Chapter 12

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The two held each other close smiling together, with the soft snow falling on them. It's never felt this warm outside in the Dark Cacao kingdom... as it was usually cold, but it didn't feel like it anymore. Dark Cacao continued to hold Pure Vanilla's small hands that were on his face, blushing a little, as he looked at Pure Vanilla Cookie in awe. "I've never felt... so much happiness... all at once... Pure Vanilla..." Dark Cacao said with a slightly bigger smile, making Pure Vanilla smile, along with a slight chuckle coming from him. "Well... I'm glad you're happy..." Pure Vanilla said, smiling his normal heartwarming smile at Dark Cacao. Dark Cacao felt like an arrow was shot through his stone cold heart just looking at Pure Vanilla... There was a small moment of silence... Dark Cacao brought Pure Vanilla's hands down off of his face and down near his chest, making Pure Vanilla blush. The two swayed together slowly, side, to side... and Pure Vanilla chuckling a little as they did so. "You're so warm..." Dark Cacao said under his breath, keeping Pure Vanilla close to him, and feeling his soft breath on his face. Pure Vanilla chuckled again, with a tint of red appearing on his face. As the two continuing to sway, snow would softly drop onto Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao making each other sparkle slightly. "I love this..." Pure Vanilla said, softly laying the side of his face into Dark Cacao's chest. Dark Cacao smiled, looking down at Pure Vanilla, and feeling as if he had butterflies in his stomach. The two swayed, and swayed as if nothing mattered anymore... except themselves... being together. This moment felt so warming... like... you'd never want it to end. Dark Cacao slowly lifted Pure Vanilla's face by his chin holding it by his fingertips, making Pure Vanilla blush slightly. Dark Cacao would just smile looking at Pure Vanilla, not saying anything at all... "I love you... Pure Vanilla Cookie..." Dark Cacao said quietly before giving Pure Vanilla a small kiss on the lips. Pure Vanilla blushed more as he would continue to smile. "I love you too..." Pure Vanilla said back, giving Dark Cacao a quick peck on Dark Cacao's forehead. Dark Cacao blushed... smiling a little more now.


Pure Vanilla Cookie sat near Dark Cacao Cookie, braiding Dark Cacao's, long, dark hair, and chatting with him at the same time. By this time the two were sitting in the throne room, it was quite quiet as all the guards left to give the two space, since they didn't want to be disturbed... well just Dark Cacao didn't want to be disturbed, Pure Vanilla didn't really mind. "So how has your kingdom been since I've been gone?" Pure Vanilla asked. Dark Cacao thought about it as he plopped his head into his hand, with his elbow resting on one of the thrones arms. "Hm... it felt... empty." Dark Cacao frowned. "Did you really miss me that much?" Pure Vanilla said, chuckling a bit, as Dark Cacao blushed, nodding slightly. Pure Vanilla sighed as he finished braiding Dark Cacao's hair. "There..." Pure Vanilla got up from sitting, dusting himself off. "Well it was quite a nice visit... I forgot how nice it was here..." Pure Vanilla said looking around the room a bit. "Wait... you're leaving...?" Dark Cacao said getting up from his throne in a hurry walking towards Pure Vanilla with an upset expression as if he was sad. "Well... yes I... just thought you might be busy... since I know how you get whenever you have to do work and all..." Pure Vanilla said trying to seem polite, he really didn't want to disturb Dark Cacao at all. Dark Cacao got even closer to Pure Vanilla soon hovering over him."Can you... stay... please...?" Dark Cacao said, grabbing Pure Vanilla's arm slowly, trying not to startle him. Pure Vanilla blushed looking up at Dark Cacao... "Well alright... I will stay...if it makes you happy..." Pure Vanilla said with a soft smile, making Dark Cacao smile with him. "Thank you... you mean more than the world to me Pure Vanilla Cookie..." Dark Cacao said making Pure Vanilla's face turn into a dark red...
Dark Cacao soon slowly pulled Pure Vanilla into a loving and passionate kiss...


"Gah... Crunchy Chip move I can't see!"
"Shhh! You don't want them to hear us Caramel Arrow!"
"Ah... alright... but please move I want to see!"
Caramel Arrow Cookie slightly shoves Crunchy Chip to get a better look.
"Ow... hey!"
"Whoops sorry..."
"They're getting closer!"
"Really? Let me see!"
Crunchy Chip looked through part of the cracked door that wasn't covered by Caramel arrow.
"Now they're..."
(Both gasp)
"Did they just..."
"Yes! our king just kissed Pure Vanilla Cookie!"
Caramel Arrows said as her eyes sparkled with joy and excitement.
Crunchy Chip just seemed to be confused.
"Should we tell the others?"
"Ah... I'm not sure... we could get in trouble... and you know what happened last time."
"Oh yeah that's right..."
One of the cream wolves approached the two rubbing itself against Crunchy Chip as it wagged it's tail.
"Ack! You're not supposed to be here right now!"
The cream wolf ignored Crunchy Chip as it barked.
"Get your wolf under control you're going to get our cover blown!"
"I'm sorry! I'm trying to, they usually listen to me!"
The Cream wolf goes past the two now as it enters the throne room leaving the door open wider.
The two stand there cringing as they see the wolf walk up to Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla Cookie.
"We should go."
The two ancients stopped kissing for a moment as Pure Vanilla kneeled down petting the Cream Wolf.
"Oh, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Crunchy Chip Cookie?"
Pure Vanilla said in a quiet tone.
Dark Cacao turned looking at the open door seeing a glimpse of Crunchy Chip and Caramel Arrow before they sprinted away. Dark Cacao sighed turning back to Pure Vanilla Cookie with a warm smile.
The two other cookies try to catch their breath as they stop sprinting.
""Phew that was close... do you think they saw us?"
Caramel Arrow said still trying to catch her breath.
"I'm not sure..."
Crunchy Chip said.
"But seriously, YOU COULD OF GOT US KILLED."
"It wasn't my fault one of the wolves came out of nowhere!"
There was a moment of silence that seemed to last forever as the two stood there catching their breath.
"I mean it was worth it."

End of Chapter 12


Author note-
I can't wait for the Golden Cheese update I swear to god 😭
People really be simping over her now though(I know who you are 🫵)
Ngl though she is hot if you think about it so I don't blame you

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