Chapter 13

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Warning for this Chapter: -Slight sexual topics later in the chapter- (Don't worry it won't be out of character and it's not that much ahah-)
Pure Vanilla Cookie smiled, as he bent over to pat the cream wolf gently, making the wolf's tail wag while it sat. Pure Vanilla would give the wolf a few more pats before standing back up straight, smiling as the wolf left the room, and soon looking up back at Dark Cacao Cookie looking over him. Pure Vanilla let out a soft chuckle, wrapping his arms around Dark Cacao's neck... making Dark Cacao blush a dark red to the sudden feeling. "Pure Vanilla..." Dark Cacao went back to his usual expression, continuing to blush uncontrollably, slowly putting his hands around Pure Vanilla's waist. Pure Vanilla had a smile on his face as he would blush slightly looking at the taller king. The two stood there looking at each other in the cold and empty room... but yet... it felt warm at the same time. Dark Cacao started to droop as he leaned his body closer to Pure Vanilla's... Pure Vanilla's aroma... his... touch felt so comforting... Dark Cacao felt like he could fall asleep right now. "Dark Cacao, are you alright?" Pure Vanilla asked sounding a little concerned in his tone. Dark Cacao lowered his head down onto Pure Vanilla's chest softly. "Mhm..." Dark Cacao mumbled. Pure Vanilla chuckled again looking at Dark Cacao in awe, now messing with his hair slightly. "Would you like to rest?" Pure Vanilla asked while smiling. Dark Cacao nodded with his head still on Pure Vanilla's chest... it sort of felt like a pillow.
The two would link each others arms as they both walked towards Dark Cacao's chambers, soon opening the room door, and closing it behind them. Pure Vanilla sat on the bedside, patting the spot beside him, and continuing to smile. Dark Cacao soon walked over sitting beside Pure Vanilla on the bed, resting his head on his shoulder, and holding him close. The room was quiet as the two snuggled close... Pure Vanilla soon pulled Dark Cacao down onto the bed laying down on a pillow, with Dark Cacao laying on his soft chest. Dark Cacao blushed in a dark red as his breathing became a bit heavier, moving closer to Pure Vanilla, and gripping his waist gently. Dark Cacao could feel Pure Vanilla's chest rising and lowering as he breathed... hearing his heartbeat as well. Dark Cacao eventually did calm down as his breathing was in his control again... Pure Vanilla made him so calm... just feeling his warmth made Dark Cacao feel like he was somewhere else. Dark Cacao would grip Pure Vanilla's waist a little tighter, digging his face into Pure Vanilla's chest, and closing his eyes. Pure Vanilla would continue to stroke Dark Cacao's hair gently, blushing slightly with the feeling of Dark Cacao gripping him tighter... pulling him closer. Pure Vanilla stopped stroking Dark Cacao's hair... he could feel Dark Cacao's cold hands slowly go up his back under his robe... making a small shiver go up his spine. "Dark... Cacao...?" Pure Vanilla slightly jolted feeling Dark Cacao's rough hands grip his back. "Mh..." Dark Cacao wouldn't let go as he stayed in the same position... slowly wrapping himself onto Pure Vanilla now. Pure Vanilla blushed feeling the sensation of Dark Cacao all around him. "I love you." Dark Cacao said in a tired tone, gripping Pure Vanilla slightly tighter than before, and bringing one of his hands onto Pure Vanilla's thigh. Pure Vanilla moaned quietly feeling Dark Cacao's hand latch onto his thigh, making Pure Vanilla blush in embarrassment as he hid his face with his hands. "Pure Vanilla... are you alright...?" Dark Cacao said in concern, slightly lifting his head up to see a better view of Pure Vanilla. Pure Vanilla nodded, continuously blushing as he hid his face. Dark Cacao smiled as he lowered Pure Vanilla's hands with one of his. "Please don't hide... I want to see your face." Dark Cacao said, giving Pure Vanilla a warming smile. Pure Vanilla blushed more just looking at Dark Cacao smile...  "I-I'm sorry..." Pure Vanilla said in a quiet voice... still sort of embarrassed... he's never acted this shy around Dark Cacao... ever. "Why are you apologizing? You don't need to apologize to me Pure Vanilla... it's ok..." Dark Cacao said trying to make Pure Vanilla as comfortable as possible... softly grabbing his waist without hesitation. Pure Vanilla would smile again, grabbing Dark Cacao's face gently, and leaning towards him. "Thank you Dark Cacao... you mean a lot to me..." Pure Vanilla said, giving Dark Cacao a soft kiss on the lips. Dark Cacao smiled under the kiss, soon kissing Pure Vanilla back. They both pulled apart still holding each other close... both of them resting peacefully... looking at each other... with...

and affection.

"Good night my love..." Pure Vanilla said giving Dark Cacao a soft kiss on the forehead. "Good night..." Dark Cacao said back, in a more relaxed tone. Pure Vanilla would smile as he soon fell fast asleep... with Dark Cacao putting his face into Pure Vanilla's chest again softly... feeling safe in Pure Vanilla's arms.
I sit on a tree stump out of breath from running for so long... I'd look around at all the beautiful flowers and shrubs surrounding me. The moonlight would hit at the perfect spot making the whole area seem like it was shining... it's much more beautiful that it being covered in snow sometimes... although this spot does seem familiar... haven't I seen this in a dream before...? How odd.
I stop looking around as I hear a rustling through the trees behind me... I stood up quickly pulling out my sword.
"Who's there? Show yourself!"
I'd yell out as I turned.
I stopped turning as I saw a figure emerge out of the darkness, and into the moonlight...
The cookie was blonde... he had tan skin... and he had a blue and white uniform on... he seemed to be carrying a book with him. He seemed familiar... oh wait... it's the cookie I ran into earlier...

he looks even prettier in the moonlight...
wait... nevermind.

There was a small moment of silence as we would both look at each other.
I soon lowered my sword looking the other way as I slightly felt my face heat up.
"Hello again... I believe I've haven't introduced myself last time we've met..."
The small cookie said as he chuckled
"My name is Pure Vanilla Cookie."
The small cookie said with a warming smile
"Pure Vanilla... that's a pretty name..."
I said.
The smaller cookie chuckled again as I stood there blushing slightly...
I cleared my throat as I took a step closer towards Pure Vanilla Cookie.
"I'm Dark Cacao Cookie..."
I said trying to keep myself together...
"It's nice to meet you Dark Cacao Cookie."
Pure Vanilla said in a soft voice.
There was another moment of silence as Pure Vanilla Cookie would walk past me sitting on the side of the stump.
"I've never thought anyone else would find this place..." Pure Vanilla Cookie said as he caressed one of the flowers near him.
I would stand there... sort of nervous... just staring at the cookie... he looked so pretty...
"Well... since you're here... I'd like to get to know you better... I mean... if you have the time to..."
Pure Vanilla Cookie would say as I could see his face turn slightly red.
I would nod as I sat beside him in the tree stump...
"You're not from here are you?"
Pure Vanilla Cookie asked.
"Then, where are you from if you don't mind me asking?"
"I'm from the Dark Cacao Kingdom..."
I said nervously...
"Oh, that's quite far away isn't it?"
Pure Vanilla would say with a smile.
I nodded shyly
"I feel like you and me will be great friends... Dark Cacao Cookie."
Pure Vanilla said continuing to smile.
It felt like I had butterflies in my stomach as he said that... maybe even in my throat!
But why.
We would talk for hours... it only felt like minutes went by... it feels like we've known each other for so long even though I had just met him... so strange.
End of Chapter 13

Author note -
I need to get Golden Cheese Cookie in the game right now I swear to god ☹️

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