Chapter 11

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{Flash Back}
I stand there blocking Dark Enchantress Cookie's hits with Holly Berry Cookie, it was tough since each hit got rougher... I could see Pure Vanilla walk closer to where I was standing... I didn't understand why...

"Pure Vanilla Cookie... what are you..."

I look at Pure Vanilla Cookie as he steps forward in front of Dark Enchantress Cookie.... casting some sort of shield spell holding back anything Dark Enchantress Cookie was aiming at us. Just looking at him he seemed amazing... But a strong feeling of worry ran through me as all I could do was watch... I thought he had it... until it stopped for a split second... all I remember is before he got knocked out he looked at me specifically... with his usual smile... Whenever he did get knocked out, I didn't know what to do all I could do is feel a bunch of emotions at the same time as thoughts raced through my head. I've never felt so worrisome... but never so much anger at the same time...


I didn't want Dark Enchantress Cookie to get away with it... I felt more anger rise through me as it felt like I needed to do something... but even before I could even do anything... everyone else got knocked out... even me...

"Pure... Vanilla Cookie..."

I was standing... somewhere... I could remember? It was dark like the last time I remember... but this was different, I was alone... it was cold... I couldn't feel my hands as I would look around for hours at a time... All I remember is being knocked out... my friends all there... looking at me as I tried to... wait... are my friends ok...?! I have to get up... but how... why do I feel so weak? It seems as the void just kept on going... I can't... feel anything...
Am I going crazy...?  No... am I ...



"Pure Vanilla Cookie..."
wait I've... heard that voice... I remember it so clearly...
"I've been expecting you." someone said behind me as a cold... evil... presence stood behind me... I could hear laughter with them towering over me as I turned around in fear.

"Dark Enchantress Cookie..."

"Yes it is me... it seems you're struggling... as I've intended..." She would laugh again as she would continue to tower over me. "You...! Why have you done this!" I felt very upset, I didn't know what to do as I couldn't feel anything... just standing there, and watching her walk around me. "You know why... you're just too sensitive... too sensitive to even defeat me... all because of your emotions... just admit it, I'd win either way." She smirked as she stared me down with an evil glare in her eyes. "I'll never let you take over earthbread!" I said feeling quite dizzy all of a sudden... "Oh... but I've just started..." Her evil laugh continued, as I would fall to the ground on my knees, gripping onto my staff, trying to keep myself up. "But... why..." I felt like passing out with my eye's feeling heavy... I closed my eyes with the rest of my body collapsing to the ground... hearing her laugh...

"Pure Vanilla Cookie you have to get up."
"Hm... who's that...?"
"You have to get up Pure Vanilla Cookie."
"But... who..."
"There's no time... you must get up! get up Pure Vanilla Cookie!"

I suddenly wake up not knowing where I am... my vision seems blurry... I can't find my staff anywhere... "where is it... oh there it is!"  I grab my staff as I get up dusting myself off. I could see again as my staff opened its eye... "Where am I..." I looked around then gasping as I saw all my friends on the ground... all passed out. "Oh my..." I dashed over to my friends... but... where's White Lily Cookie... I can't really pay attention to her right now though ... my friends... I ran over to Dark Cacao Cookie. "Dark Cacao Cookie... you poor thing." I rubbed his face softly trying to get him to wake but nothing seemed to work... "Holly Berry... and Golden Cheese... I'm not sure what to do..." I looked around a bit more as I could still see no sign of White Lily Cookie... "I must go look for her!" I said as I left my friends... I didn't feel too good leaving them behind... but I have to find White Lily... and stop this once and for all!
Pure Vanilla wakes up from his slumber gasping for air as he seemed to be sweating a bit... "Hm... another nightmare... that's  five in a row... at this point I won't get any sleep..." Pure Vanilla said rubbing his eyes as he got up from his bed wandering off into the dark moonlit halls and into the misty White Lily Garden.

 Pure Vanilla walks down the pathway of White Lily's, gently caressing a few, and sitting down in the small vanilla gazebo

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Pure Vanilla walks down the pathway of White Lily's, gently caressing a few, and sitting down in the small vanilla gazebo.
"I wish she was still here... I miss her very much..." A tear rolled down Pure Vanillas eye as he continued to smile thinking about White Lily Cookie... his beloved friend...

End of Chapter 11

Author note-
Just so you aren't confused, this chapter should've been chapter 10 but I didn't make it chapter 10 so... just so you know this comes before chapter 10 actually happens :). Also sorry about the short chapter, I'm trying to write to about 1500 words a chapter, but I'll get there eventually!

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