Chapter 6

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"Dark Choco!" "Pure Vanilla Cookie!" Pure Vanilla took a knee down spreading his arms out as little Dark Choco ran up to Pure Vanilla to give him a hug. "Oh my goodness, you've gotten bigger!" Pure Vanilla says as he picks up Dark Choco while laughing making Dark Choco giggle with him. "Here come see dad! He's been wanting to see you!" Dark Choco says as he grabs Pure Vanillas hand with his tiny one dragging Pure Vanilla along. "Oh really?" Pure Vanilla says as he laughs quietly looking at the little Cookie drag him along. The two stopped with Dark Choco still holding Pure Vanillas hand. "Dad, Pure Vanilla Cookie is here!" Dark Choco said excitedly with a small smile on his face looking up at Dark Cacao. Dark Cacao smiled looking upon his son then at Pure Vanilla. His face got a little redder as he looked at Pure Vanilla almost like he was thinking about something... "Hello Pure Vanilla Cookie it's nice to see you again..." Dark Cacao said in a soft voice as he continued to smile. "It's nice to see you too... Dark Cacao..." Dark Choco would just look up at the two staring at each other, it would make him happy seeing his dad happy around Pure Vanilla Cookie. "Come on, I wanna play!" Dark Choco said as he tried to pull Pure Vanilla in the direction he wanted to go. "Now Dark Choco-" Dark Cacao was stopped by Pure Vanilla just by looking at his expression. Dark Cacao cleared his throat. "Alright Dark Choco, let's go!" Pure Vanilla followed Dark Choco as he was being dragged along into another room with Dark Cacao following not so far behind. Dark Choco picked up a wooden sword, hand carved by Pure Vanilla. It was a gift to Dark Choco for his birthday last year, he's loved it ever since. "I've come to rescue you!" Dark Choco says as he circles Pure Vanilla slaying all the imaginary beasts. Pure Vanilla chuckles "My hero!" Pure Vanilla says as he smiles watching Dark Choco have fun jumping around the room.

Pure Vanilla messes around with Dark Choco's hair braiding it, bit, by bit. "Pure Vanilla can I tell you something?" Dark Choco ask. "Yes, what is it?" Pure Vanilla says as he smiles like usual. "My dad likes you, he won't stop talking about you to himself all the time, and he also writes, or draws things based off you. I think it's weird, do you?" Dark Choco asks as he messes around with his fingers. "O-oh, he does?" "Mhm! It's not like I sneak... he just leaves his door open." Pure Vanilla looks over to where Dark Cacao was sitting, with Dark Cacao's face all red as Dark Cacao looked the other way. Pure Vanilla blushed a little as he chuckled looking back at Dark Choco. "You little sneak! Come here!" Pure Vanilla grabbed Dark Choco tickling him making Dark Choco giggle uncontrollably. Dark Cacao was smiling at the two liking that they got along well... even in the most embarrassing moments.

Dark Choco was fast asleep in his bed sleeping peacefully with his sword as Pure Vanilla pecked Dark Choco on the forehead leaving the peaceful, quiet room. Dark Cacao was right behind Pure Vanilla just smiling at him making Dark Cacao smile back, as the two headed to Dark Cacaos room not glancing away from each other. Dark Cacao grunts as he sets himself down onto his bed making Pure Vanilla worried. "Are you alright?" Pure Vanilla asks as he sits beside Dark Cacao. "Yes I'm quite alright..." Dark Cacao grunts again. "Ah... no I'm not ok..." "Where does it hurt?" Pure Vanilla asks as he hovers his hand close to Dark Cacao. "My... chest." Dark Cacao says as he tries not to grunt again. "Alright..." Pure Vanilla puts his hands around Dark Cacaos gear trying to take it off of him. "Is it alright if I...?" "Yes..." Dark Cacao blushes not looking away as he lets Pure Vanilla take off his upper gear revealing his chest filled with scars from previous battles and wars. There was a fresh cut filled with blood across the bottom part of his chest. Pure Vanilla seemed calm as he gently placed his hand on top of Dark Cacaos wound with it glowing dimly as it started to heal up. Pure Vanillas aroma seemed to be soothing Dark Cacao down as his eyes felt heavier. "You really need to take better care of yourself..." Pure Vanilla said quietly as he was almost done healing the wound. "Hm..." Dark Cacao felt weaker as his muscles loosened up being close to Pure Vanilla and feeling his touch... "So... soft..." Dark Cacao said out loud quietly not meaning to, but it didn't really matter, he just wanted to be close to Pure Vanilla. Pure Vanilla blushed a little as he heard those words still finishing up healing Dark Cacao. "There you go." Pure Vanilla kept his hand on Dark Cacaos chest a little while longer as he blushed feeling all the scars he'd healed in over decades. Just as Pure Vanilla was about to let go Dark Cacao pressed his hand on Pure Vanillas gently keeping it on his chest. Dark Cacaos heart beat got faster, and Pure Vanilla could feel it... it felt so nice being so close... "Dark Cacao...?" "Mhh..." The two sat in silence as they both stared at each other blushing a bit more each second. Pure Vanilla didn't seem to mind as he kissed Dark Cacao on the forehead gently, more than a peck, leaving Dark Cacao speechless as he smiled once more at Pure Vanilla. The door creaked open slightly with little Dark Choco looking at the two. "Dad...? Pure Vanilla...?" Dark Choco rubbed his eyes as he seemed to be crying. "Dark Choco? Are you alright?" Pure Vanilla asked in a soft voice. "I-I had a nightmare..." Dark Choco seemed to be tearing up more now. "Aw come here let me give you a hug." Pure Vanilla held out his arms as Dark Choco walked towards the bed near the two getting picked up by Pure Vanilla and into a huge hug. "It's going to be alright..." Dark Choco sniffled as he hugged Pure Vanilla back. "Just promise you won't leave..." Dark Choco said "It's ok, I won't... would you like to sleep in here with me and your dad?" Dark Choco nodded his head as Pure Vanilla set him down onto the bed in between his dad and Pure Vanilla. All three slept peacefully with all their worries behind them.

End of Chapter 6

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