Chapter 4

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Sorry about the wait, thank you for waiting though!

Pure Vanilla sat in his barstool seat taking small sips of his drink, looking over at Holly Berry and Dark Cacao, with Holly Berry enjoying herself, and Dark Cacao smiling at Holly Berrys jokes. Seeing Dark Cacao smile made Pure Vanilla smile sweetly while beaming a little. Pure Vanilla loved the bar, only for its cheerful cookies that went there to celebrate, or to have fun with his friends. Pure Vanilla seemed to be enjoying himself as he took more small sips of his drink enjoying the taste. Dark Cacao turned to Pure Vanilla looking all drowsy and drunk... Pure Vanilla looked confused knowing that Dark Cacao was ok just a few minutes ago. "Well Hello there- *hic* P-pure Vanillaa~ *hic*" Pure Vanilla looked at Dark Cacao in a surprised look with his eyes wide open, "Dark Cacao...?" Dark Cacao suddenly grasped Pure Vanillas hand and rubbing it against his cold cheek making Pure Vanilla blush a little. Pure Vanilla didn't really seem to mind as he giggled a bit but Pure Vanilla looked over at Holly Berry with her catching Pure Vanillas attention. Holly Berry was laughing, watching the two... making Pure Vanilla sigh. Looking back at Dark Cacao still gripping his hand tightly making Pure Vanilla chuckle softly as Dark Cacao seemed to be swaying a little. "I think someone's a little clingy~" Holly Berry says in the background, smirking a big smile, kind of ruining the moment with her looking a bit tipsy as she was already used to drinking so much. Dark Cacao looks over to Holly Berry, "Clingy...? " Pure Vanilla didn't say anything blushing a little bit as he looked at Holly Berry in a more serious way. "Mhmm..." Holly Berry continued to smirk at the two feeling like she accomplished something. Dark Cacao's face  fell onto Pure Vanillas shoulder making Pure Vanilla smile as he looked over at Dark Cacao still a mess... but he smiled back all drunk like. "You're so pretty... *hic* Pure Vanilla..." Pure Vanilla smiled softly looking into Dark Cacao's eyes, "W-well thank you, that's very sweet of you Dark Cacao..."

As the sun started to set the three ancients went back to their kingdoms, well almost all of them...

Pure Vanilla tries to drag Dark Cacao along back to his castle since he's too drunk to go back to his own kingdom and since it was too far away, Pure Vanilla decided to let him stay at his for a little while. "Mhh..." Dark Cacao groans as he is being dragged by Pure Vanilla, Pure Vanilla stops to look at Dark Cacao, "Come here... let me carry you instead since you won't walk..." "I... Wh-what?" Dark Cacao blushed a little, "Just come here..." Pure Vanilla said as he reached his arms out to Dark Cacao. Dark Cacao swayed over to Pure Vanilla laying his head on Pure Vanillas chest as Pure Vanilla picks him up gently in bridal style. "There that should be more comfortable for you." Pure Vanilla says with a smile as Dark Cacao digs his head deeper into Pure Vanillas chest. "H-how can you... *hic* urgh..." Dark Cacao felt sick to his stomach as he felt like he would pass out in Pure Vanillas arms as he was being carried. "Well I'm not sure how I can carry you... but you're lighter than I thought you'd be!" Pure Vanilla said giggling. Pure Vanilla looks down at Dark Cacao... hearing him making groans of pain as he curls up against Pure Vanilla more. "Are you alright?" Pure Vanilla asks with a concerned look on his face. "N-no..." Dark Cacao said quietly. "We're almost at my kingdom, whenever we get there you'll be able to rest and get better... ok?" Pure Vanilla said as he was worried about Dark Cacao "O-ok..."
As the two arrived at the Vanilla kingdom stopping at Pure Vanillas castle, Pure Vanilla goes inside and walking down a long hallway lit with the shining sunlight with the sun setting. As he approaches his room door Pure Vanilla opens it closing it behind him. The sunlight shone through the curtains making everything in the room shimmer in a beautiful yellow color.

(Sorry about the image being blurry)Pure Vanilla sets Dark Cacao gently on his bed covering him in the comfortable silk blanket, and putting Dark Cacaos hair back out of his face

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(Sorry about the image being blurry)
Pure Vanilla sets Dark Cacao gently on his bed covering him in the comfortable silk blanket, and putting Dark Cacaos hair back out of his face. "Pure... Pure Vanilla...?" Dark Cacao seemed like he was half awake... he still felt drowsy... "It's ok Dark Cacao you can rest now..." Pure Vanilla said softly as he put one of his hands on Dark Cacaos forehead gently healing him slowly making the room glow dimly. Dark Cacao fell fast asleep mumbling to himself as Pure Vanilla brought his hand back off of Dark Cacaos forehead, and onto Dark Cacaos hand rubbing it gently. Pure Vanilla blushed a little Smiling watching Dark Cacao sleep peacefully. "Good night my love" Pure Vanilla said under his breath as he got into the bed on the other side, snuggling against Dark Cacao feeling warm, and fuzzy. Dark Cacao snuggled up closer to Pure Vanilla with both of the cookies sleeping close together, and their breaths hitting each other... Holding each others hands feeling... loved.

End of Chapter 4

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