Chapter 10

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Dark Cacao looks at Pure Vanilla Cookie in awe as the winds seem to slow down. It still felt cold but it wasn't as cold as it used to be anymore..."Remember whenever me and Dark Choco would play out here... and we would build snowcookies together... you would watch... and smile... you looked so happy..." Pure Vanilla said as he smiled. "Oh, and we'd also make the snowcookies look like us all together! It was so adorable..." Pure Vanilla said chuckling a bit "Yes I remember quite clearly... I wish I could go back to those times..." Dark Cacao said as he thought about his son... he never really liked thinking about him... but it was the only other thing he could think about right now. "You know Dark Choco really reminds me of you..." Pure Vanilla would say as he started to blush a little. Dark Cacao smiled at Pure Vanilla as he felt like his emptiness was gone... he felt complete with Pure Vanilla right by his side. "Hm... it's never felt so nice out here..." Dark Cacao said as he began to question why. "Well I agree... it feels quite warmer... than how it usually is..." Pure Vanilla said in a softer voice. Dark Cacao thought about it for a bit... but then he had an almost sickening feeling in his stomach... Dark Cacao thought he might've been sick... was he sick? He surely didn't feel sick... was his mind messing with him? "Dark Cacao? Are you alright?" Pure Vanilla asked Dark Cacao Cookie as he looked at him with a worried expression. "Yes... I'm quite alright..." Dark Cacao said as he felt Pure Vanilla get a bit closer to him. It was quiet for a while as both cookies stared at the white glistening snow.
Pure Vanilla would play with his hair as Dark Cacao sighed loving every bit of Pure Vanilla and everything he did. Pure Vanilla stopped messing with his hair as he looked down at the ground... blushing a little as he thought about something...

"Hey... don't you feel something... every time we're together...?" Pure Vanilla asked as he looked out into the long lands of snow ahead. Dark Cacao Cookie stayed silent as he thought. The feeling... he felt it right now.. but why? "Yes... like..." Dark Cacao was cut off by Pure Vanilla, "Like you want to... stay close... as although forever." Pure Vanilla said as he seemed to be blushing a bit more now. "Hm... yes... how did you..." Dark Cacao paused as Pure Vanilla looked at him with his eyes slowly opening as he got closer to the taller king. "His eyes are still so beautiful as I remember..."Dark Cacao said in his mind as Pure Vanilla's face got closer to Dark Cacao's...There was a short moment of silence as Pure Vanilla held Dark Cacao's face gently smiling his soft smile looking into his eyes deeply. "Because... I can feel it too..." Dark Cacao blushed more than he ever blushed as he felt Pure Vanilla hold his face... it felt so soothing to him...

Just then...

Pure Vanilla gave Dark Cacao a gentle but passionate kiss...

The kiss it self felt unexplainable as Dark Cacao closed his eyes slowly with Pure Vanilla's eyes.

They felt linked together as the world stopped around them... the sweet vanilla taste of Pure Vanilla Cookie... and the bitter-sweet chocolate taste from Dark Cacao Cookie mixed together as the kiss felt like hours at end... both of their hearts raced and their bodys felt warmer than before. Dark Cacao passionately kissed back holding Pure Vanilla's soft hands that were on his face, grasping them softly since his hands were way bigger than his. Dark Cacao never wanted this kiss to end... he wanted it to last forever... he never felt this good until this exact moment... They stood there continuing the kiss, Pure Vanilla's lips felt soft on Dark Cacao's... a slight breeze in the air fell between the two as they stayed so close together not pulling apart. Neither wanted to let go as it just felt so good... even just the sensation it self was unexplainable, it was so heartwarming, and breathtaking as both of their hearts beat faster than sound itself could travel.

The two pulled apart with foreheads touching, Pure Vanilla was chuckling under his breath, and Dark Cacao was smiling as each others hands never let go of each other. The two stood there kissing again as if they needed to, the kiss was genuinely just wholesome between the two... just them together. Each kiss was everything as it became more passionate, kiss, after kiss, after kiss. They couldn't stop even they wanted to... it felt... so good.

Yes, Pure Vanilla did usually visit Dark Cacao to heal his scars... but it also seems as if he was healing more scars in this moment.

The two eventually did stop... putting their foreheads together again sort of chuckling together. "Dark Cacao...?" Pure Vanilla said as his breathing soothed down after a bit... "Yes...?" Dark Cacao said keeping his hands on Pure Vanillas trying to keep them warm. "I've never recalled hearing you laugh... but now that I've heard you laugh, it seems like... everything gives me a new perspective off of you now... Dark Cacao..." Pure Vanilla said as he chuckled again. Dark Cacao just smiled as he chuckled with Pure Vanilla. "Really? I didn't really seem to notice I laughed... since my focus is mostly just on you..." Dark Cacao said as he blushed a little. "I wish we could stay like this forever..." Pure Vanilla Cookie said as he held Dark Cacao's hand that was on his face making him blush looking up at Dark Cacao. "Dark Cacao...I love you so much... I..." Pure Vanilla was cut off by Dark Cacao. "I know Pure Vanilla, I love you too." Dark Cacao said as he pulled Pure Vanilla in for another kiss, with Pure Vanilla smiling under the kiss as they swayed together, loving each other... unconditionally.

End of Chapter 10

Author note-
Wooo they finally kissed guys, I'm sorry it took me a few chapters to get to this point. I just couldn't wait anymore to not write a chapter about them kissing. I'll be back with another chapter soon :)

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