Chapter 2

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Dark Cacao Cookie smiles at Pure Vanilla, feeling a warm sensation... The two stand there for a bit, feeling like hours, suddenly with Holly Berry breaking the moment with a hug, "I'm so glad we're all meeting again! It seems like it has been forever, haha!"
{Flash Back}
Pure Vanilla runs through the forest, bushes, and shrubs trying to keep up with his friend. "White Lily Cookie, wait up!" Just as he takes one more step he trips over a huge tree root in front of him. "Ack!" Pure Vanilla sits on the ground with a scrapped knee, trying to hold his tears. Just then he hears rustling through some bushes in front of him... "H-hello?" Pure Vanilla looks up to see a cookie appear out of the bushes, making Pure Vanilla jolt slightly. The cookie had dark magenta eyes, with short black hair put up in a small ponytail, and a strand of white hair on the cookies right side. The mysterious cookie held a hand out to Pure Vanilla, with Pure Vanilla grabbing the cookies hand, and standing back up to his feet. Pure Vanilla just looks at the mysterious cookie for a while as both of the cookies hands touch. No one said anything it was just silence, it felt like forever just gazing at each other, both feeling something quite... different. But before Pure Vanilla could say a polite thank you White Lily ran up behind him making Pure Vanilla turn around. "There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you! You had me scared to death, what if you got attacked!?" Pure Vanilla looked down in embarrassment, "I'm sorry... I just tripped on a tree root... and I found-" Pure Vanilla turned around to see the mysterious cookie not there anymore. "Found what?" White Lily asked. "O-oh, nothing, I was mistaken, let's keep going, this time don't run off again!" "Ok ok!"

Golden Cheese is chatting with Holly Berry, Holly Berry drinking her berry juice like water, and Golden Cheese laughing at her own jokes. Golden Cheese looks over at Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla suspiciously, while making a face. "Holly Berry...?" Holly Berry turns to Golden Cheese while drinking her juice, "Hm?" Golden Cheese squints her eyes a bit still gazing at the two other cookies talking to each other and smiling. "Look at Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla..." Holly Berry raises an eyebrow "What about them?" She says before drinking her juice again. "I know this sounds crazy, but they totally have a thing for each other..." Golden Cheese whispers while smirking, making Holly Berry spit out her juice immediately, catching everyone's attention in the room. "Holly Berry are you alright?" Holly Berry coughs giving Pure Vanilla a thumbs up while grinning. "Yep, I'm alright..." Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao turn back into a conversation while Golden Cheese snickers. "Cheese... you can't just say stuff like that..." Golden Cheese smirks "But I just did!" Golden Cheese laughs as Holly Berry sighs.

End of Chapter 2

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