Chapter 27... Blackout

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Sorry this took a little longer than I wanted it too. I wrote like 1,000 words into this chapter, then I decided I didn't like it and I scraped all of it.

But I hope you like this chapter anyway! Enjoy!


You stood amongst the crowd of people as you and Poly stare at each other.. while Dome stayed pinned to the floor.

Poly: "I was wondering when I would see you again."

Poly had Dome trapped in the ground. You have to think of a way to help him.

Y/N: "What do you want?"

You really didn't feel like dealing with this guy again.

Poly: "You're coming with me. Don't resist, or I'll have to use aggressive force."

Poly reached into his back pocket for something. You knew that Poly wasn't going to just let you get away so easily like he did last time, but you weren't going to leave Dome.

Poly pulls out a syringe that had a green liquid inside of it. It was like the one he used to stab you with.

Poly raises his arm, ready to stab Dome with the needle.

Y/N: "H-Hey! There's no need for any of that.. Okay?"

Dome: "Yeah! Listen to him!"

Poly: "I prefer to do it anyway. It's just easier."

Poly then quickly moves his back arm down, and shoves the needle into Dome's neck.

Dome let's out a small yelp of surprise, before Poly pulls the needle of of Dome's neck and he stands up.. while Dome laid on the floor.

Dome: "Ouch man... That kinda hurt you know?"

Dome attempts to stand up, but he looks tired.

Dome: "I... I'm feeling kinda Sleepy actually... Is there like... A bed? Or something?"

Poly ignores Dome, and he stars at you.

Poly: "Hands where I can see them."

Poly demands.

Sapphire: "W-What did you do to him?"

Poly: "Don't worry about it."

You already know what Poly did to Dome.. because he did the same thing to you one time.

Dome: "I... I uh..."

Dome continues to lay on the floor, as the crowd just stands and watch. Dome looked like his body was starting to get weak. He couldn't lift himself up.

Poly: "Now, hands where I can see them. I won't ask again."

Knowing Poly... He'll probably escalate this more than it has to be. You're not sure how he found you, or why it seems like he's alone... No police backup or anything. Just Poly.

Y/N: "I'm not trying to cause any trouble."

Poly: "Good, now raise your hands."

???: "They don't have to listen to you!"

A random person in the crowd yells.


You look at Dome. He looked basically unconscious now.

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