Chapter 19

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Hey I'm back :D (Sorry I took forever)

Continuation of chapter 15...

Dark Cacao Cookie was at the training grounds, keeping his guards in training busy while he helped. Today was quite a peaceful day and it felt warmer than it usually was. Oh how it reminded him of Pure Vanilla... just the essence of everything on this beautiful day... it was perfect. The soft snow falling... the peace and quiet surrounding the kingdom, he couldn't think of anything else better.

Just as Dark Cacao was speaking to one of his guards a blue bird appeared, seemingly flying towards his direction. The bird got closer when it landed in the snow, making a soft "thump" as it landed. Dark Cacao bent over to pick up the bird... he could see the bird had a letter once he had the bird in his hands. The bird let out a small chirp as it dropped the letter into his grasp. Dark Cacao would smile as he patted the bird, letting it fly away once he let go. Dark Cacao watched  it fly away, letting his smile fade as he did... he looked down at the letter in his hands, it smelt of sweet vanilla... he loved the smell... it always brought happiness to him somehow. 

He opened the letter slowly, making sure he wouldn't fracture it with his hands. Once he opened the letter, he started to read... the letter was quite alarming. Many questions were going through his head once he finished reading. "Is Pure Vanilla ok?" "Why did he act completely normal whenever I was with him?" He asked himself... but yet he didn't know any answers. All he could do was feel worried now as his mind raced with questions. Dark Cacao raced past his guards as he went inside the citadel, not saying a word to anyone. He walked like he was in a hurry, in a hurry to write a letter back. Once he got to his chambers he busted the doors open, leading inside the room, and closing the doors behind him harshly. He sat at his desk pushing everything aside... getting out a piece of paper and a fountain pen he always used.

He thought for a moment... looking back at the letter he had just gotten... and started writing.


"Dear Pure Vanilla Cookie,

This letter is in regards of you getting better.
I understand to how you feel, we all miss her.
Sometimes it feels like she is always apart of us no matter where we go.
These nightmares you've mentioned, I've been having them recently too, more about my past.
It always sends shivers into my dough every time I think about it.
Although you say it was never my fault, I still wish to believe your words were true.
For deep down I have to take actions for my consequences.
Pure Vanilla Cookie, the light still shines bright within you in the darkest of moments, you can overcome the bad thoughts, and memories.
For I have to overcome mine.
White Lily Cookie, she was always there when we needed her, helping throughout our troubles.
Missing her, it feels like we are all missing a part of ourselves.
A part of our lives.
You still stand strong Pure Vanilla Cookie.
Just don't forget,
For you are the light of earthbread... and... the light of my heart.

Dark Cacao Cookie"

P.S. I will visit you shortly, I am quite busy at the moment, sorry for the delay.


Dark Cacao sighed as he finished the letter, setting his pen down as he dug through drawers of papers to find an envelope. Once he found one, he set the letter nicely folded inside, holding it shut with a wax stamp. Soon enough he set off for someone to send the letter... someone he trusted. He stopped as he ran into Crunchy Chip, who seemingly bumped into him on accident,  stumbling back a bit.

"Ah m-my liege, I'm terribly sorry! I should've looked where I was going."

Crunchy chip said with a slight stutter in his voice.
Dark Cacao would just look it him as he got an idea, he should send Crunchy Chip to send the letter... after all it would be easy since he could mount one of the cream wolves.

"Here, I have a job for you."

Dark Cacao spoke as he handed Crunchy Chip the letter.

"Send this to Pure Vanilla Cookie at the Vanilla Kingdom, I'm sure you already know where that is."

Crunchy Chip looked a bit confused but he gave off a nod.

"Yes my liege."

He spoke before he ran off to go get one of the cream wolves.
Dark Cacao sighed, he felt worried about Pure Vanilla... the best he could do was visit him in a few days since he was so busy with his own duties. Dark Cacao eventually went into the throne room, he sat on this throne thinking for a while. He's not sure how to handle all of this... he was a king, he was supposed to be powerful. Not a king who is stressed all the time and has no time for things besides his work. He just wants everything to go back to how it used to be.



I was laying in the soft grass, my best friend beside me.
He would laugh as I smiled... his laughter always brought me happiness.
The gentle breeze hit us both with the clouds above us.
I never want this moment to end... never.
This is probably the happiest I've been.
"Do you ever imagine how our future would look like Dark Cacao Cookie...?"
Pure Vanilla Cookie spoke as he looked over at me with a smile.
I answered, looking right back at him.
"Both our kingdoms merged together as one... creating peace and harmony for all cookies. Doesn't it sound wonderful?"
"Hm... yes... wonderful."
A small smile plastered onto my face as I continued to look at Pure Vanilla beside me... he made my everything flutter... all I feel is warmth all around my body.
There was silence for a bit... the breeze in the air... I would look back up into the sky as so did Pure Vanilla.
"Dark Cacao...?"
I looked back over at him as I turned my head.
"Do you think we could just stay here forever... and never leave each other's side?"
Pure Vanilla asked while he looked back at me... he always tended to ask interesting questions... but this one was different... it felt different.
"...I would love that..."
I answered in a soft tone.
Suddenly, I felt something warm grasp onto my hand.
I looked down to see Pure Vanilla's grasp mine... it made blush creep onto my cheeks as I looked back at Pure Vanilla who was smiling at me as always.
I slightly squeezed his hand back once the blush faded.
All I could do was smile... looking back at the sky as we watched the clouds...

Author note-

Omg ahhh I love them so much 😭
Also thank you for 3k reads!! I'm literally crying 😭😭😭

here's a drawing hehe

here's a drawing hehe

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It's part of a W.I.P.
I love baby Dark Choco, he's so cute!!

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