Chapter 29... Frosty Ride

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Dome: "Alright. I think. I found a place. It's not too far from here."

Sapphire: "That's good."

Dome has been searching for a place to rent a car. This way you won't have to walk in the snow.

Densantra: "I'm having trouble finding anything about the ship."

Densantra was busy trying to learn about the PartyHeart ship. All you know about it is that it's some sort of boat ride around the city, but it was shut down a while ago. Sounds like they brought it back though.

Dome: "Okay, well should we just go ahead and leave?"

Densantra: "Do you even know where to go?"

Dome: "Not really... But maybe we can find some hot chocolate somewhere!"

Y/N: "That actually sounds pretty good."

Densantra: "Fine. I'll let y'all know if I find anything."

Dome: "Okay cool, now pack your stuff! We're going on a road trip!"

Sapphire: "Sucks that it's freezing out there though."

Dome: "You'll be fine."

You put on your visor mask. You don't want anyone other than your friends to see your face right now.

Dome opens the door to the outside. It was still snowing pretty heavily, but it at least slowed down just a tad.

Now you realized that you should've gotten Dome something to wear too. Hopefully his fur will be enough for now.

Dome: "We ready to go?"

Sapphire: "Yep. Coming."

Densantra: "Lead the way."

Dome: "Wait! I almost forgot!"

Y/N: "What? What is it?"

Do.e turns back around and walks towards the table that the drone was laying on. He then grabs the circular holographic device you used to talk to Bella.

Dome: "Okay, now let's go."

Densantra: "That thing is out of batteries by the way."

Dome: "That won't be a problem."

Dome walks out the door. You make sure the visor mask was fully on before following him outside, and into the snow.

Sapphire: "Okay. So where is this place?"

Dome: "Like I said. It's not far from here. Just play follow the leader!"

Sapphire: "Got it."

You follow Dome out of the Alleyway and back on the streets.

Densantra still had her phone out. Looked like she was reading something.

Dome: "Okay... So it should be... Oh!"

Dome looks off and into he distance.

Dome: "There it is!"

Dome looks at building with a neon sign that says, "Rent-A-Car!" Very creative name. Something tells you that this is the place where you can rent a car.

The building was slightly difficult to see thanks to the fog, but it was still visible.

Dome: "See? Told you it wasn't far at all!"

Sapphire: "Let's just hurry up and get a car."

Dome: "Okay okay."

You start making your way to the building. The air was still cold. You can only hope that it will clear up soon, but you're just gonna have to deal with it for now.

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