Chapter 17

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Hey, I'm back! I found motivation to write again, and I won't be as busy since I have a week break from school coming up. I'm currently trying to keep my grades up since I don't want to fail any tests... Hopefully I'll be able to write more chapters and upload more throughout this month and next month. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!


It was quite a peaceful morning the Dark Cacao kingdom, the cold winds blew softly as the snow fell from the clouds... it wasn't ever usually this peaceful, but it was always a nice feeling to adapt around.

Pure Vanilla would stand outside of the citadel, with his face looking quite concerned as his eyebrows furrowed.
"Hello? Is anyone there?"
He called out.
A guard soon appeared from the high walls of the citadel as they looked down upon the healer.
"Pure Vanilla Cookie! We're so glad you came as requested... our king has been waiting for you. He's in quite terrible condition... We're still not sure how this happened..."
The guard said as they opened the large gates, leading inside the citadel.
"Thank you... I will try to talk to him if I can..."
The guard gave Pure Vanilla a quick nod, with Pure Vanilla now walking at a fast pace as he entered inside... holding his staff close to his chest.

"Please be ok, please be ok... please..."
Pure Vanilla mumbled continuously to himself as he dashed through the citadel, soon finding a small crowd of the guards wrapping bandages around Dark Cacao Cookie with him laying on the ground.
The guards would turn around to see Pure Vanilla, some of the guards walked up to Pure Vanilla, and the others continued to stay near their king.
"Pure Vanilla Cookie... our king... he's terribly hurt... he was slashed through the middle when we found him."
One of the guards said in a sad tone as they backed away to let Pure Vanilla through.
Pure Vanilla would crouch down, putting down his staff, and looking at Dark Cacao with a worried expression.
He could see how hard the guards tried to stop the bleeding... and all the bandages they used.
"Oh my..."
Pure Vanilla felt more worry run through him as he hovered his hand over the huge slash, which was wrapped in bandages.
"W-who.. who did this...?"
Pure Vanilla asked in worry, turning his head to look at the guards standing behind him.
The guards paused looking quite upset... some sad, and others angry.
"We're not sure... we don't know anyone capable of doing this..."
One of the guards said.
Pure Vanilla would frown as he turned back to look at Dark Cacao once more.
"It's ok my friend... I'm here.."
Pure Vanilla would whisper as he pulled back some of Dark Cacao's hair that was in his face.
Dark Cacao's breathing was so weak, but at least he was breathing.
At this point his heartbeat got slower than how it would normally beat...
There was a moment silence throughout the room.
Pure Vanilla sighed softly as he continued to frown.
"I... I need some time... could I have the room to myself for a moment...? I won't be long..."
Pure Vanilla said to the guards as he looked back at them.
The guards would nod as they left the room, one by one.

The room was quiet... only leaving Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao together.
Pure Vanilla kept a frown placed on his face as he caressed Dark Cacao's cheek softly.
"This will be over soon... you'll feel better... and everything will be ok..."
Pure Vanilla said in a soft tone as he brought his hand back to his side.
He would slowly reach out his hand as he slowly unwrapped the bandages across his chest.
Pure Vanilla soon fully exposed the wound... seeing it made him feel so bad... he wished Dark Cacao wouldn't get hurt so often.
Pure Vanilla would place his hand onto the wound softly, healing it slowly as his hand glowed dimly.
"You poor thing... you're probably in so much pain..."
Pure Vanilla said to himself as he continued to heal the wound.
The wound looked fully healed now as it stopped bleeding... but it left quite a bad scar.
Just looking at it made Pure Vanilla feel even worse.
Pure Vanilla would sigh as he took off more bandages wrapped around other places, slowly healing those wounds as well...

Dark Cacao felt a warm presence near him... it felt so warm.
He didn't want it to leave.
But what was it?
Now he was confused...
Where even was he?
All he remembered was passing out...

Dark Cacao would slowly open his eyes as he blinked a few times.
His vision came out quite blurry as he looked around, slowly sitting up, and rubbing the back of his head while groaning in pain.
Dark Cacao would mumble while he sat up, sucking his teeth in pain as he did.
Dark Cacao's vision eventually cleared up a bit as he saw someone right beside him...
"Dark Cacao... you mustn't move... you need to rest."
He remembered that soft voice...
it was Pure Vanilla's...
"Pure Vanilla Cookie...?"
Dark Cacao grumbled as he was slowly set down once more.

"It's ok... just relax."

Dark Cacao wanted to get up...
But he couldn't get up anyway, so he wouldn't complain.
"Pure Vanilla... don't... don't leave..."
Dark Cacao mumbled as he loosened his whole body by now...
He couldn't feel anything.
All he could feel was Pure Vanilla's warm hand stroking his hair gently, leaving him to fall into a deep slumber.

End of chapter 17

Author note-
Sorry about the short chapter, I'll come out with chapter 18 soon, and it'll be a continuation of this chapter!

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