Chapter 25... High tech

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You slowly open your eyes as you start to wake up. You didn't get the best sleep ever last night, but it was good enough.

Sleeping next to Densantra wasn't so bad. It almost gave you comfort, knowing that you're resting next to someone you trust.

You lift you head up an-

Dome: "Hello!"


You could no longer wake up peacefully... Because Dome will always be there to scare the ever living daylight out of you. At least you can count on him to get you energized in the morning.

Dome: "Sorry! But I only got like 3 hours of sleep last night."

Y/N: "Then how are you so excited right now?"

Dome: "Because I found something about that Kory guy!"

Well that's good. You won't have to think of a different plan.

Y/N: "Okay... Just give me a sec."

Dome: "1... Okay you're taking too long!"

Dome grabs your arm and lifts you up. Forcing you to stand on your feet.

Dome: "By that way..."

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Dome: "I had a inflatable mattress you could've slept on."

You just stare at Dome.

Dome: "Yeah... Sorry."

Y/N: "Fuck off."

Dome: "Language! Let's keep this morning family friendly!"

You look around and see Densantra on her phone while sitting on the mattress, and Sapphire still laying down, but it looks like she's starting to wake up.. probably because of Dome's loud noise.

Y/N: "So whacha find?"

Dome: "Look at this."

Dome takes you over to his desk where his computer set up is.

Dome: "So last night, I was digging up some old stuff I might have that mention Dr. Kory."

Y/N: "Okay."

Dome: "Yeah, well.. I didn't find anything on paper, but I did find something on my computer."

Dome sits in his chair and pulls himself to the computer screens.

Dome: "While I was searching, my computer started acting weird."

Y/N: "What do you mean?"

Dome: "Like... I was glitching out or something. I'm not sure how to explain it to be honest.. the screen was just acting strange."

Y/N: "Okay?"

It just sounds like he needs a new screen.

Dome: "So I went over to see what was going on... And..."

Dome types on his keyboard, and pulls up a map of the city on the computer screen. It was like something off of Google maps.

Dome: "The computer kinda like... Automatically went to this map and zoomed in on one specific area in the city."

Y/N: "The computer just did that by itself?"

Dome: "Yup.. I swear I'm not making this up bro."

So based off what Dome was saying.. the computer glitched and it just so happened to go to the map of the city and zoom in on one area in it.

Y/N: "It's probably not that big of a deal."

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