Chapter 22 - Moonfish

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You sat in the car with All Might in silence, waiting to hear back from the raid squad. The radio began to speak, "The house... it blew up. It was a booby trap for Deku." "Is he alright?" You said into the radio. "No one was harmed, luckily." The radio turned off.

You turned to All Might, "Can we go see him? Please?" All Might nodded and put the car in drive. "Y/n, do you really want to be a hero?" All might asked. "I don't wanna be like my daddy anymore, and I want to help people and Deku, so yeah, I do."

He turned to you, "I want you to know that because of your past and where you come from, it'll be harder for you. Maybe the hardest it's been for anyone. People like to judge off of appearances and blood. No matter what everybody says, keep trying."

The radio came back on, "Midoriya's back on the road. He's going toward Pasamo Woods." All Might turned to car around. "I don't think the heroes like me much. 'Cause of my daddy... and the things I've done..."

All Might sighed, "They didn't. But Midoriya talked to them. He told them he trusted you, and that he watched you risk your life for someone you've been raised to hate. The only one you need to worry likes you is Midoriya, trust me."

All Might arrived to an abandoned looking house, where Deku had just defeated another assassin. You leapt out of the car, "Wow, Deku! You're so cool! We just got here and you-" "Midoriya, can we talk privately?" Deku nodded. You sighed and got back into the car so they could have some privacy.

(Just to be clear, you can't hear this :) )"You can calm down, kid. You're pushing yourself too hard, you haven't eaten since before Nagant." "I'm in a rush, All Might." "You don't need to be, son! You're defeating villains at a scary rate, and we have no leads on All For One, yet." "Then I'm not working good enough. I'm going to put her at peace, for once in her life." "Is that what this is about? Y/n? She's fine, kid, and she's happy." "She's been through hell and back because we didn't take down Shigaraki soon enough. She was almost killed twice because of him, I'm not going to let that happen again. I'm going to give her the life she deserves. A safe and happy one."

With that, Deku left without saying goodbye. "You don't have to follow me around, you're just putting both of you in danger. I'm fine on my own." All Might got back in the car. "Are you and Deku okay? He seemed mad." "We're fine, Deku just wants to go and defeat more villains."

Deku had gone days later, pushing his body far past the limit. All Might went around looking for villain attacks, reporting them each time. The radio came on with a little static, "All Might, we need to talk." It was Endeavor's voice. "Okay, I can meet near the market on Shiruba Street."

All Might drove to the market, where Best Jeanist, Hawks, and Endeavor were waiting. "Be good, I'll be quick." He got out. You sighed and looked out the window.

You saw a shadowy figure loitering into a dark corner. Your first thought went to Deku, and you couldn't wait to see him again. You opened the door and shut it quietly, running to the figure.

Instead of Deku, you were met with the back of Moonfish, standing in front of two kids, just barely younger than you, covered with blood. You panicked. The reasonable thing to do would be to go get All Might and Endeavor, but you weren't very reasonable.

You ran, charging at Moonfish. Right before you hit him, he turned, making you crash to the ground in front of him. You spun around quick, backing up to shield the other kids. When you weren't looking, Moonfish stabbed one of his blades into your knee. You yelped in pain and fell to the ground. Moonfish shot one of his blades past you to the kids, but you touched the blade before it could hit them, and it decayed. Your knee was covered in blood.

Moonfish shot many continuous blades, you could only decay a few, into your skin, making blood leak from your body. "Must bring... kid... back... to boss..." Moonfish said.

You were there for what felt like hours, trying to decay each one of the blades coming from his mouth, but many times you were too late. You were starting to lose all feeling in your body. Your body was completely on the ground, covered in blood.

You wanted to wake up, for it to all be a dream. You wanted to close your eyes, but it felt like you'd never open them again if you did. You coughed up more blood as his blade went into your leg. You couldn't speak, hear, you could barely see, you'd lost all feeling. It felt like the end. Then, you saw light. You thought you were dying until you noticed... it was green.

