Chapter 13 - The Paranormal Liberation Front

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I decided not to do a birthday scene, just know Y/n is now 7

My parents anniversary was 2 days ago. So even though you don't know anything about this (and hopefully never will), this is for you Mom, for finding love again.

"I don't see why Dabi doesn't play with you. We've all done it once except for him. Its not fair."

Toga played with your hair and tied it back. Everyone was having a normal and relaxed day, with no work to do since your father was still developing his "perfect body". 

Your dad had changed since he took over the Meta Liberation Army and made it into the Paranormal Liberation Front. All he did was try to make himself stronger, more powerful. All For One had made a copy of him own quirk and given it to him, which should have been enough.

You didn't like All For One very much. He always tried to morph your dad into himself, and would probably do the same to you if something were to happen to your dad. You and your dad were your own people. Your dad had already chosen this lifestyle, but you still had your whole life ahead of you. 

Your dad did surgeries everyday to get stronger. He was barely even your father. His hair had turned white and you never saw him. He was always at Jaku hospital getting stronger. You supported him, but you couldn't say you liked what he was doing. You like before better.

Right now, he was developing a new, "perfect" body at the doctor's lab. Toga played with your hair, you ate ramen.

That's when you heard Skeptic.

"The heroes are coming!"

"The heroes are coming!?" Toga said, "but Y/n's supposed to be with Dabi in case of emergency." She stood up from her chair. "What do we do? What do we do!?" "Calm yourself, young Toga. We must not panic. Our own and Y/n's safety is one of the top priorities. However, we must still assume the heroes are still outside. Y/n can get to Dabi on her own." 

"Are you insane?! What if something happens to her, or one of those UA brats sees her?" "Y/n with Shigaraki's quirk will be fine if she is interacted with by a hero. As for the UA kids, it's about time she revealed herself as a villain." "She's supposed to remain secret until she's 15, or at least til she has control of the 2nd quirk!" Compress raised his voice. "Young Toga, I'm aware of Shigaraki's requests, and I respect them too. However, Shigaraki also wants what is best for her. Getting to Dabi is, in fact, what is best for her."

Toga picked up the red blanket from the couch and your bag from beside it. At the same time, the ground rumbled and dust flew. "Be safe, okay? And stay covered with the blanket." Toga gave you a hug and a kiss on the forehead before you left. 

You ran the halls, wrapped in your favorite red blanket. It didn't take but talking to a few people and a few minutes of running to find him. "What in hell's name are you doing here?" "I'm supposed to be with you! You have to keep me safe." Dabi groaned, remembering his job. He just proceeded to walk, as if the building weren't under attack.

"Where're we going?" "To find Twice. He wasn't in the room up there with you guys, and to be honest, I don't trust that bird-brain." Hawks had recently started "working" with the Front, introduced by Dabi. 

"And if I do need to take care Hawks, you are to stay hidden, got it?" You nodded and continued following him. 

"All I want..." You heard Jin's broken voice, "is to make sure the people I care about end up happy!" "I'll be sure to let them know that." Hawks was a about to slice is feather sword through Jin's throat, but Dabi reacted quickly and lit up the room with his blue fire, before pushing you behind the door.

You peaked around the corner. Dabi put his foot on Hawk's face, breaking his glasses. "That won't be necessary. I heard him. You didn't notice me, did ya, Hawks? Guess you did get distracted. Something you'll definitely regret." 

Twice spoke, his voice dry and broken, "Hey. Dabi..." "Don't feel bad Twice. You didn't make a mistake. Its the self-righteous heroes who are in the wrong. AS USUAL." Dabi lit Hawks up from under his boot, but Hawks flew out, grabbing Jin with him. 

You went back around the corner and covered your mouth. 

He was going to kill Jin? Would he have killed you too, if it came down to it? A kid with 2 good quirks and a future that could change. Would he kill you? 

Jin came around the corner. You were paralyzed with horror and fear. "Have to... Help everyone..." "Jin's let me help-" "N-no. Just please... Stay hidden. If you die and Shigaraki gets taken down, the rest of our league has no future. So please... For me and... For Toga... Stay hidden!" You backed against the wall and covered yourself with the blanket again. 

Twice made a copy, but it was killed by another one of Hawk's feathers. Hawks held up his feather sword, even through Davis flames.

That was when Jin Bubaigawara died.

The whole thing about Jin dying is really emotional for me, so I'm making this into 2 chapters. I cried so much... Luckily I've been planning this war out since the idea for this story popped into my head and my next deadline isn't until mid-september (its August) so Ill have plenty of time.

PS. some of this is done on mobile, so if there is any words that auto corrected and I didn't notice let me know or overlook it.

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