Chapter 5

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Hey! Sorry for the wait again, I got caught up in a vacation my parents decided to have early. Anyway here's the chapter!
(I'm also adding more Cookies so it's more interesting :])

Continuation of Chapter 3...
Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla continue to sit close looking at the sunset as it gets lower making all the flowers look like they sparkle in the sunlight, and it seemed peaceful, a bit too peaceful... it was weird how the two felt like this every time they were alone together. Dark Cacao looks over at Pure Vanilla in awe "You know Pure Vanilla... it seems like the sun hits your dough as although you always shine everywhere you go..." Dark Cacao says in his more soothing voice, as he smiled at Pure Vanilla, with Pure Vanilla looking back at him, blushing a little as he smiled back. "T-thank you..." Pure Vanilla blushed a bit more as he thought about what Dark Cacao said, looking the other way. Dark Cacao scooted a bit closer to Pure Vanilla as he laid his head gently on Pure Vanillas lap smiling up at him. "I mean it..." Dark Cacao says in a soft voice making Pure Vanilla blush as he smiled back at Dark Cacao. Pure Vanilla started to mess with Dark Cacaos hair running his hand through it like silk. This soothed Dark Cacao making him feel weaker than usual, how odd...? The two cookies chatted as the sun kept getting lower not really caring about anything else around them.

Gingerbrave is currently visiting the Holly Berry Kingdom, since his friends wanted to go, and he was quite curious why. His friends seemed to wander off though as he just finished buying a basket of delicious berries. As Gingerbrave started to look around he ran into Wildberry and Crunchy Chip Cookie, Gingerbrave thought it was quite odd for Crunchy Chip to be here by himself, and with Wildberry... He didn't seem to mind at all though as he kept looking around walking up to the two to say hello. "Hello there Gingerbrave, how are you doing?" Wildberry Cookie asks. "I'm doing great! It's so nice to come back to the Holly Berry Kingdom to try all the great food!" Gingerbrave said as he ate a berry in one bite smiling at Wildberry and Crunchy Chip Cookie. "Say... why is Crunchy Chip Cookie here?" Gingerbrave asks as he gets another berry from the basket he bought. "Oh... uh..." Crunchy Chip tries to think of something before Wildberry could say anything as he scratched the back of his head. "He's here for a visit just like you are, I just wanted to show him around... thats all." Wildberry looked at Gingerbrave smiling as Crunchy Chip nodded still scratching the back of his head. "Ohh, ok! You two have fun!" Gingerbrave said as he walked away, waving at the two and, leaving to find his friends again. Not so long after Gingerbrave looked everywhere looking in bushes, and around trees. But... he paused... looking through a bush, and seeing Pure Vanilla Cookie... with Dark Cacao Cookie? I mean he was Gingerbraves icon but what was he doing here? GingerBrave must've thought it was just another meeting for the ancient cookies... but where was Holly Berry Cookie, and Golden Cheese Cookie? Gingerbrave took a look closer as he could see Dark Cacao Cookie... smiling? That seemed even more odd, today just seemed to be getting weirder making Gingerbrave feel like he was in a fever dream... or something. Well now he at least knew that Crunchy Chip didn't get here all alone. Gingerbrave listened closely as Dark Cacao seemed to be talking now... he could make out some words. "You... shine?" Gingerbrave seemed even more confused as to what he meant, was he actually listening right? Gingerbrave gets startled as Strawberry Cookie taps his shoulder. "Gingerbrave... we've been looking for you..." Strawberry Cookie says. "Mhm." Wizard Cookie mumbles "Shhh..." Gingerbrave shushes the two as he looks back at Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla Cookie. "Look at this." Gingerbrave says quietly. Wizard Cookie shrugs as he looks at Strawberry Cookie looking at him. The two other cookies take a peak through the bushes seeing Pure Vanilla Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie. "What are they doing Gingerbrave?" Strawberry Cookie asks. "I'm... not sure." Gingerbrave says. Wizard Cookie squints his eyes as he looks closer trying to hear some words from the two and getting a better look at their faces. "I don't feel like we should be stalking them... it makes me nervous..." Strawberry Cookie says as she walks back. "Hm... Wizard Cookie, do you know what's going on?" Gingerbrave ask as he looks over at Wizard Cookie focused on the two ancients. "I... they seem... to be... close... VERY close." Wizard Cookie says as he looks like he wants to take back the words he said. I mean he wasn't against anything... he just didn't think they would... like each other like that. "What do you mean... very close?" Strawberry Cookie asks as she looks even more nervous than before. "Like you mean..." Gingerbrave couldn't even finish his sentence as Wizard Cookie cut him off. "Yes... that." Wizard Cookie says as he looks at Gingerbrave actually looking serious. "Aww that's actually cute!" Gingerbrave said as he puts his hands together. Strawberry Cookie seemed shy now "I mean... yeah... I agree..." StrawBerry Cookie says as she tries to hide her blush in her hoodie just thinking about it. "I think we should go..." Wizard Cookie says as he gets up out of the bush. "Yeah we should..." Strawberry Cookie says. "Yeah alright..." Gingerbrave took one last look at the two ancients as they were even closer holding each others hands smiling at each other. Dark Cacaos head was laying on Pure Vanillas lap, both of them just smiling... Gingerbrave felt happy for the two as he got up walking away with the both of his friends chatting with them.

End of Chapter 5

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