Chapter 21

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Yay! I found my motivation again!

It had been a few days after Dark Cacao had sent that letter to Pure Vanilla, he was getting ready to depart his kingdom to go meet the cookie he had always loved, in hopes of helping him overcome these feelings of guilt and sadness. Even if he wasn't the best at comforting, he would at least try.

He went through the snowy tundra, only with his gear and sword, he was quite used to this by now... it barely seemed to bother him, always being in the cold. It would at least take him a few hours to get to the Vanilla Kingdom, he knew how to get there easily without having any problems, for that was the least of his worries. The only thing he could think of was Pure Vanilla, it made him feel warmer throughout the cold, blush spreading on his face once his smile came across his mind. But he had to focus... focus on getting to Pure Vanilla Cookie. But all he could think about was him, only making his blush worsen... after all he really had a soft spot for him.

After hours of walking he had finally arrived at the Vanilla Kingdom, with his sword in his grasp and his gaze on the castle, he walked deeper into the lively kingdom, heading towards the castle.


"Goodbye my friend, it was nice talking, I'll see you sometime tomorrow!"
Pure Vanilla Cookie spoke in a soft tone as he dashed off, waving goodbye as we parted our ways.
I would smile as I waved back to Pure Vanilla Cookie, who headed back to the academy.
Once again, I was left alone in silence by myself... or so I thought.
The sound of rustling from the bushes coming from behind me disturbed my silence.
I jumped as I turned only to see Hollyberry.
"Hollyberry wha-"
"Dark Cacao Cookie! It's nice to see you!"
Hollyberry said cheerfully, giving me a unexpected hug.
"It's nice to see you too..."
I mumbled once she let me go.
"Aw come on! don't be so shy...!"
She teased as she gave me a nudge on the elbow.
"I'm sorry... I can't help it."
I responded as I rubbed my arm nervously.
Hollyberry raised her eyebrow at me, I would only look at her in confusion.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
I'd mumbled once I put my hand down back to my side.
"You know why."
She'd put her hand on her hip, only giving me a smug look as a response.
I blushed, trying shaking it off as I scoffed her.
"Stop it..."
I spoke in a quiet tone, seeming a bit more serious.
"You like him don't you!"
I blushed even more, looking away to the side quickly to hide it.
"Come on it's obvious!"
I stayed silent for a moment, eventually opening my mouth to say something.
"Was it really that obvious?"
Holly berry squealed as she jumped up and down.
"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"
"Ok ok you got me... can you please calm down..."
Hollyberry stopped jumping as she smiled brightly.
"I'm sorry I just can't help it!"
I chuckled a bit, looking at her with blush still plastered on my face.
"You promise to keep it a secret?"
I spoke, seeming to get a bit more serious.
"I Promise."
Hollyberry responded.
I knew from that day forward she was always honest with her words, and she would never tell a soul.
But still... I wonder... was she spying on us...?!

{End of FlashBack}


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