Chapter 16... Skyscraper

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You slowly open your eyes, but your vision is still slightly blurry. And your head still hurts. You blink a few times and you try to get a understanding of what's going on.

Where are you?
What happened?
What's going to happen?
Where the hell is Dome?
What did you do?
How much time has past?

You had several questions, and you could hardly remember what even happened.

You still had your visor and everything still on.. Maybe they didn't take it off since protogen aren't supposed to be able to take the visor off. Right now, they probably think your a different protogen with a broken visor.

But you can't hide like this forever.

You get some of your vision back. It looks like you were just laying on the floor. You look around the room and...

Dome: "Hello!"

You hear Dome's excited voice yell at you. You jump since you didn't expect it, but then you turn around see Dome sitting on a stone bench.

Dome: "Rise and shine sleepyhead!"

You didn't remember much... but you did remember that whatever happened was his fault.

Y/N: "Where the fuck are we!?"

You say angrily at him.

Dome: "A Sky dock!"

Y/N: "What?"

You look around the room some more. It looked similar to the interrogation room, but it instead of a table and chairs.. it had two stone benches on the wall.

There was also a single door to the room. You walk over to it and try to open it, but it was locked.

Dome: "Okay... so basically we got caught bro."

Y/N: "Wow no shit!"

Dome: "Yeah... and they locked us in here."

You already assumed that. You may have a hard time remembering what exactly happened, but you kinda already knew that you were locked in a room somewhere.

Y/N: "Thank you Captain obvious. What would we ever do without your stupidity?"

Dome: "Ouch... damn dude."

Maybe you were a little mean, but it is his fault that you're here.. so you don't really care.

Y/N: "You said we were in a... What now?"

Dome: "Sky dock!"

You knew what a boat dock was.. but you never heard of a sky dock before.

Y/N: "Huh?"

Dome: "A Sky dock!"

Y/N: "No I heard you.. I just don't know what that is."

Dome: "Oh, Okay so you remember how I told you that some of the skyscrapers are made to be docks for the New Skies airship?"

Y/N: "No... Not really."

Dome: "Oh... well those cop dudes took us inside one of those skyscrapers so we can be transported inside the airship."

So they captured you.. and now they're going to take you inside the airship. Well at least you get to see the ship up close.

Y/N: "Okay... How much time has past since they took us here?"

Dome: "uh.. not too long... Probably about..

He thought for a minute.

Dome: "Maybe the whole day."

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