Chapter 16 - Power

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I'm getting too tired these days... I can't wait for the vigilante Deku arc. I'm so scared I wont be able to keep up with the release deadlines. Also I guess it wasn't obvious, but this whole time Y/n has had her backpack.

Your eyes widened as you saw the blonde boy punch a Nomu. You'd only heard about him, the presence was overwhelming with everything going on. "Lemillion!" You heard Deku yell. The boy pumped himself up with shouting until all of the Nomu went for him st once.

It wasn't cowardly, just pleading and a bit humorous. "Someone! Anyone!" There was light in the distance, and you saw Bakugo's holey body propelling towards the fight.

"Well? Have you experienced the world Bakugo?" "That game was temporary, I held off the big reveal until you could hear it!"

"Starting today, I'm..." Your body tensed and clenched in anticipation.


You giggled in amusement. In that special moment, you forgot everything. You forgot how you had betrayed your friends at UA. You forgot you were supposed to be making your big debut as a villain and a Shigaraki. You forgot the eyes on you and the anger, hatred, confusion and other emotions directed towards you. You forgot that your fellow villains and your father were near you and would be able to hear. 


You felt a couple eyes on you, you knew Deku and Bakugo were looking at you. Probably Spinner and Compress too. A light that hadn't been there since this whole power obsession started appeared once more. Your face, even though your eyeballs were about to be squeezed out of your head, displayed a mix of happiness and laughter. It was like you weren't in the middle of a war battlefield; you were in your own world. 

In so much chaos, people were being killed, Shoto being burnt by his supposed-to-be-dead older brother,  Bonus were attacking heroes left and right, the villains were captured and your father was unconscious. Yet, you still found a reason to smile.

The smile didn't last, as your attention was drawn to Gigantomachia escaping from Best Jeanist's grasp. It didn't matter, though, Machia instantly fell down after Endeavor shot up to attack.

Best Jeanist's ropes pulled tighter and you felt the air leave your lungs as you struggled to breathe. You slowly looked to the others, Spinners eyes looked as if they could pop out at any second, you father barely noticed, and Compress was doing something on his back. He gouched out his arm. 

It allowed him to touch one of the ropes and compress it. He escaped from the binds and immediately compressed you and your dad and spinner. You were in your own marble.

It was cold and dark, so when your eyes opened your skin overflowing with goosebumps at the sudden temperature changes. Your eyes took a few seconds to adjust.

"VOILA! THE CURTAIN RISES ON THE FIRST AND FINAL ESCAPE ARTIST PERFORMANCE OF MR. COMPRESS!" You clapped subconsciously, used to doing it after everyone of his magic tricks. Then the words set it, "first and final"? " escape artist performance"? What was happening? You were gone for a minute, what did you miss?

He ran, his clothes torn and face revealed, to Mirio, who punched him. "COMPRESS!" You said, your voice full of concern and fear. Mirio went for your father next, aiming clearly for the crippled man.

Out of nowhere, Spinner pulled out the beaten and bloodied hand of your grandfather, placing it on your dad's face. His eyes instantly shot open, that "feeling" he had described to Dr. Ujiko taking place. A shockwave fled through the area.

"He found himself some decent alleys... Heart is power. And the more fiercely he embraces that source in his heart... the more my consciousness takes hold in our little symbolic relationship. Never let that hatred die, Tomura." 

The voice sent shivers down your side. All for one's voice. The man before you was no longer just Tomura Shigaraki. He wasn't your dad anymore.

Your head was clouded and ears were ringing. You had a bloody nose and a little blood on your hands, but nothing serious. Spinner, focused on what your dad was saying, pulled you close to him, probably to ensure your safety.

"Woah, hang on Shigaraki! What about Compress? And Machia? Toga's out there too-" "Enough Iguchi. Tomura has lost to One for All and Endeavor. It's only right that that he pays for his lost. All for my sake" "No! You're not my father!" Tears flooded your eyes. You sacrificed your dignity and revealed yourself as a villain, betraying the people that were there for you, all for your father. Not for All for One.

All the heroes tried to stop all of you from getting away,but the Nomu carrying you away were better. All for One turned to you once far enough from the heroes, 

"Indeed, Y/n. I am not your father. However, your father has raised you wrong. You are far from who you should be by now. Tomura has faile-" "YOU KEEP MY DAD'S NAME OUT OF YOUR FILTHY MOUTH! HE'S TWICE THE MAN YOU EVER WERE OR WILL BE!"

(My playlist really went from Story of My Life from One Direction to Pink by Lizzo 💀)

"Y/n, you see, that is where your father went wrong. You care far too much. When your mother passed away, Tomura was devastated. It seems he actually did grow quite attached to you and your mother. He raised you as a single parent with too much care. He babied you too much. Due to the care your father showed you, you idolized him. You displayed the same care onto others near you, such as our own league, however, also to the UA kids that took you in. You will never be able to meet your father and I's standards if you care this much."

You twitched. Fuck, he knew exactly how to get to you. "Shut up. I don't care if I don't meet your standards. My father is proud and I know it! I'm plenty powerful without you- or anyone!" If he had eyes All for One would probably be rolling them. The Nomu's were slowing down and slowly lowering into the ground above a forest. You looked over Spinners shoulder, you appeared to be nearing the Haibori woods or somewhere close. You recognized it from a while ago, whenever the league raided the hideout of the creature rejection clan.

It was a pretty big mansion, so the league released Dabi and made themselves more at home, even if none of you really had a home to begin with. You were dressed and ready for bed, digging from Rumi that was hidden somewhere in your bag under all of this shit. You could hear footsteps stop outside of your room

"Y/n, I belive, being that you are still the young age of 7, I could've worded what I said differently. I'm sure Tomura is proud of you, Y/n. You've made friends that may, one day prove useful, never forget them, because you will need them. Even your father would have been killed today if it weren't for his own comrades. We as villains are still human, Y/n. We just have an outlook on the world that society isn't ready for yet. Its our- or rather... Its you and your father's job to change that outlook on society. It feels like it during hard times, but... 

You are not powerless, young Y/n."

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