Chapter 3

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Pure Vanilla sits in his chair, with his hand holding his face up as he sighs. He looks at Dark Cacao, with his... deep eyes, and small smirk. Even if Dark Cacao Cookie did look like a cold, serious, and bitter cookie he still had a soft side. He never showed  any affection much towards most cookies, unless if it was Pure Vanilla Cookie. Dark Cacao looks over at Pure Vanilla looking at him in awe. "Pure Vanilla...?" Pure Vanilla's eyes opened wide as he realized he was staring. "O-oh I'm sorry! I started... day dreaming..." Pure Vanilla continues to smile even after he felt embarrassed, blushing a little as he turned around the other way, making Dark Cacao clear his throat, and turn the opposite way. There was a short moment of silence between the two..."I'll be going to the garden..." Pure Vanilla said, getting up from his seat, and going out of the room while Dark Cacao watched him leave. "Ahem... I'll be back..." As soon as Pure Vanilla left Dark Cacao got up from his seat, and followed unexpectedly. Holly Berry and Golden Cheese where still chatting on the other side of the table just whispering to each other. "Shouldn't we do something?" Golden Cheese asks Holly Berry. "Well I'm not sure... should we follow them?" Holly berry asks. "Yes, we should..." Golden Cheese snickers. The two girls get up to go sneak up behind.
Pure Vanilla wanders off  into a lovely garden, filled with roses of reds and pinks. The garden also felt like a maze, it had tall bushes surrounding the whole garden with a statue of Holly Berry in the middle.

It seemed really fancy for a garden to Pure Vanilla

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It seemed really fancy for a garden to Pure Vanilla. Pure Vanilla could see a marble bench, with lots of gorgeous plants and flowers. Pure Vanilla sat down on the bench sighing as he smiled once again. Pure Vanilla caressed a rose beside him, but stopped as he heard someone behind him, and he could hear the the loud footsteps get closer... until he could feel someone's heavy... cold... breath on his shoulder. He felt a hand grip gently on his shoulder, making Pure Vanilla turn his head around. As soon as he turned around the hand moved away... as for it was Dark Cacao Cookies hand. It felt like they where in a familiar moment looking at each other for seconds although it felt like hours... it seemed too familiar... like they've been here before. Dark Cacao blushes a little as the same for Pure Vanilla. "Hello Dark Cacao, I didn't expect you to... follow me" Pure Vanilla blushes a bit more as he fidgets with his fingers around his staff. "Follow... you? I was just curious... that's all..." Dark Cacao cleared his throat seeming like he did it a lot anyways. Pure Vanilla chuckled, making Dark Cacao smile, and blush a bit more. "Here come sit with me." Pure Vanilla said with a sweet smile, looking up at Dark Cacao, patting beside him. Dark Cacao sat down beside him, with Pure Vanilla looking directly into his eyes, smiling sweetly, making Dark Cacao blush more. The two sat together, with smiles, and a warm feeling... that seemed to always lurk near the two every time. "Pure Vanilla..." "Yes?" Dark Cacao forgot what to say, he got lost in his words... he got lost in... Pure Vanilla. He just stared in awe at the smaller cookie, with his beautiful eyes, and sweet smell. Dark Cacao doesn't know why he felt this way... or even why he was this way. The two seemed to be getting closer ending up touching each others hands. Both of the cookies looked at each other again, with the wind breezing along their faces, and the warm sensation of each others touch. Dark Cacao felt calm, feeling rather close, and smelling Pure Vanillas sweet aroma around him. For Pure Vanilla, it was more bitter, with a hint of sweetness from Dark Cacao. Their faces seemed to get closer, staring into each others eyes feeling like they could get lost forever just sitting together...  Until the two heard rustling through the bushes, and giggling... making the two jolt a bit. "Shhh, shut up they'll spot us!" Golden Cheese whispered as she giggled. "It's not my fault... hey wait did it just get very quiet or is that just me?" Holly Berry says looking around. The girls peeped from behind the bush seeing Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla stare at the two, with Dark Cacao looking more serious. "Ohh... heyyy ... we definitely weren't here... sooo... gotta run!" "Yep!" Holly Berry and Golden Cheese run off back inside while Pure Vanilla chuckles making Dark Cacao smile. "They're so silly... but what where they doing here stalking us?" Pure Vanilla asked with a small smile. Dark Cacao frowned again looking back squinting his eyes at the two girls who where farther back in the background still staring. "I'm... not sure" Dark Cacao said as he turned back around. The two cookies chuckle and smile at each other for a bit realizing they where still holding hands tightly. As Dark Cacao looked down at Pure Vanillas hand he unwrapped his hand, and let go blushing a bit again.

End of chapter 3

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