Chapter 9

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Dark Cacao Cookie sits on his throne, with his face in his hands, and his elbows resting on his knees. The storming wind could be heard in the background as the snow would fall to the ground with harsh breezes. It was a cold day as the storm had hit the Dark Cacao kingdom making it colder than it usually was. But that wasn't the only thing on Dark Cacao's mind as another thing lurked in his thoughts... it was... Pure Vanilla Cookie... he'd tried to stop these thoughts previous times but it has never worked, why was he thinking about this cookie so often? The answer was far behind, but Dark Cacao Cookie never seemed to want to reach, and actually find that answer as he would hide it deep in his own mind. He never really thought about it before... "Pure Vanilla Cookie is such a kind... lovable... and gentle cookie, he's just a friend..., surely I mustn't like him like that..." More thoughts raced as Dark Cacao thought to himself these things over and over trying to not over think about anything. "But it seems as though... every time I'm around Pure Vanilla Cookie... he makes me happy..." Dark Cacao Cookie blushed as he thought about Pure Vanilla again. Dark Cacao stopped blushing as he realized Pure Vanilla was messing up his mind. "I... he makes me feel weak... but also as if I was strong..." Dark Cacao Cookie sighed as he didn't know how to feel anymore.
Pure Vanilla Cookie was getting ready to meet Dark Cacao Cookie as he got all his warm clothing packed and ready to go. "I can't wait to go back to the Dark Cacao kingdom again, it's been so long since I've been over there!" Pure Vanilla Cookie said as he sprinted past Black Raisin Cookie, which made her confused at first but then didn't seem to care as she turned around to wave goodbye. "Bye Pure Vanilla Cookie, Have fun on your trip!" Black Raisin said as she waved then turned back around to sigh. "Pure Vanilla is in such a rush... I wonder why." she said to herself.

Pure Vanilla Cookie was in his carriage looking at all the snow as he smiled. Pure Vanilla just loved to visit his friends, especially Dark Cacao Cookie, he was his favorite cookie to visit since he visited Dark Cacao so often. "I wonder what we'll do, maybe a chat around the citadel? Or even lunch?" Pure Vanilla seemed quite excited as he hasn't stayed over to see Dark Cacao in a while, usually they've only seen each other during meetings before and after the Dark Flour War. The Carriage came to a stop as Pure Vanilla opened the door to get out. As soon as he got out he felt frozen, he still hasn't really gotten used to the weather ever since he first visited. "Ah, I d-didn't recall knowing a-about a s-storm..." Pure Vanilla started to shiver as he put on a thick cardigan with a waffle cone pattern on it and some light yellow ear muffs. Pure Vanilla looked up looking at the citadel covered in snow.

"I s-see this place h-hasn't changed a bit

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"I s-see this place h-hasn't changed a bit..." Pure Vanilla said chuckling as he walked up to the front of the citadel seeing Caramel Arrow Cookie guarding the doors that lead inside the citadel. "H-hello Caramel Arrow..." Pure Vanilla said, trying to smile as his face felt frozen. "Hello there Pure Vanilla Cookie, I suspect you're here for Dark Cacao Cookie correct?" Caramel Arrow says as she bows to the king in a polite manner. "Why yes, you know me so well Caramel Arrow Cookie." Pure Vanilla says as he chuckles softly making Caramel Arrow smile. "You may come in, my king been expecting you since yesterday!" Caramel Arrow said as she opened the citadel doors with a smile still on her face. "Thank you Caramel Arrow Cookie." Pure Vanilla Cookie said kindly. "You're welcome Pure Vanilla Cookie." Caramel Arrow said as she closed the doors behind him. Pure Vanilla entered with a smile on his face with all the guards, and guards in training waving at him, or walking up to him as Dark Cacao perked up from his throne. They all really seemed to like Pure Vanilla Cookie as he used to visit often, but now he was back, which means all of them were excited! As Pure Vanilla Cookie walked past all the others he went up to Dark Cacao sitting upon his throne...he looked happy to see Pure Vanilla Cookie as he just smiled "Dark Cacao Cookie..." Pure Vanilla said in his soft voice. Dark Cacao continued to smile with Pure Vanilla Cookie standing right above him. He stood making him taller than Pure Vanilla Cookie as he cleared his throat. "Pure Vanilla Cookie, I see you came to visit as I requested..." Dark Cacao said as he continued to smile, not taking his glance away from Pure Vanilla Cookie. "Yes, of course I would visit it's been a while since I've been in the citadel... and since I've spent some alone time together with you." Pure Vanilla said with a smile as he grabbed Dark Cacao's hand. Dark Cacao blushed slightly as Pure Vanilla was standing so close... yet he was so warm even in the coldest of places. Some guards continued to do their duties as some might have started. Seeing their king happy with Pure Vanilla Cookie always made the guards happy too as their king was rarely seen with a smile on his face, and no one could ever make him smile... except for Pure Vanilla Cookie of course. "So what would you like to do Dark Cacao Cookie?" Pure Vanilla asked in a kind manner. "Well... could we talk... just us...?" Dark Cacao asked as he went back to his regular expression after smiling for quite some time. "Sure, I would love to!" Pure Vanilla said as he let go of Dark Cacao's hand. Pure Vanilla began to follow Dark Cacao out to where they used to talk for hours... Outside, in the back of the citadel where no one really went unless someone had to guard that area. The two stayed close together, with Pure Vanilla staring at all the snow, and with Dark Cacao Cookie looking at him in awe. "I can tell the storm has soothed out from here." Pure Vanilla said as he continued to stare at the snow. All the snow looked as white as clouds, almost seeming like it would be so fluffy if you jumped in it. Dark Cacao didn't say anything as he continued to look at Pure Vanilla with love in his eyes. This might end up more of a visit than Pure Vanilla Cookie thought it would be...

End of Chapter 9

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