Chapter 48... Canal

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I wasn't expecting for everyone to love the last chapter so much. Thank you for y'all's support!

I shorten down this chapter though unfortunately due to the little vacation I went on. I didn't have much time to work on the story and I don't like to keep y'all waiting too long. But don't worry, this chapter is still over 5,000 words long.

That's it. Now enjoy this chapter!


You've been walking for a good bit of time now. You've been trying to hide from the airship as it would occasionally come into view. It's large spotlights shining down and scanning the city. However, you were able to get far enough away from it that you didn't have to worry about it... For now at least.

The rain has slowed down, but it was still some light rain. It was bearable, unlike earlier with how heavy it was. Densantra also had her umbrella out which you were all trying to stay under, except for Amber. She didn't seem to mind the few and small drops that would land on her head every now and again.

Sapphire: "What's next?"

Dome: "We find a way to show the city what we found."

Amber: "Can we chill for a minute? Go somewhere to eat and stuff? I'm exhausted after all of that."

Densantra: "Yeah, I'm with her on this one. We should probably find a place to sit for a while."

Dome: "Alright fine... I guess I could use a drink."

You continue to walk down the road. There weren't very many people around right now. They're probably inside their homes watching the news about what happened in the F.U.R tower.

As you walked, you look for somewhere to stop by and maybe eat something. Or get something to drink. That's when you notice something that catches your eye.

The sidewalk you were traveling on splits into two paths. One was just heading towards where you were already going, but the other goes between two buildings, and towards the sound of running water.

The alleyway had lights hanging from one building to the other just above your head. It also looked like there were more people walking pass at the end of the Alleyway.

Y/N: "Hey, what's this?"

You ask. Your friends stop to look at the small Alleyway that seemed to lead towards something.

Dome: "Oh... I think I know what this is! Follow me! Like you always do!"

Dome excitedly walks down the lit up Alleyway. Red, yellow, and orange lights hanging above you. You and your friends follow Dome to see where this leads to. Judging by the people walking pass, it must be something.

When you get to the end of the small Alleyway, the sound of water gets slightly louder, but not too loud. More like a calm stream of water. You look around as Rain has stopped falling on you and Densantra's umbrella. Not because it stopped raining... It still was, but now you were standing underneath the overhang of several buildings.

Wherever you were now... It had a cozy feeling to it with all of the warm lights brightening up the scene. In front of you wasn't a road though... It was a river.. A canal.

 A canal

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