Chapter 7

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Herb Cookie will be in this as requested by Xx_xX1707

The sun continued to fall as the two cookies felt happy together looking into each others eyes. The sky seemed beautiful to Dark Cacao... but not as beautiful as Pure Vanilla was in his eyes... he was so... perfect. Dark Cacao reached his hand towards Pure Vanilla's face touching it gently with a smile on his face as Pure Vanilla would look down at him in a red hue. Pure Vanilla held Dark Cacaos hand softly rubbing it with his own. "We should head back inside... it's getting dark..." Pure Vanilla said softly as he was trying not to sound too rude looking down at Dark Cacao comfortably laying his head on his lap. "Yes, I suppose we should, the meeting is almost over... we should also get ready to leave as well..." Dark Cacao said as he sat up from Pure Vanilla's lap blushing a little. Seeing Dark Cacao flustered made Pure Vanilla chuckle as the two got up from the bench. Pure Vanilla smiled while Dark Cacao looked over at him as they walked back inside.

Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla waved back at Holly Berry as she closed the door giggling a bit. Golden Cheese also seemed to be with the two as she also waved. "So... what were you two up to?" Golden Cheese asked while flying up in the air, smirking at the two kings standing quite close together as they walked to go get Crunchy Chip Cookie. "Oh, we were chatting, it was quite nice! Why do you ask?" Pure Vanilla said as he smiled quite innocently. "I was just wondering..." Golden Cheese said still smirking bigger than ever. Dark Cacao glared at Golden Cheese telling her to cut it out with just one look. Golden Cheese put her hands behind her head as she flew backwards seemingly trying not to get killed by the look on his face. "I'll be going now, goodbye you two!" Golden Cheese said as she waved flying off somewhere else. Dark Cacao sighed as Pure Vanilla looked over at him walking in a crowd of cookies. "Are you alright friend?" Pure Vanilla asked nicely looking up at Dark Cacao. "Yes I'm perfectly fine." Dark Cacao said as he gave a small smile to Pure Vanilla making Pure Vanilla blush. The two cookies continued to walk as Pure Vanilla stopped to talk to a cookie he saw right across from the both of them. Dark Cacao also stopped looking over to see Pure Vanilla waving to Herb Cookie. "Hello there Herb Cookie, It's been quite a while since I've seen you!" Pure Vanilla said as he smiled at the other cookie. "Hello Pure Vanilla Cookie, it has been a while hasn't it?" Herb Cookie said as he giggled. Sparkling Cookie also seemed to be there right next to Herb Cookie just as Pure Vanilla looked over. "Oh and hello Sparkling Cookie I didn't see you there!" Pure Vanilla said as he chuckled. "Hello Pure Vanilla Cookie!" Sparkling said back with a warm smile. Dark Cacao stood right next to Pure Vanilla looking down at Herb Cookie, and Sparkling Cookie with his normal expression. The two younger cookies looked up at him seeming more nervous than with Pure Vanilla Cookie. "What are you two doing here anyway? Don't you guys live in a different kingdom?" Pure Vanilla asked the two. "Gingerbrave wanted us to go, he seemed really exited about it too! So we went with him, and so did his other friends." Herb Cookie said as Sparkling Cookie nodded in agreement. "Well that's nice of you two to go with him, and tell him I said hello. It was nice meeting you two!" Pure Vanilla said waving goodbye as he wrapped his arm around Dark Cacao's, linking each others arms. "Hm, do you know why Dark Cacao Cookie is with Pure Vanilla Cookie?" Sparkling Cookie asked as he looked down at Herb. "I'm not sure... but they seem really happy together!" Herb said as he held Sparkling's hand gently walking together to continue looking at all the shops.

Dark Cacao blushed profusely as Pure Vanilla wrapped his arm around his own still walking together. "Ah I see Crunchy Chip Cookie!" Pure Vanilla said as he could see... Wildberry with him as well, looking at snacks together, and laughing. "Hello Wildberry!" Pure Vanilla said smiling as he waved. "Well hello there Pure Vanilla Cookie." Wildberry said as he bowed in honor of the kings. "You don't have to bow, it's quite alright!" Pure Vanilla said politely as Wildberry stood up straight again. "Crunchy Chip we have to head back to the Dark Cacao kingdom, it's time to leave." Dark Cacao said while looking down at Crunchy Chip. "Yes sir." Crunchy Chip said seeming unhappy to leave Wildberry as he waved leaving Wildberry to smile. It was a quiet walk as the three headed to a carriage decorated in yellows and blues. Dark Cacao opened the door for Pure Vanilla making Pure Vanilla chuckle as he went inside the carriage to take a seat. "Would you like me to drop you off at your kingdom Dark Cacao?" Pure Vanilla asked. "We don't..." Dark Cacao was about to say something before he was cut off by Crunchy Chip, "Can we go in the carriage, please?" Crunchy Chip asked, looking exited as he usually never took rides back to his kingdom, and always walked instead. Dark Cacao sighed as he thought for a second. "Alright..." Dark Cacao said as Crunchy Chip smiled. Dark Cacao got in first then so did Crunchy Chip making the carriage seem packed. "Excuse me Vanilla Taffy Cookie, can you please take us to the Dark Cacao kingdom?" Pure Vanilla asked the carriage driver. "Sure thing!" The cookie said as the carriage started to move.
The Cookies chatted the whole way talking about each other and how they were, it was just very calm... The carriage took a stop after a while, with Crunchy Chip opening the carriage door and everyone getting out. As Dark Cacao got out he looked back at Pure Vanilla. "Thank you Pure Vanilla... you are very kind." Dark Cacao said with a smile bowing down to him generously making Pure Vanilla chuckle. "You are quite welcome Dark Cacao Cookie." Pure Vanilla said with a sweet smile on his face. Crunchy Chip Cookie was just standing there seeming a bit confused but didn't want to interrupt the two anyway seeming like it would be rude. "Oh, and Pure Vanilla..." "Yes?" "Ahem... would you like to stay? If you won't be busy... if you are... that's alright." Dark Cacao said continuing to smile. "Well... yes I am going to be quite busy, but I can visit! Is this Saturday alright?" Pure Vanilla asked. He really didn't want Dark Cacao's smile to go away, as he really did want to stay, but he had too much work to do back at his kingdom. "Hm... yes that is alright, I will see you then Pure Vanilla Cookie..." Dark Cacao said closing the carriage door walking back to his citadel with Crunchy Chip Cookie by his side petting the cream wolf that ran up to him. Pure Vanilla sighed as he blushed continuously thinking about Dark Cacao Cookie while the carriage started to move again. "Ah... he makes me feel young again..." Pure Vanilla said, messing with his hair slightly while looking out the small window beside him, and at all the beautiful glistening snow.

End of Chapter 7

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