Chapter 26 - Math

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You awoke with a start, drenched in sweat. You had another nightmare last night. It was different, but less than settling.

In the dream, you saw your father. He had just beat Deku in a fight. He told you he wanted to give you everything, for you to rule under him. He wanted you to have the best life imaginable. He wanted you to be happy, above all. But, in that moment, all you could do is cry.

As you recounted the dream, you hadn't realized you'd started crying yourself. You wiped your face and walked out of Deku's room.

All Might was in the living room, talking to the class, they all had their hero suits on. He had just finished giving them orders.

With Rumi in your arms, you approached them. Before you could think about what you were doing and why you were doing it, you ran to All Might, engulfing him in a hug as big as your small arms would allow.

"Hey, kid." All Might said, patting your back. You turned to the students, who (most, at least) were welcoming you with warm hugs and smiles. 

It only took you a few seconds to fall into conversation. "Ever learn how to fight? That's what we're 'bout to go do. Train!" Kirishima said, on his knees so he could be sat your level. "No, no one's every taught me how." "Here, punch me, kid. Right on the chest, man!" 

You were a little reluctant, but obeyed. It was less of a punch and more banging on his chest lightly with your pinky's side of your fist. You heard a sigh from high above you.

"You're doing it all wrong, Stupid. I thought Deku said you were smart..." Bakugo said, crouching down to your level.  "Like this," he demonstrated and looked at you, who stared back blankly. "Well? Do it!" You punched Kirishima's chest how Bakugo had.

"Close, move your thumb over here... If you were fighting someone and you hit 'em like that, you'd probably break your thumb." He moved your thumb over. "Now slug 'im." 

You hit Kirishima's chest repeatedly because every time you hit Kirishima's chest, Bakugo yelled "HARDER!" 

Eventually, the class had to go down to train. 

You, however, had to stay and study. Apparently, your school knowledge was behind, compared to average seven year old. All Might had bought you school books you could write in. You gazed down at the equations, not understanding any of it. You looked down at the questions. You didn't understand, it was like another language.

"Having trouble?" A voice behind you spoke, making you jump. You turned around, it was Yaoyarozu. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, I just finished getting my hero suit on. Are you having trouble on your school work?" You blushed, embarassed. "It's alright. What're you on?" You pointed slowly to the question.

If Ava made 81 bracelets for 9 friends, how many bracelets does each friend get?

"Well it's simple division, how many times can you add 9 to itself to get 81." After taking one minute to comprehend what she'd said, you began counting on your fingers. "9?" "Yes! Very good!" However, the answer seemed off. No one was truly equal, you father'd taught you that. "So, they all get 9 bracelets?" "Yes, that's the answer, because-" "But what if Ava likes one friend more than the other? What if one of her friends starts being mean and she takes the bracelet away? Or give it to someone else? Why's Ava making 81 bracelets anyways? Since they're probably only 9 or so, they won't be friends for long. The effort's really not neccessary."

Yaoyarozu stared at you. "W-well, it's not real. It's just an explanation to help you understand." "It's not a very practical one." You stared at the paper, writing 'Irrational' on the answer line. You looked to the next problem.

If Betty makes 12 pies and Karl eats 1/4 of the pies, how many are left?

"This one's a bit harder. So since-" "Why the hell is Betty making 12 pies!? And who the hell is Karl? Stop pigging out Karl, other people wanna damn slice of pie!" "Well, maybe it's for a bakesale." "Then why the hell is Karl eating them!? Karl needs to shut the fuck up and mind his own damn business! Get out of the damn kitchen, Karl!" You ranted, saying 'Irrational' as you wrote it on the answer line.

"I like the kid a little." Bakugo said from beside Deku, watching from afar. "We need to keep her away from you."

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