Chapter 15

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Pure Vanilla is at the front of the citadel, waiting to leave, with his suitcase in his hand as the carriage pulls up.
"Well, I guess this is goodbye again." Pure Vanilla said in a soft voice, looking up at Dark Cacao with a warm smile.
Dark Cacao smiled back, "Yes... but we'll see each other again eventually." Dark Cacao said in a more calming tone, leaning towards Pure Vanilla. Pure Vanilla chuckled under his breath as he got a bit closer to Dark Cacao. "Yes, eventually." Pure Vanilla said with an innocent smile, pulling his cardigan up close to his face.

The carriage slowly pulled up to the citadel as it came to a stop.
Pure Vanilla would turn as one of the servants opened the door for Pure Vanilla.
"Ah... and one more thing." Pure Vanilla said before he entered into the carriage, dropping the suitcase on one of the seats, and turning back around to look back at Dark Cacao.

"What do you mean..." Before Dark Cacao could say anything else, Pure Vanilla walked closer, pulling Dark Cacao by his kimono gently, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

Pure Vanilla pulled apart with a small smile one his face. "There you go." Pure Vanilla said as he smiled brightly, grabbing Dark Cacao's hands gently. Dark Cacao blushed as Pure Vanilla let go of his hands. "T-thank you."  Dark Cacao said in a slightly cracked voice as he cleared his throat. Pure Vanilla just smiled, taking a step into the carriage as he closed the door. He waved goodbye as it slowly started to move...

"Goodbye Pure Vanilla."
Dark Cacao said in a  warming tone as he felt even warmer from the kiss... just thinking about it made him smile, touching his cheek gently on where he had kissed.

Pure Vanilla would sigh as he exited the carriage, going inside his castle... it was late evening now as he entered his chambers. Plopping his suitcase on the bed as he put his stuff away all organized. He gave out another sigh as he finished, plopping himself onto his bed. He felt so exhausted... not so long after he would soon fall asleep.

Sobbing can be heard...
an ongoing sound of pain...
So much pain.

"White Lily... don't..."
"Don't leave me..."
"Don't leave me... not again..."

Tears continued to fall down onto the floor...
It became silent.

White Lily walked away slowly as she was absorbed into the darkness...
Pure Vanilla tried to reach out as he cried...
He couldn't see her anymore.

He ran out into the darkness, but couldn't seem to find her.
He fled, running as fast as he could...
It was only endless darkness everywhere he looked.
He stopped, breathless with worry.
Soon falling onto the floor, crying to himself as he curled up into a ball.

"I-it's all my fault... I did this... I should've stopped her... I..."

Pure Vanilla held himself as he was out of words to say, crying to himself...

All alone.

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