Chapter 4 - Take note, Y/n

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Aizawa allowed you to tag along during his class. Apparently, the class was making an ultimate move. This was perfect for your real mission. You were supposed to take mental note of each student and their features as a hero, such as ways to beat villains such as your father. You walked with Eraser Head out to "Gym Gamma".

While Eraser Head, Midnight, Electroplasm, and Cementoss want over the rules, you played with Rumi. Soon, the students began making their Ultimate Moves. You watched each one carefully, Midnight noticed this. "Your really involved in this, kid. You wanna be a hero?" "Oh- uh... I dunno... I just really like heroes." She hummed. "Do you know your quirk? You seem old enough to have one." "I don't think I have one... and since I don't remember my parents that doesn't really help..." You watched the students closely, every move one came up with you made a mental note. You knew remembering all of them would be impossible, so you remembered the ones who you believed would be the biggest threat as a hero.

One day turned into several of ultimate moves. On one day, you met class B when they tried to get Gym Gamma 10 minutes early. A guy you could identify as "Monoma" started talking trash. Sadly, as you stepped forward to watch what was unfolding, his attention turned to you. "Ah, and this must be the girl class A has to babysit! I almost feel bad for her, having to waste all of her time with this trash class! You should come see class B sometime!" A girl with large hands knocked him on the back of his head, knocking him out for now. "I'm sorry. I swear he's the only one of us like that. Y/n, right? I'm Kendo and this is Monoma." You gave a small smile and said hi to all of class B.


Later that night you were sitting with the girls on Tsu's lap, while she braided your hair. Tsu tapped Uraraka to ask about her hero training progress. "Sorry... but lately my heart's been all stirred up about something..." "IT'S LOVE!!" Mina instantly knew. "WHAT'D YOU SAY? Glove, shove, dove? Never seen one!" "So who is it, Iida or Midoriya? You're always hanging out with those two boys!" Uraraka started floating and denying it. "Uraraka's in love with Deku?" You asked Mina. "OMG TOTALLY!!" She responded. Momo proposed that you all go to sleep.

The next morning, you had to wake up a bit early to get ready. Aizawa had gotten you a few outfits that fit right and a dorm with only the essencial furniture. You had to get up early to get on the bus witht the students so they could get their provisional liscences. You had arrived after a 10 minute drive and Aizawa gave Mineta a small inspirational speech. "All right! I can't wait to be a heroic chicken!" Kaminari said. "All right guys lets call out the usual! On my mark, PLUS-" "ULTRAAAA!!!" A sudden, loud, booming voice said. You jumped from the scare and clung to the closest thing, Aizawa's leg. The voice also made him jump too and he sheilded you. The voices classmate commented about something and he apologized, his head on the ground in a bow. You loosened your grip on Aizawa's leg a little. Aizawa looked to be realizing something. "Inasa Yoarashi..." Aizawa said. Your grip had loosened on his leg, but you still didn't quite let go. Aizawa explained Yoarashi's reputation as the kid that turned down UA. "Eraser? I'd know that scowl anywhere!" Aizawa flinched and your grip tightened once more. I saw you on TV and at the sports festival, but it's been a while since we were this close in pers-" She noticed you.

"Eraser... you... HAVE A CHILD!? HOW DID I NOT KNOW!?" She got on her knees and asked, "CAN I PLEASE HAVE YOUR PERMISSION TO MARRY ERASERHEAD!?" "Ummmm... Okay??" You said. "Great! Now Eraser, let's get married." "No." He instantly shot her down.

She burst out laughing "You're a real laugh riot buddy!" "As usual, you're impossible Joke." Izuku smiled and began his monologue. "You guys are... friends??" You asked. "We're fiances!" "Barely friends..." "Polar opposites." Joke told about how their agencies were near eachother and "a mutual love bloomed". "No it didn't." Aizawa said, receiving another outburst. "So Joke, if you're here then that means..." Mrs. Joke's class walked up and you hid behind Aizawa's leg. "Too many people......." Eraser head picked you up and put you in the back of his scarf, where Principal Nezu usually goes.

You walked with Aizawa to the stands. "What are they doing?" "Its basically a game of tag. They have 3 targets and they have to tag all of those targets on 3 people with balls or they don't pass." Ms. Joke kept talking about a "tradition" or the same thing always happens. You then realized that UA was at a big disadvantage. "Every year... UA is immediantly crushed."

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