Christmas Special- Chapter 20

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The winter breeze was in the air, the soft snow falling to the ground, with the sounds of icicles melting off rooftops. It was Christmas, a time to be shared by every cookie and their families. In the Vanilla Kingdom the cookies were all in their homes, opening gifts and baking wonderful treats, others singing carols, some even playing out in the snow, bundled up in their cozy jackets.

Inside the Vanilla castle, was Pure Vanilla, setting up a Christmas party for his close friends. It was going to be a simple party, a party his friends would enjoy, and he had to make sure everything was in order.

Pure Vanilla was setting up in the dining room, putting down napkins and utensils nicely beside plates set down on the long dining table. Black Raisin Cookie was helping in the kitchen, making treats and other foods for cookies to enjoy, with the help of other raisin cookies. Everything was tidy, with presents for his friends under the neatly decorated tree in the room. The room was decorated with blues and yellows, the tree decorated with sunflowers and many white lilies, and each present individually wrapped in different colored wrapping paper for each one of his friends. Pure Vanilla couldn't wait to see all of their reactions once they opened their gifts, it made him smile just thinking about it.


After some time, it was time for the party, Pure Vanilla would help Black Raisin set the food out, until he heard a knock on the door. He peered up once he heard the knock, "I'll get it!" Pure Vanilla spoke as he dashed to go get the door.

He ran to the door, quickly opening it to see Hollyberry Cookie, Golden Cheese Cookie, and Wildberry Cookie, he smiled warmly upon seeing them.

"Hello my friends, please come in!"

Pure Vanilla gestured them all inside, soon closing the door behind them whenever they entered the castle.
The group of cookies would chat for a bit.
All the cookies eventually headed toward the room were they would have their party, all fascinated with the beautiful scenery of the room.

"Woah, Pure Vanilla Cookie, you weren't lying whenever you said you were going all out on the decorations!"

Hollyberry commented with a chuckle.
Pure Vanilla chuckled back.

"Ah yes... I guess I can get carried away at times."

Pure Vanilla responded with another soft chuckle.
Everyone sat down at the table, just waiting for a few more cookies... all chatting about their lives.

"So Pure Vanilla, how is your kingdom doing? Is everything doing alright as for you not being a ruler like you used to be?"
Golden Cheese questioned.
"Well you see, my kingdom is doing very well. Everything is peaceful and-"
Pure Vanilla was about to finish his sentence until he was interrupted by another knock at the door.

"Oh... I'll be right back."

Pure Vanilla said as he stood up from his seat, going to the front door to see who was there.
Pure Vanilla would open the door without hesitation as he peered to see Dark Cacao Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie, and Crunchy Chip Cookie.

"Ah, Dark Cacao Cookie, it's nice to see you! I see you've brought along more cookies with you this time."
Pure Vanilla spoke in a soft tone, making Dark Cacao smile upon seeing him.

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