Chapter 7 - Overhaul

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Ever wake up thinking it's going to be a good day
and then it turns out to be the shittiest day
you could imagine? That's what I felt today...


Toga brushed out your hair from your restless night. You had tried to sleep, but after the Shie Hassaikai incident only a few hours previously. You had even gone to Toga's room (you would have gone to your dad's, but you didn't want to disrupt his sleep)  hoping it would help easy your feeling of uneasiness. You had tried Rumi, Toga, sleeping pills, white noise but none of it worked.

Toga didn't sleep last night either. "Want your hair up, down, or half way?" "Up... I don't want it getting matted." Toga nodded and got two hair ties to make you pigtails. Twice walked in the room and saw the bags under your and Toga's eyes. He sat down on the bed. "Mornin' Jin." "Morning... Listen, I'm re-" "Stop talking. It's not your fault Jin. None of us knew what was gonna go down." "Yeah, but I'm the one that brought him in. And you've lost sleep because of that..." "Jin. Listen, no one blames you. It's really sad, trust me, but you need to come to terms with what happened. The sooner you forgive yourself, the easier it'll get." He nodded.

"Done." Toga said. She walked with you to a mirror and showed you your pigtails. She took a picture and you made a face, so she took another. You, Toga, and Jin ended up having a photo shoot in Toga's room.

"You're having fun, eh?" A raspy voice said from the doorway. "Uh oh. Here comes fun killer." Toga rolled her eyes. "Hey, I am not a fun killer." He seemed like he could care less but he obviously cared a little to be retaliating like this. "Tell him how much of a fun killer he is Y/n." "Well... uh, you never join in on the fun and you usually come up with some smart-ass comment to ruin the fun for everyone." "Watch your mouth, small-fry." "See? Just like that. You're honestly really good at it, Dabi." Toga said. "I can be fun... but you assholes are never fun. That's why I don't act fun." "Then, if your fun, come do a photo shoot with us. It'll be quick." "Let me thi- No." He said sarcasticly. "Come on Mr. Fun-Time-Sunshine. Do it if you're soooo fun." You giggled as Dabi sighed and slowly got up from Toga's bed. They were obviously doing this on improv to make you feel better, and it was working.

Spinner entered the room, "Sorry to intrude, but Shigaraki wants us down stairs. All of us." Dabi speed-walked out of the room faster than you'd ever seen him do before and you followed Toga and Twice downstairs. "That was a cheap trick, Dabi." "Hey, who am I to say no when the boss wants us?" "Alright alright enough. We need to talk about the Shie Hassaikai..." Your father went on to talk to the league about their plan. Obviously, you weren't listening.

A hand waved in front of her blank face. "Y/n. Y/n? Earth to Y/n!" "Yeah, yeah, get your hand outta my face." You moved Toga's hand and looked to the rest of the league. "So? Are you coming?" "Coming where? What's going on? I wasn't paying attention." "Figures..." Dabi smart-mouthed you. You rolled your eyes. "It's fine. Do you want to come to me to the Shie Hassaikai base if they invite me?" Your dad said. Your eyes widened. Another important mission! "But... will they hurt us?" "Oh, no... you don't need to worry about them hurting us." "Oh... then okay. I'll go." He nodded.


You and your father walking into a room with two couches and a table in between. Your body tensed when you saw the man, Overhaul, on the couch. Your dad took off his hood and you took off yours. "Hey. What's with the kid?" "She's my daughter and she's staying, that's all you need to know. You had us walking around in circles underground for 30 minutes. I'm not an ant. Are all Yakuza strongholds like this?"

"We don't know who might be watching us or from where, and not all of our guests have the best intentions. So we have a number of routes leading here, an underground reception room where we can be reasonably sure of our privacy." The small man, Mimic, spoke. "You ever wonder how we survived so long? It's cause of little details like that. Anyway! Down to business... did you really mean what you said
on the phone the other day. That you'll join us under the right conditions?" Your father sat down, so you did too.

"Don't start celebrating just yet." He placed his foot on the table. "You guys want to capitalize on our reputation. We want to increase our strength. Our needs happen to coincide for the moment." Overhaul told him to take his foot off the table. "No 'please'? You really outta mind your manners. I don't appreciate disrespect, do I?" You shook your head.

"Now, we won't be putting ourselves under you. We'll still be calling our own shots, got it? Either it's a joint partnership, or I walk out the door." "So those are your conditions?" Your dad raised one finger. "One more thing... That grand plan you mentioned, I want to know it's details. It's a reasonable request. I need to decide whether it's worth lending you our name. You see-" You felt pressure in the back of your head.

"Hands where we can see them." Kurono said. "Stop acting like you're in charge here." "Yeah, who the hell do you think you are, you little punk!?" Mimic yelled. Your father was once again getting visibly angry. "Who do you think you are? One of your disposable thugs against our Hikiishi? The scales are far from even. And lets not forget Compress's arm! We expect concessions in return for what we lost." Overhaul ordered both of his men to stand down and you scoffed. Overhaul let your dad continue. "Like I said before your friends got jumpy, I want details. We can start with this." He pulled out a red bullet with a small needle at the tip. "It's part of the plan, right? Something strange happened to Compress after he was shot with this. He couldn't use his quirk for a while, so I'd like to know what this is, and what you're planning to do with it. Tell me." "I'll break the natural order of things. They say All For One ruled by stealing other people's quirks. I've taken his meathod and fine-tuned it a little. I've already began spreading my roots across this country. Little by little, piece by pieve, we're laying down the groundwork for what's to come.

A board and pieces were set before you on the table, "You ever play Shogi?" You shook your head and your dad said no. He pointed away, "Take it away I don't even know the rules." "Have an open mind. Veiw this as a learning experience. It'll help you understand the bigger picture." Your father looked confused. "Shogi's an interesting game because you can use the pieces you steal from your opponent. I want Kurogiri or Toga and maybe Bubaigawara. I don't feel at ease when they're doing your bidding." Your face said it all. You weren't willing to sell off your teammates and friends. You already didn't like Overhaul much since Magne and Compress, but you liked him less now. Your father, however, didn't think the same way as you did. "Those are useful players. You want to clip our wings. But those three are cornerstones of my group! You can't have 'em all." "Then how will we build trust? Right now there's ill will between us." "No shit." You said, rolling your eyes. Overhaul made what was probably the right decision and ignored you. "I still told you everything about my plan. You have to offer something valuable in return. Your members are imortant to you. Aren't they?"


"How could you just sell our members like that? Sell off my friends like that?" "Listen, I get you're mad and all but I can assure you, Twice and Toga are far from sold off. Just think of it as if they're helping Overhaul with his little project. Trust me, Y/n. Toga and Twice aren't going anywhere. By tomorrow or the next day they'll be doing your hair and playing dress-up or whatever you guys do."

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