Chapter 1... A new morning

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You wake up to the sound of birds chirping. Today was the day. You were going to help run a experiment that will hopefully teleport you.

You couldn't believe that we had gotten this far with technology. You quickly jump out of your bed and head to the bathroom.

You take a bath, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, and all of that Before getting your jacket on and walking out your front door.

You see a hornet fly pass you. You may have to check to make sure they're no hornet nests around, but you'll worry about that later. You were busy having a good morning.

You still had some time to spare before you have to be there. Do you decide to call your mom real quick to tell her the news. She lived decently far away from where you were, but she was just as good as any other mom.


Mom: "Oh, hello Y/N! You're calling me early in the morning.

Y/N: "Hey, and yeah I know sorry.. but you're not going to believe what I'm going to do today!"

Mom: "Oh? What is it?"

Y/N: "Just the other day, some guys knocked on my door and asked if I would be willing to help run a test for a prototype."

Mom: "A prototype? What is it exactly?"

Y/N: "Teleportation! Yeah I know I know.. it sounds like a sci phi movie, but I'm serious."

Mom: "Actually I read on a news paper about future teleportation, but I didn't really believe it.

Y/N: "Oh it's true! They already tested it on small objects like fruits and stuff like that, but they need to know how it does with living things."

Mom: "Uh... Are you sure about that? Could be dangerous you know..."

Y/N: "Trust me, they told me that they were super confident in it."

Mom: "Okay, if you say so... Just call me again when you're done, okay?"

Y/N: "Okay I will, don't worry about it. I'll call you later. Love you."

Mom: "Love you too sweetie."


After saying bye you hang up the phone.

You were excited to help with the test, but also a little nervous. You try not to think about all the bad things that could happen. After all, they did say that they were confident in it.

You look around for anything you can do while since you still have some time before you need to start heading over to where they told you to go. Fortunately it was your day off of work so you didn't need to worry about your boss getting upset with you.

You decide to hang around the park for a little while. You take a seat on the bench you would always sit on everytime you come to this park. This seat always had a perfect view of the warm morning sun. The way the sun shines from behind all the skyscrapers, it was something you couldn't help but smile at.

You were always the kind of guy to focus on the good of everything. Of course there would be times where you might panic a little, but it would always turn out just fine.

You could just imagine how teleportation would change the world. People could pay to teleport to a restaurant or a amusement park. It could also just replace airports all together, but that's assuming it can teleport that far. You really didn't know much about how the teleporter worked. How far can it go? Can it teleport more than one thing at a time? Who knows, but there's only one was to find out.

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