Chapter 8

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Pure Vanilla walked down the long hallways of his castle, seeming quite lonely as it was so quiet he could hear his own footsteps. Pure Vanilla opened his room door, closing it behind him sighing as he got ready for bed putting his staff to the side. Pure Vanilla put on his bed attire, laying in his bed comfortably, while snuggling the covers as he got warmer. Pure Vanilla just laid there with only his thoughts in mind as he stared at the ceiling. Just as Dark Cacao slipped into his mind, Pure Vanilla started to blush pulling the blanket closer to his face. "I can't possibly..." Pure Vanilla turned to his right side as he looked out his window and up at the moon. Pure Vanilla wasn't sure what he was supposed to think anymore, all he could think about Dark Cacao and his small smile making Pure Vanilla blush even more covering his face completely. "Hm..." Pure Vanilla seemed so confused as he tossed and turned trying to fall asleep. Pure Vanilla couldn't close his eyes even if he tried to... he just wasn't tired anymore. He just couldn't get Dark Cacao out of his head! All he could imagine was his dark magenta eyes, his long, black, and silky hair, his voice... oh his voice sent Pure Vanilla to completely different place every time he talked. Pure Vanilla was overthinking now as he continued to blush in a big mess still trying to fall asleep. "You have to stop overthinking this, he's just a friend..." Pure Vanilla said as he sighed again soothing down his thoughts a little. But saying that felt... wrong... it felt incomplete, it just didn't seem right. Pure Vanilla tried to not think about it anymore, soon falling asleep remembering about all the memories he has loved, making him happier with a soft smile on his face.

{Flash Back}
I felt drowsy as my eyes couldn't open, I tried to move or even wake up but I wasn't able too... it was so cold... "what's wrong with me? Why can't I move? Where am I?"  I shivered as I looked around... but I could also feel someone close... someone warm... someone... familiar... I just wish I could see... I could hear... sobbing...? Quite familiar sounding too as I felt a hand touch mine gently. "Hello? Is there anyone there?" I didn't get a response back, wait can they even hear me? I felt like I wanted to break down... "It's so lonely in this dark black void of nothing, it feels like I've been here for decades..."  I sat in the void listening to the sobs from the other cookie I couldn't see... I felt a hand reach for my face making my face feel warm. I wanted to reach my hand to grab theirs... "wait I can... I can move..." I slowly reached my hand grabbing the cookies hand that was on my face... The hand felt rough to the touch... it was also bigger than mine. I could see light from the void... a opening... I walked closer to it... suddenly opening my eyes rubbing the other cookies hand gently. The Cookies sobbing continued as I smiled warmly looking at the cookie. "Dark Cacao Cookie why are you crying...?" I asked as I tried to sit up feeling pain as I did so. "I... you... I thought..." Dark Cacao kept sobbing as I would wipe his tears away still smiling at him. "It's ok, I'm alright... I'm here now..." Dark Cacao pulled me into a hug not caring if I was covered in strawberry jam (blood). "I thought you were... gone... Pure Vanilla..." Dark Cacao said with his voice seeming weak as he was trembling. "I'm alright... it's going to be ok..." I was still in quite some pain but I didn't seem to care, as long as Dark Cacao was ok, I was ok too. Dark Cacao continued to sob in my shoulder as I gently rubbed him on the back trying to soothe him. Dark Cacao exhaled his breathing as he stopped sort of like a sigh of relief. "Will you... be ok?" He asked me looking into my eyes with his own as I dried his face off with my hands. "Yes... I will be alright... just you being here with me takes away most of the pain." I'd smile as Dark Cacao was still shaking quite a bit. Dark Cacao sighed again as he laid his head onto my shoulder giving me another hug. "Let's get you home..." Dark Cacao said as he picked he up from the snowy ground gently trying not to hurt me as much. "Thank you..." I said smiling up at Dark Cacao as he walked towards his citadel in the harsh cold snow with him covering me in his cape.

Pure Vanilla woke up stretching his arms out as he sat up yawing. "What a weird dream that was... I'm not really fond of that one..." Pure Vanilla said as he got up feeling drowsy. Pure Vanilla's stomach growled as he opened his room door. "Oh haha, I seem hungry... I should go eat breakfast..." Pure Vanilla said as he walked down the long hallway and into the kitchen/dining room. Pure Vanilla yawned as he looked to see Black Raisin Cookie making some Raisin buns. "Hello Pure Vanilla, you're up later than expected!" Black Raisin Cookie said as she smiled taking out the buns from the oven. "Hm... oh yeah, I just couldn't sleep properly..." Pure Vanilla said as he yawned again, taking a Raisin bun from a plate that was on the counter in front of him, and taking a bite out of it. "Something on your mind?" Black Raisin Cookie asked as she looked up at Pure Vanilla. "Ah, no, no... I have nothing on my mind whatsoever!" Pure Vanillas face seemed to get a bit red after saying that and taking another bite of the Raisin bun. "Ok..." Black Raisin didn't believe him but she didn't seem to care as Pure Vanilla seemed really tired anyway. "Black Raisin Cookie would you like to help me with my garden today? I might need another hand to help me water some of my white lilies." Pure Vanilla said trying to change the subject as he finished the Raisin bun taking the last bite. "Hm.. I suppose I could... sure count me in!" Black Raisin Cookie said. Pure Vanilla smiled and so did Black Raisin as they both chatted together, since they were really good friends after all.

End of Chapter 8

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