Chapter 5 - Number one fan

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"That couldn't have ended soon enough... I'm hungry." You complained. "You can have something when we get back to UA. For now, as a teacher, I need there for my students. You can eat soon." You laid in Aizawa's scarf as everyone walked to the bus.

You saw Deku staring at his lisence. "Can I see?" You asked. He snapped out of his trance, "Oh, yeah! Here you go." He handed you the lisence and your eyes scanned it. You handed it back and saw his smile shape as he saw the lisence again.

Everyone got on the bus and you sat in the seat next to Aizawa. You turned backwards and talked to Kaminari and Kirishima, which Aizawa had to find annoying. As a celebration meal you all had ramen and cakes (made by Sato).


You walked out of your room and rubbed your eyes. You didn't get much sleep last night. Instead, you had spent most of it writing things about the class 1-A students. It had struck you before you fell asleep last night that you wouldn't be here much longer and your dad would be angry if you came back empty handed and unable to remember most of class A's things. That's why you had a hidden journal of all of Class A's "secrets".

You looked around the common room. "Where's Midoriya and Bakugo?" You asked. Kirishima noticed your question. "Apparently they were caught fighting last night. Aizawa's yelling at them now... or that's what I heard. It's probably just a rumor, don't worry." He got the attention of the class. "Guys, remember we got that announcement from Hound Dog in an hour. We need to get ready for it." The class agreed and each, one by one, went to their dorms. 'Hound dog's announcement... If it's important the whole school will be there. Then, that's when I'll run away. I'll pack now and leave a note so they don't come looking for me. Then, I'll see Daddy and the others again... remember Y/n, remember, it's worth it. Or at least it will be...' You ran to your dorm, it would be best to leave somethings, simply so you wouldn't grow attatched. You had planned to leave Rumi with a note... but you couldn't leave her. She was too cute and sentimental. You wrote a note and left it on your bed, while you packed a few things into a bag. When you were done you went down to Sato's room and got some sweets (that you asked him for). You put the sweets in your bag and hid that under your bed.

You went out to the common room and watched TV. Soon students come back into the common room and out of Heights Alliance. Each one of them left with "Bye, Y/n!" or "See you after classes!" If you were being honest, it hurt a little each time someone said bye or see you later.

Soon, the last student left Heights Alliance and you went into your room and took out your bag. You read the note on your bed over one last time before you walked straight out of UA.


Dear everyone,

I don't really have words. I guess "thank you" would be a nice place to start though. Midoriya. I was just a girl on the streets not knowing anything. You held me and took me into your home, even though I was still a stranger. You introduced me to your friends and teacher, which soon became my first family. It doesn't feel right to call you all my second family, when I love you all more than I thought I could love someone. You were like a big brother to me, giving me comfort, hospitality, and love. You even gave me Rumi and I couldn't be more thankful that I have something to remember you and everyone by. Aizawa, you were like a real father to me. No, you were better than any dad considered "real", it almost makes me think this was all a dream. You showed me love, cats, and what being a hero really means. You all showed me that. Before, I thought a hero was someone that saved lifes. Now I see that anyone can save a life, but it takes real love and passion to be a hero. I still can't say I want to be a hero because I don't know what life has in store, but I can say I am all of you guys' biggest fan. I, however, have a mission. My mission is to find my own life, either with my birth-mother and father, or with a new family. That's why I have to ask you not to look for me, I promise you that I'll be safe. One day, I'll return and know who I am, just not today. You all are going to be amazing heroes, I can tell you that already. Just do me a favor... whenever you're all some of the best heroes, don't forget your number one fan?


Midoriya wiped the tears from his cheeks and eyes. "Deku? Did you find her yet!?" Uraraka yelled from the living room. "I... I think you guys should... c-come over here..." Some of his friends started looking at each other and whispering when they heard the breakiness in Midoriya's voice. Slowly, the first half of the class made their way to your dorm, followed by the second half. Ochako led the first half and as soon as she walked in Izuku handed her the note, which she quickly skimmed over. When she did she realized what had transpired and began calling for her teacher. "Mr. Aizawa! Mr. Aizawa!" "What is it Uraraka?" Like Deku, Uraraka handed him the note with no words, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Aizawa read the note thoroughly. When he finished he handed the note back to Urarka. "I- I need a minute... I want you to show that to your classmates." Uraraka took the note and nodded. Aizawa left the room and Uraraka showed the note to her classmates, one by one. Each one of them showed some sign of saddness, even the ones who had never shown much emotion, like Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Shoji.

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