Chapter 3 - Hello, Class A

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For anyone that didn't catch it, Rumi is a reference to Rumi Usagiyama, AKA Mirko.

Also do me a favor and imagine the bunny like that but with more long/floppy legs and arms.

A few students walked out of the dorms and into the living room. The last three to walk out were a blonde boy with a black lightning bolt in his hair, a boy with spiky red hair, and a girl with pink short hair. The blonde pointed to you and Midoriya, "Woah, Midoriya! You had a kid overnight?!" That drew attention to you two. You clutched Rumi in your arms. "Oh right." He whispered to you, "Come stand up..." You stood up and followed him to the front of the room. He had a light tint of pink on his face because of the blonde's comment. He whispered to you again, "Introduce yourself..." You stared at all of the students for a second. "Ummm... Y/n. And um... this is Rumi." You held out the white rabbit so the class could see him. One brunette smiled and approached you. She was beautiful, pink cheeks, brunette bob, and a pretty face. She got down to your eye level. "Hello Y/n, I'm Ochako Uraraka, Deku's friend." "Deku?" You looked at her confused, who was Deku? "Oh sorry... Deku is Midoriya. It's just a nickname we have for him. Whenever he's a hero, that's going to be his name." You nodded.

The class introduced themselves to you, one by one... except for some angry blonde in the back. Deku sighed and took you to him. "Uhh.. Kacchan, this is
Y/n." Kacchan glanced from Midoriya to you. "And?" "Well I-" "WHY ARE YOU STILL TALKING TO ME!? GO AWAY NERD!" Kacchan yelled at Deku. You clutched Rumi a little tighter. You looked up to Deku. "I don't like him... He's not nice." Kacchan's attention turned to you. "WHAT'D YOU SAY YOU LITTLE SHIT!?" "Be quiet. You're hurting my ears." Before Kacchan had a chance to retaliate the other blonde, Kaminari, burst out laughing.

"I like this one! She's fun!" Kaminari stole you away from Deku and Kacchan and took you over to his friends Kirishima, Sero, and Ashido. Ashido spoke first, "You're funny Y/n!" Sero was next, "You really set him straight, hahah!" Then Kirishima, "I can't say it was manly, but I can say it was hella womanly!" He fistbumped you. Ashido looked at your Rumi, "Your bunny's cute! What's it's name again?" "Oh... Rumi. And she's a girl, by the way." "Oooo! That makes 7 girl friends in the class now! Wait... I just had the best idea!" Kaminari seemed intrigued. "Since now we all have dorms, we should check them all out and choose who's is the best! Y/n can be the judge!" By now, others had started listening to Mina's idea. "I can?" you asked. "Yep! If you want." You nodded. "Let's start tonight!"


First you checked out Midoriya's room. All you did was hum like a real judge. Next was Tokoyami's room. You had to hold Rumi extra hard for this one. It gave a creepy aura and was so dark. Aoyama's was next and you had to squint (your hands were used to cover Rumi's eyes). It was so shiny... Mineta's was next but you and the girls all agreed to skip his. Ojiro's was bare and comforting. Iida's room was more of a library than a room, all the books made you dizzy. Kaminari's looked like the default room they set you in in all of the Pokemon Nintendo games, only less Pika-Pika. You went insane when you saw Koda's room. You squealed and picked his bunny up with one hand, then you pet each stuffed animal. Kirishima's room was next and you honestly kinda liked it. Manly was the only word that could describe it. Shoji's was even more bare then Ojiro's. Sero's gave a nice exotic vibe. Todoroki's was honestly something else... it was built as a modern japanese home. Homey and nice, but kinda eccentric. Sato's was the last of the boys rooms. His looked normal, aside from the baking stuff. He gave each of you a bite of a chiffon cake. You hadn't tasted many cakes in your life, but if you had this would probably top them all. On to the girls, Jiro's looked like it was straight out of a punk-rock magazine. Hagakure's was all pink and girly. Mina's was like a step down from Hagakure's, only purple. Uraraka's was pretty plain, but still nice. Yaoyarozu's bed could barely fit in the room, and her room looked like it belonged to an elegant billianare (which it probably did).

"All right Y/n, whose do you think was best?" You thought for a second. "Sato and Koda have the best boys rooms and Uraraka had the best girls room, but out of those... Sato comes out number one, Koda number two and Uraraka number three. The cake was too good and the bunny is adorable!" Kaminari and Mineta scolded Sato for winning because of the cake.

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