Chapter 20 - Saved

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(I counted the A/n in case anyone was confused :) Life still sucks but Enjoy)

He was truly amazing. You watched in awe, on his back, as he fought the snake-man. You gripped onto his shoulders tighter, is this what it was like to be saved by a hero? It didn't feel like you'd read it had, it was weird, scary but in a comforting way.

It didn't take 5 minutes for Deku to put Ekamaru in Tartarus, which had recently been broken out of by many. He landed in a narrow, short alley. You gripped even tighter, eyes flooding with tears and bottom-heavy guilt. This was why you'd been avoiding heroes, you didn't want to run into this heart-shattering moment. Teary eyes soon turned into loud sobs.

When Deku landed you let go and began sobbing into your hugged knees. He bent down to your small level, sitting on the dirty floor. You couldn't look him in the eye.

"I want you to tell me everything." His voice was toneless, holding no emotion, but your mind had already made the situation so much worse than it was. Through sobs you told him your story; how your dad was the most dangerous villain of today, how you only wanted to make him proud, so you spied on him and his friends, All for One taking over your dad's body and the impact it had on you, the regret.

The hardest part to tell him was about your father. The shame you bore just from the association with him was unimaginable. You've never felt this way before.

"And I'm sorry, I'm so sorry about all of it! I'm so so sorry so much I wish I wasn't born, it'd make it better for everybody! I wish I could just disappear I'm so sorry, but sorry's never gonna cut it because I'm a terrible, no-good, dirty, rotten villain and I always will be, but I'm still sorry!!" You rambled, hitting yourself with shame by the end. He dragged your hand from your repeatedly hit head.

"Y/n, calm down. It'll be alright-" he tried to calm you, to no avail. "No it won't, it'll never be okay! Every hates me and'll never love me! Never ever, ever, ev-" "Y/n, it's okay! I just want to know... are you willing to change?" You stared at him for a minute before nodding rapidly, "Yes, yes! More than anything! I just wanna be okay!" "Then let me help you change," he stood up, holding your hand.

"Where're we going? You're not taking me to jail, are you?" "No, we're going to go find All Might. He'll take care of you-" Danger sense nailed him like a hammer, he dove out of the way, tackling you.

"Young boy... in green... We'll take him with us. Kill the girl." Deku stood quickly, you behind his leg. A girl with purple and pink hair with a black top and purple skirt was holding her arm, which was half-gun, she had fired the bullet, which appeared to be made of her hair.

"Don't move and you can keep your limbs." Deku disobeyed, grabbing you onto his back, which you gripped tightly. He got into a fighting stance, "Hold on tight."

"You moved." She reloaded her gun, Deku bolted. He used his blackwhip, skillfully swinging past buildings. He drowned himself in his thoughts, devising a plan. "You're out of options." She appeared, suddenly, in front of you, shooting her bullets at you. It narrowly missed Deku.

"Thats the first time I've missed twice..." the lady said quietly. She shot again. You could tell by his slower movement and reflexes that you were slowing Deku down, which was bad for the both of you.

"Deku, put me down! It'll be easier without me on your back!" "Shit..." Deku said under his breath. He started rounding back to the place you were originally shot at at. The lady started walking on air, most likely a quirk given to her by All For One. Being followed by the girl, Deku sped up, stopping briefly at a building.

"Stay here. Hide. Don't help, and don't make yourself known. I can do this, trust me." He ordered you quickly, leaving fast. You went to hide behind a smaller building, leading to the staircase. You stumbled back, frightened, when you saw Overhaul there. His arms were missing; your father's mark on him.

Your eyes widened in fear, he no doubt wanted revenge. But would he try in front of Deku? He faced you, surprised you were here. "Don't worry, I can't do anything to you, kid. I just wanna go see my old man."

Slowly, you approached him, standing near him, but still not close enough for him to pull any tricks. Every few minutes you peaked out, trying to watch the fight.

It felt like you were there for hours, waiting to see Deku victorious. Overhaul stood up, for a second you were scared he was going to hurt you, but he ran right past you. He stood, looking out on the fight, "Still not done yet!? Hurry up, I wanna go back to the boss!"

The lady turned her arm-gun around to Overhaul, firing at him. You weren't sure what happened next, but you knew you didn't want Overhaul's blood on your conscience. You wanted clean hands.

Your legs carried you fast, shoving Overhaul out of the way, fear taking over as you took his place. You thought that was your end; at least you'd die a hero. But, once again, Deku saved you.

He flew faster than a bullet, knocking you down so you just barely missed the bullet. He turned quickly, grabbing onto the ledge with blackwhip, he shot himself to the lady.

You stayed on the ground for a second, taking in the events. Your breath picked up, a massive weight leaving your shoulders. You'd saved someone, your hands were clean. You were so happy you could cry.

You heard a small explosion, but your ears started ringing and your vision was clouded by tears. You felt your face become wet with tears and rain, cries turned into sobs. You felt someone pick you up.

Your senses came back to you slowly as you felt the person lower you. "Found these two on top of that building. I don't think the girl knows what she's doing." You rubbed your eyes, taking in the scene. Endeavor was holding you and Overhaul in front of Deku and Hawks, who were with the lady, but she looked beaten up, like she had been in the previous explosion.

"Let Y/n go, lock Chisaki up. We need an ambulance for Lady Nagant, ASAP." Endeavor looked shocked, "Deku, the kid, she-" "I said let her go, Endeavor. She's a hero, today." Endeavor slowly put you down and took Overhaul away.

You ran to Deku once Nagant was taken away. You hugged his legs tight, rambling about your heroic actions, Endeavor and Hawks were stalking near by, "Did you see me Deku!? I saved him all by myself! I didn't even know I was doing it, I just did, and then you saved me! But that means my hands are clean, and I can become a hero! One just like you! Dija see me!?"

Deku laughed, "I saw, you did a really good thing, Y/n." He returned your hug. All Might came running out of a car, yelling for Deku, "Midoriya! Are you safe?" "Midoriya, you should go with Nagant to the hospital, you're hurt pretty bad."

Deku had ended up getting help from a hospital, but he didn't stay a long time. Through all of that, you never left his side. You were scared that if you did the heroes would take you away.

"What happens next?" You asked Deku once he was out of the hospital. "Next, we go to Haibori Forest and raid All For One's hideout. We're-" "What? But you can't! You'll get hurt again! You can't leave me!" You said, your voice shaking. "Y/n, it'll be okay. I'll come back and while I'm gone you'll stay with All Might. He'll keep you safe, I promise."

Choosing Sides {The daughter of Tomura Shigaraki}Where stories live. Discover now