Chapter 18

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- Drawing drawn by me :)

Dark Cacao opened his eyes, blinking a few times while looking up at the ceiling.

"Since when was I in my bed...?"

Dark Cacao thought to himself in deep thought.
He would breathe slowly...
The warmth he used to feel has parted his side...
He kept a frown on his face, sucking his teeth in pain as he sat up.
Dark Cacao would look around the room of hopes of seeing Pure Vanilla Cookie, but he was nowhere to be seen.
He looked upset with his eyebrows furrowed, looking down at his legs in the blanket covering up most of his body.
He would let out a low sigh, digging his face into his hands, and letting out a groan of exhaust.

"How did... I end up here...?"


It had been hours...
Dark Cacao laid in his bed with a warm towel on his forehead.
Other guards and milk villagers had entered into the room a few times, making sure their king was ok...
But no Pure Vanilla Cookie in sight.
Not even once.
Dark Cacao felt upset again, with his head aching like a hurricane...

He just couldn't think straight. (Because he ain't 🤨)

Dark Cacao sighed, blaming himself for letting his guard down.
This wouldn't have happened if he had been more careful.
Dark Cacao just closed his eyes, hoping that this would pass over soon.
As soon as he closed his eyes shut, he suddenly heard footsteps outside his door, and the door slowly opening.
He quickly sat up as he opened his eyes, in hopes it was Pure Vanilla...

But, it was Caramel Arrow Cookie.

Dark Cacao frowned as he slumped back onto the bed.
It wasn't like he didn't like Caramel Arrow...
He just wanted to see Pure Vanilla,  since they always got caught up in their own kingdom duties, they barely got to see each other.

"My king, is everything alright?"

Caramel Arrow asked as she stood in the doorway.
Dark Cacao let out a groan.
Was all he could say.
There was some silence between the two...

"Caramel Arrow... where is Pure Vanilla... is he ok?

Dark Cacao asked in his usual deep voice, breaking the silence.

"Yes your majesty, he's doing alright to say in the least... he's a bit busy at the moment taking care of everything around the citadel for you, I've been helping as well."

Dark Cacao paused, not expecting to hear that at all...
A small smile would slowly appear on his face.

"Hm... well... tell him I said thank you... oh, and thank you as well Caramel Arrow... you're very much appreciated in your hard work."

Caramel Arrow would smile, almost trying not to squeal in excitement by the compliment.

"Thank you my king, please feel better soon, everyone misses your company."

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