Chapter 3... You don't belong here

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The best thing for you to do now is to just stay calm, and open the door. You didn't do anything illegal, so you should be fine.

You calm yourself down, they're just here to ask some questions probably. It's not going to be that bad. You breath in and out before making your way to the door.

You walk up to the door and unlock it. You open the door and you're greeted by two heavily armed fursuits

 You open the door and you're greeted by two heavily armed fursuits

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Jesus... They must take crime very seriously around here, but at the same time.. why does everyone have a outfit. You were beginning to think it wasn't a costume.

The two armed cops look at you with shock, almost as if they didn't expect you to open the door.. but you're shocked that they look like that.

The white cat thing, or whatever that's supposed to be.. begins to talk to you.

???: "Hello... We want to ask a few questions. Is that okay?"

She seems very confused by your appearance. Apparently you're the weirdo here.

Y/N: "Yeah, that's fine."

???: "Okay, we got a call about a suspicious figure with no fur wondering the streets. We were told he came here."

Y/N: "What do you mean no fur?"

???: "I mean it didn't have fur.. or a snout.. kinda like you."

Y/N: "Uh... Is this a joke?"

You couldn't believe what she was saying, but you begin to question the people around this city more... Were they wearing a costume? Or could they really be... No no no. Can't be. That's impossible.

???: "Sir, I promise you this is very serious."

Y/N: "Well, you're just wearing a costume.. right?"

You really didn't know what else to say at this point. You were busy wondering if this was real or not.

???: "You think this body armor is just a costume?"

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