you murdered him!" 

You peeked through the blanket. Dabi stood in front of Hawks, smiling like a maniac. "You seem upset. So what's with the smile, you lunatic?" "Shut your mouth, traitor! You're being rude. Its not possible for me to cry, my tear ducts are burnt shut. Do you know what you've done? His quirk was invaluable. He made my dream feel possible! He had friends, and a certain little girl, that loved him! I'm more than just a little "upset". I'm consumed by my sorrow!" He lit Hawks up from in front of him. 

"What's your deal? I researched the League. Found background info on almost everybody. Except for you, Shigaraki, and that girl! Tell me. Who are you?"

"The name's Toya Todoroki."

"More than Twice. More than any army of villains. Your attention should have been focused on me. The League. Shigaraki. I've never cared about them. Did you know the world can be forever altered because of one person's singular obsession? There's no such thing as a true hero in this society. You frauds must be killed. Do you get it now? I am the one who will carry out Stalin's will!"

"See ya, Hawks. At the end of the day, your death means nothing!" He lit up the man beneath him, but it did no harm, because he was kicked away by Tokoyami, from Class 1-A. You had to sneak away.

You managed to get around a corner without being noticed, but they jumped down anyways, then Geten  broke up the building. You rushed to Compress, soon joined by Dabi. You weren't listening to whatever the others were saying. You couldn't hear anything except for Jin's last words.What right did Hawks... Did the heroes have to take him away from you?

Toga went on a rampage beneath and Machia's hand broke the ground beneath her, snapping you out of your trance. "Machia is awake!" Dabi's grin grew. "You know what that means. The boss is awake."

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