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The sun was rising, the birds sang, and the night has fallen. In the Vanilla Kingdom Pure Vanilla had waken up from his slumber, sitting up from his bed, and walking up to his balcony where he could look upon his kingdom. "How beautiful..." The king says as he perks up to see a blue bird flying towards him. "Oh hello! What brings you here friend?" The bird chirps as if it was happy to see the king, Pure Vanilla smiled. Pure Vanilla could see the bird had a letter for him held in the birds beak. "May I grab this?" The bird drops the letter politely in his hands leaving Pure Vanilla to open the letter and start reading. The letter read,

Dear Pure Vanilla Cookie,

I've planned a meeting at my kingdom this evening, at 5:30 pm. I hope everyone will be able to visit, I've been wondering lately on how you and the others have been doing. Hopefully you are able to come!

Holly Berry Cookie.

Pure Vanilla smiles as he finishes reading the short note. "Thank you little friend!" Pure Vanilla says as he rubs the bird's feathers making it coo. The bird flies away as Pure Vanilla parts his hand away from the bird leaving Pure Vanilla alone again. "Oh dear, I need to start getting everything done, I wouldn't want to run behind on my duties I need to attend to today!" Pure Vanilla ran back inside closing the balcony doors and running outside of his room to greet the other cookies in need of him.

It was stormy. Cold, and icy winds blew through out the cold tundra. Inside the Citadel was Dark Cacao, sitting on the side of his bed, with his elbows on his knees as he looks down in grief. He hears a tweet near his window, he looks over at the window, and gets up to open the window. He opens the window letting in a small blue bird with a letter in its beak. It was covered in frost, and seemed to be shivering. Dark Cacao held out his hands and picked up the bird gently, putting it down softly onto a warm fuzzy blanket. As the bird was getting comfortable Dark Cacao took the letter the bird dropped and opened it. It read,

Dear Dark Cacao Cookie,

I've planned a meeting this afternoon at 5:30 pm. Please go, you might not be in the mood, but I want to see all my friends faces again! If I tell you Pure Vanilla is going you will come right? I'm joking, I'm just teasing you! But he is going, so I'll see you soon!

Holly Berry Cookie

Dark Cacao sighs as he closes the letter and puts it on his desk "Holly Berry and her teasing..." Dark Cacao looks at another letter as he puts the previous one down. Pure Vanillas Letter. Dark Cacao's face heated up a bit as he turned back around facing back towards the bird. The bird was sound asleep, making Dark Cacao smile after the blushing went away. Dark Cacao sighed as he exited his room leaving the bird at rest.

End of Prologue.

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