Chapter 30... Armored up

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New book called "Story of Dome" is now out. Updates for it will be slow, but you can read the first two parts of it. Also it's a prequel to this story. It takes place in the same world, but it follows Dome before he met Y/N.

That story will really only work if you've read this story, and enjoy it so far... But probably you do if you made it this far. So if you want another story that takes place in this world... And is about dome... Then you might enjoy that book.

Anyways, enjoy!


Y/N: "Are we there yet?"

Dome: "No."

Y/N: "How about now?"

Dome: "Nope."

You wait about 2 seconds.

Y/N: "Now?"

Dome: "Yes."

Y/N: "Wait... Really?"

Dome: "No, I lied."

Y/N: "Oh."

You haven't been waiting in this car for that long, but you wanted to mess with Dome a little.

It shouldn't take too much longer until you get to that car accident which apparently involves a armored F.U.R truck. Dome thinks this truck has something important on it, so he's driving you, Densantra, and Sapphire to the scene. That way you can do some illegal stuff.

Sapphire: "I feel like this isn't a good idea Dome."

Dome: "Gotta take risks."

Densantra: "We'll be fine Sapphire. If anything happens, I got your back."

Sapphire: "Thanks."

Densantra: "No problem."

Sapphire looked nervous about this whole thing. Meanwhile.. you weren't exactly excited to do this, but you were willing to do it.

Dome: "Last time I broke into one of these trucks, I went completely fine. No problems at all."

Sapphire: "Really?"

Dome: "Yup! Even had a friend to help me out... I miss him."

Y/N: "Wait, who?"

Dome: "Not important."

Y/N: "Well I kinda wanna know now. Was it Conner?"

Dome: "No! It wasn't Conner."

You wanted to ask who, but you decide to not put pressure on Dome about it. Though you were curious now.

Densantra: "So... Do you have a actual plan for this whole armored truck thing? Or are we just going to make it up as we go?

Dome: "A little bit of both. That's what I did last time."

Sapphire: "And it worked?"

Dome: "For the most part, Yeah."

Y/N: "For the most part?"

Dome: "Just had to make some small adjustments to my little plan, but it worked out fine."

Y/N: "If you say so."

You should almost be at the wreck now. In fact... You can see it just up the road.

Two cars were wrecked. One was on the side wall while another was next to the armored F.U.R truck. You take a look at the truck. You've never seen one of these before.

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