Author Note - Not a chapter :(

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Hello... again! I'm terribly sorry I'm not uploading frequently, I'm still going through the same stuff with school and everything, sometimes I just don't have the time to write another chapter. Maybe during winter break? I don't know yet.

I will write eventually another chapter don't worry I'm not canceling the story, I'm just out of motivation.

(I might make a Christmas special or maybe a continuation of chapter 15 since I still need to do that... 🥲)

Anyways thanks for understanding if you stuck with me throughout the story! I hope you've enjoyed reading it, as for I just wanted to write a story people would enjoy!

I hope to return soon.


Almost forgot, here's some art by me😱

Almost forgot, here's some art by me😱

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I'll literally die if I don't draw cookies for 000

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I'll literally die if I don't draw cookies for 000.1 seconds

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