Deku had just gotten to UA and began to sleep when All Might burst into Heights Alliance. "Midoriya! Where's Midor- there you are!" All Might ran to him, who was startled by the sudden outburst. "I need to talk to you... alone." "All Might, can't it wait till morning? Midoriya just got settled-" Todoroki said, but Deku interrupted. "No. It's fine. Let's talk outside, All Might."

Deku and All Might went outside, leaving his class curious. "What happened?" "It's Y/n. We- we can't find her. I stepped out to speak to the heroes, and when I got back... she- she was gone. We looked everywhere for her. Endeavor seems to think she went back to her fath-" "No. She wouldn't. I don't believe it. I'll help you look for her." Deku ran inside, getting his hero suit on. His classmates were yelling various questions at him, but he couldn't hear any of them. All he could think about was what happened to Y/n.

Deku left faster than he arrived. He met with the heroes at a warehouse. "Where- where was she last seen?" Endeavor answered, "In the car, with All Might near Shiruba. Listen, kid-" "I don't want to hear it. She's in trouble, I know it. I'm going out to find her."

Deku spent an hour searching the deep dark of the town near Shiruba. When he found her, the air left his body. Her bloody body, the two behind her, covered in blood, and the one in front of her, blood on his blade-like teeth and a known member of the League of Villains. Deku's rage ate at him and faster than he could process he had Blackwhip wrapped around Moonfish and was throwing him at the wrecked building across the street. He flew faster than he ever had to Tartarus, dropping off Moonfish.

He went back, huffing and muddy from the rain. He picked up Y/n. "Y/n? Talk to me, damn it! You're strong, I know you're still in there!" You opened your eyes, just enough to see his green, curly hair. "D-Deku... I did it. I saved them. I'm- a hero." You coughed more blood. Tears flooded Deku's eyes, he couldn't lose you. Not like this. "Damn right you are." Deku shot through the air like a bullet to UA, cradling you in his arms. He pulled out his phone, careful not to drop it. He dialed the first person on his call log.

"K-Kacchan! I need you to tell Recovery Girl I'm coming, tell her to be ready! And I- I need you to get an ambulance to the alley between the Shiruba market and the old abandoned buildings. No questions!" He hung up. All he could think was the worse, that you died in his arms. He could feel your heartbeat, slowest he'd ever felt.

He was at UA in 5 minutes. He shot to Recovery Girl's office, not listening to anyone he passed on the way. He burst into the office and hurriedly put you on the hospital bed. "Oh dear!" Recover Girl exclaimed when she saw your limp body.

"Hang on, Y/n. You'll be okay soon!" He didn't even notice his friends enter the room behind him. "Everybody out! Out! It's going to be a long night." Recovery Girl shoved them all out of the room. Deku turned around, met with Bakugo's angry glare, Todoroki's blank face, and Uraraka's worried expression.

"Care to explain anything?" Bakugo said. "There's nothing to explain." Deku pushed passed them to sit in the waiting room's chairs. "Don't you do that! There's a lot for you to fucking explain!" "I forgave her, end of story! It's not your story to know!" "I think it is! She betrayed me too, De- Izuku! You're not the only one hurt when she turned over!" "She's better now!" "That's what you think until she goes crying back to Shigaraki!" Deku lost his temper.

"Don't talk about her that way! He hit her! He abused her! She's been through hell because we didn't save her sooner! I'm not letting that happen again! Her own father loves power more than his own daughter! You wouldn't know what that's like, Kacchan, you've had it easy your whole life. She's in there because she's a hero! I watched her save someone she's been raised to hate! She's dying because she wanted to save two little kids! She's as much of a villain as I am! Everything I do out there is so she can have a better life! Don't talk about her like that!" Bakugo stared at Deku blankly.

He walked passed Deku, putting his hand on his shoulder, "If you die because the little bitch betrays us, don't blame me."

Choosing Sides {The daughter of Tomura Shigaraki}Where stories live. Discover now